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A member registered Jan 21, 2021 · View creator page →

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I wanted to do something different this year as both of my last two year's 7drl entries were very classic style turn based roguelikes. I mixed procedural generation, grid based environments, and run/level based gameplay with other elements to try to come up with something a little different but that's hopefully fun and entertaining and offers more than just a couple of minutes of gameplay. I hope you had fun playing it.

I like this game a lot. I wish I didn't have to click all of the plants when they are fully grown it makes my hand hurt after a while but other than that I think its a lot of fun and really liked the item interactions.

(2 edits)

Thanks for checking again. You start the game in the hub area able to talk to the 4 npcs who explain the situation but its not required and you can just leave if you choose to. I came up with another idea, when you click to leave if you haven't talked to anybody yet I'll pop up a confirmation dialogue that you want to leave without talking to anyone. I hope that confirmation combined with the exclamation for new dialogue will be enough when I can patch it.

Thanks for the feedback! I've been reworking abilities to be more fun and impactful and I'll update the character creation as well. I was called a little nuts for even including the functionality in a jam game but my favorite part about dungeon crawlers is building out a character or party of adventurers and being able to customize them and build them into something unique and personal such as in The Quest, Legends of Amberland, the Wizardry series and way to many other games to name.

I have 9 more character classes I wrote and designed and would like to get into the game but I'm focusing first on making everything feel a lot more unique before just adding more indistinguishable options. We also have 30 passive talents in the game already but because they are auto selected and combat was very easy combined with not having a stat screen they are nearly non-noticeable.

Thanks again for the feedback, I'll definitely be building something more similar to what you've suggested for character creation, though I only wish I could get Larian polish level. One of the team members had suggested having a multiple character creation on the same screen but I think you're right in having 1 screen or a flow for each character but classes, races, stats all need to be in the same place so its easier to review without having to go back and to see the impact of your choices.

Thank you so much for checking out the game! I wanted to ask, did you interact with the NPCs at the beginning of the game? I was worried that based on the interface a lot of people probably skipped them. Either way, what would have made the story "grab you"?

I've been working on an update that I'll release after the pause but one of the things I updated is giving NPCs an exclamation mark above their heads if they have anything new to say.

I don't want to spoil to much but I'm also working on expanding that side of things a lot and I would appreciate any feedback.

There was also an option to use premade characters in the event that a player doesn't want to create characters. What about the character creation UI do you feel would be a barrier for an average player?

This game rocks. Great game feel, nice mechanics, good usage of a variety of asset packs. Awesome job!

We had a testing build on Tuesday but it didn't test 100% of the features of the game. This ended up biting us later on the last day because there were several features that worked well in their own environments but needed additional adjustments to work together. I knew the risks going in but we made all of our assets during the jam and some of them weren't ready for testing until later in the jam.

It would be nice if enemies didn't spawn directly on top of the princess some times and if bullets weren't used to buy upgrades. The different upgrades are probably the best part of the game.

Nice job making a game, I died several times on the first floor against the first enemy but the map generation and movement and line of sight seem to be working great.

I like the idea of this one but I wandered into the forest and after the first random encounter it triggered non stop random encounters and I died.

Really like the game a lot, it was fun to kill my friend's ghosts and steal their tunics. Its nice and simple but still has enough depth that I keep coming back and playing it again to see how far I can get. Great job!

Add me on Discord and we can talk about it :  gixd

I'm in.

Our team finished a dungeon crawler last year and we are looking for 1 more Unity developer. We have all the people needed to release a completed game this year but want to make sure we can polish the game as much as possible.

We currently have a composer, 2 programmers, a texture artist, and a UX/UI designer. We're working with Figma for design and Trello for project tracking and coordination. In addition to programming I'll be working production and game design though we take a collaborative game design approach.

Let me know if you're interested in participating!

This game looks sweet! Can't wait for the demo

Thanks for the feedback, we're working on a much more complete version right now and are releasing it next weekend. We kept the invisible walls but got rid of the bugs, have been working on a much improved UI that has a bit of a more classical feel and manages to still display a ton of information (Or if you're like me, less information by hiding that mini map and trying to figure it all out), are back to publishing secret web builds for now, and so many more changes already. I hope you have a chance to check it out.

Yes, unfortunately we ended up releasing with bugs and without all of the combat that we wanted. We've worked a lot on it over the past week and have continued focusing on and improving those key issues and especially combat improvements. I hope you have a chance to check it out next weekend when we release a new version. 

Thanks for playing! I hope you have a chance to check out our planned release next weekend with a ton of improvements, new music, a lot more art, and so much more.

Thanks for playing! I hope you have a chance to check out our updated version next weekend, we've improved so many things in the last week it feels like a completely different experience already. Combat improvements, charge up attacks, fireball traps, magic... we managed to get through the bugs and have been adding a ton of sweet features.

(1 edit)

I agree and thank you for the feedback, the UI wasn't quite where we wanted it to be at the end of the jam. Over the past week it's been a major area of focus that we've had and I'd like to show you some of those changes, which we'll have finished this weekend and ready to showcase a lot of the new mechanics we've been able to work in when we post a massive update next weekend.

