been using this a lot the last few weeks prototyping mario 64 style gameplay, is there any chance an animation for the side flip could be added?
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The camera changes were actually the primary reason to implement tank controls, most if not all camera changes allow you to just keep running forward, but I did notices there are a few jarring ones which can make you lose where your character is for a second. I plan on releasing an update or two to the game after the jam ends since a lot of stuff is pretty rushed as it is.
Thanks for the feedback
as a verb:
- make or shape (a metal object) by heating it in a fire or furnace and hammering it.
- create (something) strong, enduring, or successful.
- produce a fraudulent copy or imitation of (a document, signature, banknote, or work of art).
- move forward gradually or steadily. (as in forge ahead — take the lead or make good progress.)
As a noun:
playing this after having played the initial upload really shows the work you've put into it.
As i said in my last review, the art style is really cool and you've even further improved the combat, i specially enjoyed the more crowded fights where the environment was part of the battle with the use of spikes, the exploration was pretty good and felt like it had a good pace to it, so congrats on that.
On the more awkward side of things, i really missed the "walking" animations on the crawl and ledge hangs, but i get that to meet the deadline you'd prioritize other stuff over that and it's not like it makes the game unplayable at all.
Also, I played on controller and honestly the control scheme felt kind of awkward, specially the use of the right bumper and trigger for hanging/crouching/dropping through platforms. I think the game would really benefit from rethinking those controls a bit. Another thing i noticed is that playing with the joystick instead of the D-pad makes some of the moves kind of tough to perform, it seems like there needs to be a bit more margin to consider a direction as a "down" input, this was specially noticeable trying to pick stuff up.
And i'd say that's about it, I really enjoyed my playthrough, the combat/exploration pacing was good!
(if you haven't yet, make sure to revisit my submission, it's gotten a substantial update since the first upload)
I was looking forward to trying this game but the lack of an option to turn off full screen made it pretty unconfortable since i have a very wide resolution, also the quit button didn't work for me, forcing me to alt+f4 to close the game.
If you were to add some fullscreen/windowed toggle, let me know and i'll definitely give it another go :)
Thanks for the feedback, combat is something i've been struggling a bit with to get right, so far i'd say the deflect mechanic is really only worth it against the boss since regular enemies don't have poise anyway and as you mentioned the best strategy is to just punch while they are walking towards you. I also noticed the stunlock happening quite a lot and i'll definitely try to find a fix for that, i already have some ideas in mind.
I hope to get quite a bit more work done before the end of the jam so i hope you'll give it another try once it's over :)
that's super fair criticism and something i noticed myself too, just didn't really get to retouch a lot of the earliest level design.
Really the only safe-ish area is right after you climb up the mountain, and even then there is definitely a possibility to fall back to the very beginning. Hope the frustration gave you some enjoyment anyway since it is indeed part of the point of the game :)
1300 is pretty good honestly, the fact that you autojump when the bar is full is indeed purely for difficulty reasons, since most jumps don't really require a lot of direction changes.
I hope you at least enjoyed it a bit through the frustration. There is a little bit of a hack you can do to keep hanging on though, and that is by tapping the jump button, you can release and grab the same anchor point without ever leaving it :)
Thanks for the comment and feedback
looks really polished but i did find the player's power scaling to be a bit too abrubt, just picking up a bunch of weapons made me want to just run into all enemies with no strategy in mind at all since i knew i'd kill them all pretty quickly.
The combination of survivor and the backpack management was pretty neat.
es un segundo juego y está bien, pero la forma de tratar las colisiones y fisicas la verdad es que se ha quedado un poco regular, el combate no parece que aporte gran cosa aparte de ser muy tosco, las cuerdas eran buena idea pero la ejecucion se ha quedado un poco cutre, separandose en trozos que se mantienen unidos por arte de magia, tambien lo que supongo que es el boss final (el slime gigante) bugeaba la animacion de cargar porque la camara intenta seguir al boss y al final me acabó lanzando a los pinchos y teletransportandome fuera de la arena acabando dentro de una pared. Como cosa muy menor, cuando el slime gigante se daba la vuelta tambien se veia el nombre del revés
Bastante divertido, la duración justa para no llegar a aburrir además.
Como cons, las colisiones son un poco chungas, deberian ser del tamaño o mas pequeñas que los objetos pero parece que son mas grandes. Tambien está el hecho de que me ha parecido muy facil, ganando a la primera aun habiendo jugado la primera mitad del juego fatal.