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A member registered Jan 06, 2019 · View creator page →

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I can only do abstract art :)))))). But I think I might collaborate with some artist friends to elaborate on the idea further


I love the isometric style, you did a good job with it. A little bit slow to level, and the punishment for taking damage is that... it takes longer to level? This could be a great mechanic if the gameplay was a bit faster paced but I just found it kinda annoying here. Still, great work for a solo dev and there is definitely something here

Hey, just popping in to say I would be interested in collaborating with y'all in the future. I made this game that guglo rated. If you do another jam together I'd love to do the music for it. I'm brzyrt on discord if you want to hit me up

This is incredible. So far I've played games that could be good as completed projects but this is the only one so far that I am saving to my pc so I can play later

Good concept, very fun.

Really cool game, really cool take on the theme

Damn, this is amazing. Best game so far

Really fun, really stylish. This could be really really cool after some extra development time

Super cool and cute game. The scaling effect looks super cool and I love the kind of abstract graphics

For this jam I wanted to try out game jam anti-strategy, where instead of making a highly linear, polished, 5-10 minute experience I wanted to create a highly branched, unpolished 5-10 minute experience that has a total of 30-60 minutes of gameplay spread out through the branches. Will I win? No! But who cares. Thank you for the kind words

Good polish and the game had a fun feel to it, but the puzzles felt somewhat weak

Exceptional idea, but sadly I just don't feel like I really have that much control over the gameplay. I would love to see this with more mechanics added to it.

Super cool, good looking game

The music...... But the gameplay is quite fun and fun to control. Its cool how the theme comes out in a single element of the map. Good style

I was confused at first but figured it out eventually. The basic gameplay loop was pretty fun, but it kind of hard to tell whether or not I was tipping the scales especially when the consequences were so dire. Either way - I enjoyed playing it

Woah. I clicked on this game because the name of your alien guy is almost identical to my username. Maybe I'm biased but... This has been one of the most fun entries I've played. The controls are really cool and the highway scene was hilarious. I'd love to see a longer game where the controls get a little bit more complicated later on

A little bit more involved than a jig saw puzzle, and I like jig saw puzzles. Good art

(1 edit)

I like the kinda like chip's challenge kinda quality the graphics have. It's really charming. The gameplay loop is fun.

Short and sweet. Ties into the theme in an interesting way. My only complaint is that the interface is a little clunky

I like the art

I like the visual language of the scaling element. Overall the mechanics are fun but I wish the challenges were a little bit better designed

Good puzzler, charming graphics

I really like the mechanic but the difficulty curve is very steep for a jam game. Relatively wide range of mobility options all coming out of a single mechanic is very cool and makes player control fun

I don't even know how to begin writing like this guy does. Thecatamites is my #1 inspiration for making video games

Yeah, I get this kinda thing isn't for everyone. I really love focusing on the content side of things and gameplay is just kind of superfluous to me (not that I will turn my nose up at some good gameplay). Thanks for giving it a shot!

Super cool. I'm not even into building models but I finished it, and I love that I was allowed to build it incorrectly.

I love how the gecko looks and moves. The movement is very fun and unique, specially for a jam game

The game is fun and looks awesome. I love how the challenge is jank and the solution is jank. It is too difficult for me but that is a skill issue

Good art style

Cool approach to creating a puzzle platformer in a non traditional way. I only wish it was longer and had a challenging puzzle or two

So far this is one of the cooler concepts I've seen. It's only really bogged down by the fact that its unfinished. Would be very cool to see the finished project. Another point to add, and this is not so much a game development related critique but a game jam related one - most players really will only spend 5 to 10 minutes on an jam game, so setting the objective to require 15 minutes of gameplay means most players will not finish or get to see your whole game

Art style is super cool. Movement is a little clunky, mostly because to shoot the enemy, you have to move in the direction of the enemy, which is also moving towards you. Which is part of the difficulty, to be fair, but more varied enemy movement would make this limitation more interesting.

Cool take on the classic sliding puzzle type game

I like the angry guy in the corner. I like that the music is not good in a good way. I can't put my finger on it but there is some reason why I gave this 3 enjoyment instead of 2 (which is much higher than my average thus far)

This was awesome. Well designed mechanics followed up by well designed puzzles

The art style is cool and it's a decent side scrolling shooter. The roguelike mechanics are simple but fun