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Bird Brain Dev

A member registered Feb 04, 2024 · View creator page →

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Thanks for giving it a try. I am already testing out a updated version which should feel a lot less slippery and floaty while on the ground. Thanks for playing and giving feedback.

Thanks for playing and confirming the need to make the player controller feel less slippery while not in the air

I tuned the player controller to feel good while bunny hopping. I sadly didn't have much time to playtest this time so I realized too late that not everyone is gonna play the game like that. I will definitely work on the controller to make it feel good for both playstyles. Thanks for playing and the feedback 

The movement is tuned to feel good for bunny hopping as I did not playtest enough to realise not everyone is gonna play it like that which results in a very slippy feeling player controller if you take it a bit slower. I will definitely try to make it feel good for both playstyles in the future. Thanks for playing and the feedback.

Wanted to add a proper sky box bit ran out of time. I will definitely add that in the future. The movement is heavily based on the concept that the player bunny hops that's the main reason why it feels so slippery if you dont. Sadly I did not have a lot of playtesters this time so I realised way to late that not everyone will play the game that way. I will look into the controller and work on making it feel good for both playstyles in the future. I also thought about letting the player just shoot the platforms but ultimately decided against it. Will explore this again though and see how it feels. Thanks for playing and the feedback.

Happy to hear that I also had a lot of fun making it and I definitely want to explore the idea a bit more after the jam. You are absolutely right with the rapid sizing and I will change that. I just ran out of time before noticing it and I did not know how to quickly change it without destroying the animation. But there will definitely be a different animation and a way higher "fire rate" for sizing in the future. Thanks for playing and giving feedback

Thank you a lot for the nice word. Glad you enjoyed it, thanks for playing. 

Absolutly dripping with the vibe and style in any way!!! Autstanding visual and sound design really. I was sucked in until the very end and enjoyed every bit of it great job!

ah sorry i dont remember the exact spot but I know it was a upscale "pickup" and right next to it on the right side was a pathway that should only be accesable when you are small. iI dropped down small and kinda slipped under there while scaling up.

I mean cats. Cats are great. The game might be a little bit unbalanced thought. But had a fun time anyways so who really cares. Like i said....CATS!

Really not my genre but I enjoyed it anyways. Feels polished besides a one time i got stuck under a platform while scaling. The level design is challenging enough that you dont just run through them but not to hard to get me stuck.
Also very cute audio and visual design.

I loved the game and your part in the Dan Pos video. The 2D sprites nail the perfect balance between visibility to show a point of interest and blending in to still give the player that "aha, I found something hidden" feeling. The camera detection is sometimes a bit buggy, but it's not a huge bummer. I was very pleasantly surprised to see that you can actually view your pictures and they even get saved to your drive. The constant side quests are a nice addition, giving some extra reason to explore the beautiful environment. Overall, the game reminds me a lot of "Alba: A Wildlife Adventure" and "Penko Park" in all the best ways.

If you plan on taking this game a step further, you could add a photo album of some sort and maybe display some real-world facts about the animals and their habitat to add some educational value. As seen by the example of Alba, these kinds of games can even be commercially successful if sold at a reasonable price. One thing you should definitely add regardless is an FOV slider though.

In my opinion, this game has a lot of potential, but regardless of whether you decide to continue, you can be proud of what you created :)

Done. Best of luck to you!

I like the concept, but the execution needs some work to become really fun. At first, I felt like I was exploiting a glitch by placing the boxes and jumping onto them, alternating between them to gain height. I only realized that this was the intended way of progressing because of the GIF on this page. Also, in case it's intentional that the boxes fall to the ground after a few seconds, you should add some sort of feedback before this happens. This could be an audio hint, some sort of visual effect like the star glowing in a different way, or slowly fading to a different color, or something similar. The placement of the boxes also felt a bit off. It seems like they always get placed a little higher than the "preview" would suggest. Air strafing would also improve the feeling of player movement a lot. A menu with some basic settings like audio sliders, a field of view slider, and some visual settings would also be great. The narrow field of view paired with the motion blur made it really hard for me to enjoy my time with this game. Overall, I think you came up with a cool concept for the jam that could benefit from a few changes and additions.

Glad you had a fun time! I will upload a patched and slightly changed version of the game onced the jam is over but I do not intend to continue development on this game. If you like this kind of game you should check out Escape Simulator(also the main reason why I wont continue development...cant compete with that one). Thanks for playing! 

Done.(did not have to puke....sry) Not my type of game but its well made.

