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Colby Bird

A member registered Mar 09, 2021 · View creator page →

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You are incredible 🙌

This is insanely fun, cannot wait to see more!

Love the way you changed the scene to reflect the weather, kept the experience super immersive. Shout out romance.

So far I've played up until getting my first new queen and I absolutely love it. The look of the game is gorgeous, I love that you can physically see your bees going about their tasks. Gameplay was fun, relaxing, and super polished. Things come at you really fast in the beginning, but other than the relatively generous queen timer I never felt pressured to make too many decisions too quickly. Super fun game

Need to play the other sections so I can catch up on the story. The approach to evidence gathering and deduction was really cool, I love a good mystery game. 

Super solid exploration on the house. Solving the puzzles was relatively straightforward but also really fun. Couldn't finish the sacrificial section because of some issues with body dragging but super enticing experience overall. Having messages come in on the phone was an incredible touch, really boosted immersion.

Super fun physics simulator. Making paths for the bike is cool, but the optimal strat is drawing paths straight through the bike until it self destructs 👌

The story behind the level where the person turned cat is forced to wrestle with his inner demons and past actions in fatherhood (represented by the set of almost neverending and mazelike yet entirely familiar doors) was breathtaking. Leap of faith at the end was a brilliant example of choice-based game design and giving power to the player. Also W for cats, it jumps looking backwards and makes me feel cool

Absolutely insane polish. Entire game looks incredible but I really fell in love with that opening snippet, music change as the squirrel opened the book got me.  Every single image there could (and should) be a desktop background. The platforming mechanic is super fun and levels like the one where you're in freefall from the start really highlight how cool it is.

Legitimately stunning both visually and musically. I still have the backing song stuck in my head. I love walking sim's and this has a perfect atmosphere. Funny glitch where I died and fell off the map stopped me from finishing but that was honestly just a cool alternate ending.

Thank you so much! I figured it would have a learning curve but I'm glad you got used to i

Upset that this is good

Absolutely love this, the polish is insane

Love the idea, the cereal falling sound is really satisfying

All my homies love wafers

Super hard but fun to play, glad you could make something fun despite your situation, take care <3

Super satisfying to play. That background is crazy aswell

Actually insane polish, love the combat. Attacking game is fun and the defense mini games are sick

Game is gorgeous. Love the UI implementing the one button flippy

IMPORTANT NOTE: This version has a pretty bad bug that I forgot to iron out before submission. The game needs to be closed in the boss fight screen or by task manager. Newest download on my page has this fixed <3

Loved the atmosphere and the general vibe. Character control felt great and the random attributes are cool. Need the ending fixed so I can play the whole thing!

The name 'Around the Block' is disgustingly good

Love this approach to the theme. Reading the news is a great mechanic and the fun prompts kept it interesting

Dice bomb is a super sick mechanic, can definitely see how far you could go with that after the last level. Great polish too

Everything just feels super smooth, love the screen shake on the guns. Polished and fun

Short and addictive. Controls took a second to get used to but once I had my 2 hand technique going it was hard to stop going for the high score.

Love the concept behind this, like a funny visual novel with replay value. Dope interpretation of the theme

Love the concept behind this, like a funny visual novel with replay value. Dope interpretation of the theme

The weirdest combination of things but it's so funny. Great experience

Missing the trigger warning, hit very close to hom