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A member registered Sep 13, 2021 · View creator page →

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Cool idea! Impressive that you did it in python!

Nice job! The CPU destroyed me lol

Great job.! Loved how unique the mechanics were

I just couldn't ruin this guys life hard enough bruh lol

I loved the art style, but I couldn't figure out how to stay alive

Great work! I struggled to understand what each drink did, but loved the style, the music, and the gameplay loop is addictive. 

Nice work, this was really fun!

Nice job! I really enjoyed the gameplay loop. It would be cool to see some power ups or tools for the agent. Great job!

This was very unique and interesting. Great idea!

Loved the pixel art and the multiple endings. Nice work

Cool idea! I liked the art style!

Nice idea. The first level was a very difficulty for a tutorial, but I still thought it was fun and creative

Wow! Y'all got a lot done! This is definitely a good foundation to build on. I liked the art style and direction, but I struggled getting across the river. A bit more warning before the platform disappears would be great. Good work!

Loved everything about this game. The messages in the background were a really nice touch. Great work!

This is one of the most unique games I've played in this jam. It was a little difficult to keep up with the pace of a some of the games, but good job!

I definitely learned something new, great job!

I really liked the art style for this game. The movement mechanics can use a bit of work, but the world itself made me want to know more about the idea. Great job!

Unfortunately the exe gives me an error for a missing file when I try to run it. Sorry!

This was so simple and satisfying, great work!

This a was a very satisfying experience. The music did cut off after a few minutes, but great job!

Nice work! This is a solid foundation to expand on gameplay if you wanted to keep adding to it. Good job!

This was amazing in every way. The leaderboard was a really nice touch too! Great work!

Nice job. This was a fun, tense experience. Good job!

Great work! I just really enjoyed playing your game. It felt satisfying to learn what materials sell well in each planet and planning how to take advantage to earn as much as possible. 

Thanks for playing! Now that I go back and play it I see that the aiming does feel unresponsive. Thanks for pointing that out

I couldn't figure out how to get my first package, but I like flying around the nebula. Could be a good foundation for flight mechanics

This was great! I appreciated how difficult it got as I progressed. great work!

It has some issues, but good job getting it done! Keep working at it!

This was very ambitious and a good foundation. Great work!

I liked the idea of not killing certain enemies, but I couldn't figure how to avoid making the little pigs explodes. I also liked the main characters design

This is really impressive for a game written in C. I struggled to control the rotation of my ship, but it was part of the fun. Good job!

This was great! I really like how you incorporated the theme. Great work!

Great job! This is a well polished game. I liked the pace of the game, the power ups, and boss fight. Keep up the good work!

Loved the vibe of the game, also appreciated how you implemented the theme. The vampire has a nice personality too. great work!

It is so satisfying to get that shot that curves just right and hits the target. Great work! I also enjoyed getting to the point where I didn't have to do any work haha

Banger sound track and awesome start menu! I thought the gameplay loop was very fun. The UI in the shop was a little confusing, but great job!

Great job on this. I liked how snappy the movement was and that the aliens didn't fire directly at me. It made me think a bit more. Some enemy variety would've been cool. I also lost a few times because aliens would spawn on me, which felt unfair. Great work though! This was fun!

There's a lot of good stuff going on here. I really appreciated how the art and music complement each other really well. The movement is great too. I would've liked to see more destructible objects, but great job! 

Wow, it's crazy that came up with this in 3 days. Great work! I would love to see how you would've built on this solid foundation.  I would've enjoyed a secondary fire option so I could group the enemies and blow them away quickly.  Great work though!

This isn't bad for your first project. I liked the music and the art style it had. I understood the premise of the game, but I didn't understand how I could win or lose the game. I think defining those conditions would make a massive difference. Great job and keep working hard!