The dialog box in the intro could be a bit bigger (or scaled; I am on a 1440p resolution if that's the reason). The animation, dialog, and overall gameplay loop feel too slow after a few deaths. The delay before the player can move after a reset feels too long and becomes a bit annoying, especially considering that restarting is such a big part of the core loop. The writing is well done; it's humorous without trying too hard. The presentation is polished and well-made. The concept is also fun, but personally, I am not the biggest fan of pure random choices. Overall fun little project!

Thanks for playing and the detailed feedback. 

The projector glitching is weird and as far as I know it did not happen to anyone else but I will take a look at it and see if I can reproduce it. The clipping at the safe and a couple of other places is fixed in the final release. You are so right about the music but sadly I ran out of time to look for something that's fits better with the theme.

Thanks again for playing!

Yes thats it. It feels like there is a very small step or something like that. Hard to explain honestly.

Done. Impressive work for a week, good job!

On very tight and cornered sections, it sometimes feels like you pretty much have to jiggle peek the corners in order to not get hit instantly. Audio feedback for hitting enemies, getting hit, and killing an enemy would be helpful. There is a noticeable "stutter" (lack of a better word) between rooms. You could also add a menu with some basic settings and maybe a reset button. Overall, I am very impressed by this project: stunning visuals, controller feels great and responsive, good music choice, and the game is not too long, so it stays fun until the end. I don't know if it was your intention, but I think it was kind of cool to see the whole map from the top at the end; you could present this a bit more if it was intentional. Great game, good job!

Done.  With a bit of tinkering around this could be a very fun game. Best of luck to you!

First off, I am a HUGE fan of KZ and bhopping and have a nearly 1k hours in Source games only on these kind of servers, and I also like a lot of other fast-paced movement platformers. The idea of this game fits the theme very well, although you could have made the goal also a door back to the hub to lean even more into the theme. A pause menu with basic settings like audio sliders, a back to hub button, and a field of view slider (which would also help with motion sickness and make the game feel faster) would be great additions. Before loading a scene from the hub, you could quickly fade to a white screen to hide freeze frames while loading. A quick reset bind on the R key, for example, could help reduce downtime while falling. You did a great job in making these places feel very big; by removing the floor and just replacing it with dense fog, you could double down on that feeling. At the moment, it's not very visible which platform will behave in which way; you could add slightly different colors or textures for the different kinds of platforms (falling, sliding...). A timer for each level and one for the overall time would give players a reason to keep playing and try to beat their personal best (could even implement a global leaderboard). I think the biggest thing holding this game back is its core player controller. Because it lacks the ability to air strafe, you really limit the possibilities in which players can choose to complete the level. It feels like you constantly need to hold yourself back from going faster because there is no satisfying way to slow down or to control the movement at really fast speeds. If you refine the controller to include proper momentum translation while bhopping and add air strafing, it would improve the overall feeling of the game by a lot. In general, it's a fun concept that is held back by the way the movement feels. Good starting point if you want to continue from here! Best of luck to you!

Well, you were right... really hard to give feedback on this one haha. Liked the moose. Cool little weird project though!

Okay, that was... special. It's really hard to come up with some sort of useful feedback, to be honest. Adding audio sliders at the start could be useful. The only other thing I noticed was that the last sentence from the previous door stays on the screen even when you go to the next door. You could simply set the textbox to empty while the fade to black is happening. Other than that, I really don't know what to say besides thinking that you achieved what you were going for nearly to perfection. Good job on that!

Thanks a lot for the feedback, glad you enjoyed it. I agree with the comment about the level of darkness. I will make sure to make it a bit brighter for the fixed up version after the jam. 

Don't worry I also overscoped by a lot at first. At first the game was supposed to have multiple level with different houses (you can actually see the first level in the background of the main menu, forgot to change that...) The original version of the level that made it into the final project only had a simpler version of the safe puzzle. Changed up the level and added the other puzzles all on Saturday after feedback from playtesters. Biggest advice I can give for jams in regards of overscoping would be...let people playtest as much as possible and cut everything thats not fun. Thanks again for playing!

Thanks a lot for trying it again. You had really solid feedback which I mostly already implemented in the final release for when the Jam is over. Was kinda scared that you will think it bugged out again but as far as I know there is only a 1:14 chance of it happening in the Kitchen cause I failed to assign one spawn location to my manager there...anyways. Really appreciate the afford keep up your great work. 

Sure. I'll do them in the order of this post, though. I will probably play your game tomorrow.

Done. A lot of work to do if you want to take this project further. Best of luck to you.

