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A member registered Jan 23, 2021 · View creator page →

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Fun gameplay and youve interwoven the story nicely into the gameplay. Great job!

hmm strange... im going to try and smooth out issues once the jam voting is over. Thanks for the feedback, glad you liked it!

Yeah the combatr can be a bit difficult. My intetion though wasn't to make a relaxingh game, i kinda wanted to mix stardew mechanics with dunger crawler -esque gameplay, thats why you can lose so easily and have to restart. You just try to make it as long as you can. Thanks for the feedback though!

(1 edit)

Fun little asteroid-esque game! the power ups were fun and i thought the ending was cool when the planet started fighting for you. Feels like you can expand a lot with that, maybe shoot asteroids so you can upgrade your planet. Really cool, great job!

Dramatic music. Fun going around lasering a bunch of robots! a bit short, but thats to be expected

The setting and the interior of the ship were really pretty. I kept going around pressing E on the red stuff. It's a bit unclear what to do and why im pulling the levers but otherwise it's  afun little game. Great job!

(1 edit)

Nice survival game. It feels like you can expand alot on what you have here. i like that you have a certain amount of actions before you need to sleep. It's a bit too easy right now, but if you decide to expand on it it feels like you could add a lot of different interesting mechanics! good job!

Walk to the emo person, pick wrong option, lose. Go to the person in pink dress, pick wrong option lose. Go to the buff person, pick wrong option, lose. Is that W rizz?

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It's not your fault, i think it just doesn't work in certain resolutions, so if your monitor has a resoultion different from 1920x1080 the cursor's probably gonna be messed up! I'll try and fix this in other versions

This was a nice little puzzle game, with an interesting story and role-reversal! I however accidentally clicked end on one level and the adventurer died which caused the tutorial to glitch. (can't exepect a jam game without some glitches though!)

This was a nice little puzzle game, with an interesting story and role-reversal! I however accidentally clicked end on one level and the adventurer died which caused the tutorial to glitch. (can't exepect a jam game without some glitches though!)

Very fun concept! The idea and the execution was really good, fun little game!

The cursor is something I will try and fix in the future. And I totally forgot about checking if your inventory was full when you pick up an item! I was supposed to add it but forgot! I might try and add progression in the future, my original plan was to add 4 levels, each with different bosses so that it felt like you actually made progress, but i didnt have time, but ill try and add a sense of progression in the future! Thanks for the wonderful review!

Yeah, sorry, if you have a 1920x1080 monitor and you play in fullscreen the cursor should work, but ill try to fix it so that it works in any resolution!

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Putting the level up instructions in the controls, might not have been the best idea, haha, but adding like a little prompt in the corner to level up or something might be a good idea to ad in the future. And yeah, i didn't notice that when you restart the game your stats and items dont get reset, also a mistake on my part that i'll fix if I decide to update the game. I also notice the repetative aspects of my game, my original plan was to have 4 different level each with different bosses, and different "card packs" or levels with different rooms and enemies. I'll 100% be fleshing out the game more if I decide to work on it more so that it isnt as repetative, but you can only do so much in 48 hours. Thanks for the great and constructive review, and glad you liked it!


Beatiful game! Nice work, got so scared when all the dudes in black robes ran towards me

Yeah, sorry, thought you couldn't get up there!

Fun and cute game! The gameplay was fine but I didn't really see much strategy involved, I would just stand around an wait for the correct roll when I could. Other than that the game was fun and pretty, loved the artsyle!

Very fun and pretty game! I Think the game could have done with some more feedback to the player though. Right now you not really sure if you're doing damage to the enemy or what is happening. I thought the mechanic of getting random weapons and enemies was fun. Great game and good job on finishing!

It's ok, just thought it was funny

(2 edits)

Yeah, I agree that the pop ups are kinda annoying. I think I'll try to decrease the number of drops or change them so that the game doesn't pause every 5 seconds. The negative health thing is also something I'll fix, it was just something i didn't find too bothersome at the time so i never bothered changing it during development.

(Also who said the music wasn't made by me? I made the music, just not during the 48 hour period :). Thanks for saying you liked i though!)

Thanks for the nice comments and the criticism!

Very fun and addictive game! Also beautiful artstyle, great job!

(1 edit)

Simple and fun game with enjoyable platforming. Although I didn't feel like what effect you had impacted the game in a meaningful way. Other than that great game, nice art and good job on finishing!

Thank you, noticed our games are quite similar so it means a lot!

Very fun, gave me vampire survivor vibes! It was very hard though, had a tough time with even the small dice. Maybe make the dices a bit slower, I felt very overwhelmed and like I couldn't outrun the enemies. Maybe also zoom the camera out a bit so you can see when enemy hoards come. Other than that it was fun and had cool abilities, excited to see what could be added in the future! Great game, and great job on finishing!

I had a really fun time with this game! I just stayed in the towers with my dices until I could ambush the enmies, and it worked (barely)! At times the game did however feel a bit unresponsive, as if the dices had their own free will. Other than that the mechanics were fun and well implemented! Great job!

(2 edits)

Quite nice and simple! I did however feel as if it was a bit to easy since you could just stay in the same place and roll the dice howevere many times you want. You should encourage the player to explore your map a bit, maybe put the door at a different location than where the player starts? Great game though, nice art and good job on finishing in time!

(1 edit)

Fun game, strangely addicting! I think this would make for a nice mobile game! Chill and beautiful, great job!

Yeah, balancing is hard in 48 hours, If I do a full release, the balncing is one of the first things I'll fix! Thanks super much for the nice comment though!

Thank you, Glad you had fun! Yeah I agree, the disenchantment system is a bit flawed, I wanted to add a risk-reward system and didn't really know how. It was hard trying to make the navigation AI, it's 100% something I'll work on if I do a full release. Thanks again for the kind words and the constructive criticism!

This was a fun little game. I liked that the stats were based on the rolls at the beginning of the round, great mechanic! The game could go with a little more enemy variety, and it could also be a little more difficult, it felt like it wasn't a challange. Other than that, great game and beautiful artstyle!

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Thank you so much for the nice comment. Yeah I noticed, the menus are a bit broken, don't know if it's because it's in the browser or what, but I'll try to fix it if I do a full release!

Thank you! It means a lot to me!

Great game! It was a bit unforgiving seeing as you only had one health and you moved slowly. Other than that i thought the main mechanic was interesting and fun and i like that you could flip the other dices in order to change what you killed them with! Good job on finishing, and awesome game!

Super fun to play, one of the most entertaining games on the jam so far! Loved the mechanic and how you mixed risk and chance with strategy. Keeping track of your economy, getting good gear, it was great! I played it the whole way through, super good job!

Thank you for the nice comment! Yeah the pathfinding is a bit broken, and I do agree that weapon drops do get a bit annoying after a while. I'll definetely try to fix these problems if I decide to do a full release! Thanks!

Haha thank you! Yeah, you can get some pretty wacky combos

Simple and pretty! Great job!

Great game, pretty and fun! You managed to make a pretty good difficulty curve! Great job!