We opted to go for a much more classical look and feel while expanding the options available. We're going to have separate windows for settings, map, inventory, and equipment so that the main screen can stay visible without covering a bunch of things.

The game was going great until I clicked the crystal button at 100 and it locked up and I couldn't go anywhere. It happened while I was facing a chest and I got a voice of "I can't do that here", then the whole screen went black, I could still hear enemies and use my buttons but not see what was going on. Before that happened though I was having fun.

I really enjoyed the puzzles in this game and thought they were extremely well designed. It could use some more graphical polish but overall the biggest praise I can give it is just that I've recommended it to so many people to play already.

Thank you, I hope you have a chance to check out our release after the voting period is over, we've made a ton of progress on it already.

Thank you so much for the feedback. We're working on a couple of key things for the next release in 2 weeks, bug fixes being the first of those and combat being a 2nd high priority. We're also going to be reducing the map and massively increase the amount of content in the size so it feels less empty and areas are more exciting. I'm glad you like the art and I hope you have a chance to check us out again in 2 weeks!

Thank you so much for the feedback! We're working on bug fixes and making sure you can reach the dungeon areas. We're also rebuilding some of the maps a little bit, your supposed to be able to go through the house into a whole different dungeon area and our last build before we couldn't upload anymore blocked that area off for now. I hope you have a chance to play the new version in 2 weeks, it should be a lot better!

Thanks for the feedback. I agree, the real-time combat in the game didn't get the level of polish I wanted to give it. I knew there was the problem with backstepping unfortunately and I have a whole slew of about 12 different changes I want to do to improve it including adding a wind-up timer for attacks, making enemies hold an attack cooldown separately from movement so they are less predictable, and adding ranged enemies, ranged attacks, more varied attacks based on equipment and a lot of other changes. If I can get everything in the combat should be vastly improved and it's a big priority.

It feels like a first person shooter but a clunkier version of a first person shooter. I wanted to interact with the game like a shooter by clicking mouse and looking around smoothly based on the weapons and interface and mechanics but I couldn't do that with the movement so I kept ending up in weird moments. I didn't understand how cyberspace worked at first or if I could shoot while in cyberspace. Overall the enemies and encounters seemed to be well designed.

I like what you were able to accomplish with a few simple puzzle elements, it's a lot. I want to be able to hold down the movement keys to keep moving. The flashing animation when time traveling is a little aggressive and could probably be toned down a little bit.

I'm gonna make a second itch page for updates until after the event and then update the original. I like it done this way a lot better than other jams because I think its common for the ratings of more recent versions to take over the ratings of the original version so its not really a 7 day event anymore.

Same here, can't get it to run. Like the art though!

I really like the graphics, sound effects, and music. I wish the combat had a little bit more depth and maybe I just didn't get far enough but overall great for 7 days.

Thanks for the help, we really appreciate it. I have some ideas for handling enemy drops but mostly we want to focus more on making each map feel very unique and loot a lot more impactful. We have this idea for implementing a weapon charged attack that gives different weapons unique feels as well as additional abilities to make it more exciting to get a new drop, as well as a lot more varied bonuses on gear so that boots aren't just boots but can for example make you run faster.

We're also going to be building up the hope mechanic a lot more. As with any challenging short duration project like this things end up getting shifted around a lot and it just wasn't ready in time as much as we wanted it to be. We really want the player to feel the rising hope and falling despair that is the adventure through a dangerous and unknown area to save family and we weren't able to illustrate that as well as what we liked in the time frame and instead ended up with a kind of confusing UI element.

Thanks again for your feedback!

Thanks for the feedback, we had this concept idea for a letter early on and then ended up band-aiding in dialogue to handle a lot more systems than we wanted. I'll try to get more of this sort of feel that we were going for into the next release! 

Thank you for the feedback! I plan on releasing a pretty massive redesign of the game, UI, and functionality after the 2 week lock on submission posting is lifted that includes a full musical score that was composed for the game, enemy and ambient sound, redesigning the core mechanics that were focused around the usage of a hope mechanic that we poorly illustrated with only a torch and not emphasis on the effects as well as over 100 additional sound effects that didn't make this release. We also plan on a massively expanded dungeon and a complete revamp of leveling, progression, items, additional abilities, traps and many more features. I hope you have a chance to check it out after the updates as I promise it will be a vastly improved experience.

We're focusing on Hope vs Despair for ours. There are other dualities that play secondary such as Light and Darkness, Good vs Evil (I think this one is almost free), and Young and Old. We want to also include elements of decay and growth but its unlikely we'll get there in 7 days.

I managed to do the impossible and put together a Justice League level team of people for this event with artists, sound, composer, UI/UX, writer, the works. We all just want to make the best game we can. I know we're going to put out a final game at the end of the 7 days based on prototyping and testing.

At this point I would love to add one more Unity developer to the team to help out with implementing everything we can come up with in the 7 days. If you want to help build something super sweet I'd love to work with you.

My profile page is here:

I can be contacted here or on Discord:


Great job. I like the card animations and subtle lighting and movements. A lot of polish and attention to detail.