You could spice up the main menu by adding a moving background (a time-lapse day/night cycle of the starting map, for example). I noticed some bugs during my playtime: if you close the pause menu while the controls submenu is open, the game resumes but the control screen doesn't close; the settings also reset to default upon death. Some advice for possible changes to make the experience more polished and fun: if you want to use in-world UI, a better solution would be to simply use health bars instead of the current cross. This makes the game look cleaner and less cluttered. You should also consider visually depleting this bar to make it more readable how much HP the enemy has left. You could also make the enemies spawn one after another to throw the player off.

Ideas for future additions:

  • Make the levels more interesting by introducing more obstacles, so it gets harder for the player to just run in cycles.
  • Slowly introduce different enemy types into the game. Make enemies that move at different speeds to make the horde less predictable, include some size variations, some enemies that can fly, some that use ranged attacks, some that try to cut off the player's path, and some that are even stationary.
  • Another way to make the levels stand out more from each other would be to place some traps in them (spike traps, mines, turrets, etc.).
  • After a stage is completed, you could reward the player with a choice of 3 random chests and show a visual representation of the item they got.
  • You should also implement a way of looking at the current stats or items.
  • After the stage, spawn a door on 3 (or 4) walls of the level and let the player choose one to go to the next level. Make the transition seamless instead of just teleporting the player there.

Additionally, you would need to introduce a more complex combat system by either adding some kind of weapon system or building a solid system that can be fun on its own (which is a lot harder to do).

Overall, I think this project needs a lot of work to become really fun, but if you decide to stick with it, it could turn out great eventually.

Done. I'm not a big fan of the genre, so I'm not very experienced with it. However, I tried my best to give meaningful feedback.

First things first, this game is very polished, and actually, there is not much to add or change about it, in my opinion.

You could consider binding the USE and SKIP DIALOGUE button to the same key because there really isn't any reason why they should be different keys at the moment. You are only able to do one of the two things, so it would never conflict with itself. If you were to do that, it would also be very easy to use a more common control theme like pressing E for interactions. You could also add dedicated audio sliders for SFX and music, but there is really no need to do so. At the current state, there is not really a point in allowing the player to move diagonally, so you could either remove that ability to hide the lack of a diagonal walking animation without affecting gameplay, or you could add animations for that, of course. The overall tone and atmosphere of the game are very well crafted, and although I am really not a huge fan of games like this, I enjoyed this short little game. Very well done, good job!

I was lowkey kinda proud of myself for coming up with that name haha. You are the first one that commented on it. Glad you had fun!

Done. Best of luck to you with this prohect. Very solid entry!

Thanks a lot for the kind words. Glad you enjoyed it.

Hi, as I would like to dip my toes into the job sphere of QA, I would love to give some people my honest feedback about their games, including any suggestions on how they could improve on what is there and what could be good additions in the future. I don't know how much time I'll have in the next few days, but I'll try to look at every game by the end of the week.

I'm stating this here so I don't have to repeat it with every rating: I don't intend to belittle your work or offend anyone. Please consider beforehand whether you would like an honest opinion or not. And, of course, all of this is very subjective.

If anyone also wants to give constructive feedback, feel free to check out my entry.

The idea is very simple but could be fun. I don't know if I'm missing something, but is there a way to spot the right door besides using the UV light? If there isn't, I think it would be more fun if you tried to observe little details that guide you to the right door instead of just guessing until you find it. I liked the audio design and visuals. The controls are also simple but work. At first, I tried rotating by pressing the D key because I thought this is how Bethesda did it in their games, but that's on me. Overall, a pretty solid entry, good job!

looks interesting I give it a shot rn. I also made a Escape Room type game.

The idea is cute. The fighting is a bit basic and could use some additions like dodging or maybe a magic spell to spice it up a little. The overhead UI could be rendered by a second camera, so it does not clip into the level geometry. Sounds are good but a bit loud; an in-game audio menu could help adjust that. The room with the spikes should have at least one method to cross without taking damage. It's mostly a bad idea to force damage on the player if it's not a risk/reward type of situation (like the spike doors in Binding of Isaac, for example). The number beside the HP bars is probably meant to represent a level, but if currently, there is no way to increase that level, there's no point in showing the number right now. Given the very basic combat system, I think a quick and easy way to improve what you have would be to make the enemies deal a lot more damage so it offers a bit of a challenge. The minimap on the first level is in the top left corner, and the minimap on the second level is in the top right one. Try to keep it consistent in your games. Overall, it's a cute project though, good job.