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A member registered Mar 30, 2021

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(15 edits)

Hey, i put the bone inside the image like it requested when i was trying to let bone control the mesh vertices,  now i assigned 2 vertices to the bone but this happened - a hole .... what is this ?

OK i figure that this bone needs to be already keyframed! which is exactly why you should change your tactics about adding keyframes and i will elaborate below.. you cant have bones or objects with no keyframes on create .

But still, the bone wont move the points/verts, and all verts have weight 100 on autoweight option... this is no good.

Is there a tutorial on how to control multiple vertices of a mesh with one bone? so i can move entire face by dragging the bone and the verts will follow?  Can i request falloff for this feature? So the verts that are far from the bone will be dragged less than the ones close to it  ?

I wanna do this :

Also... something weird is going on with autokeyframing, it doesnt work, i move the bone or mesh, it wont create first keyuframe on 0 when theres no tracks... this is not how it should work cause yeah it does have rotation or location , every object has rotation and location on frame 0, why don you just auto add it on frame 0 ? Its strange.

When we create mesh  - automatically add its keyframe to the animation timeline.Why would we want not to have it if we created it ?

When we add bone7 and its at 45degree angle cause we rotated it  - auto add it and add rotation kefyrame as wel, and location since every object has location on the canvas.

All existing objects should have location keyframe from get go at creation, mesh included.

I move the mesh around, and it wont add the first keyframe, even when i click the icon to autocreate keyframes ( which i shouldnt be forced to do - this should be auto added)  then even if mesh exists - its keyuframe is not added, is this a bug ? We have to go to mesh mode and add keyframe there separately for each of the parts one by one ? Cmon man... this is no good.

I think the current autoweight is setup for tails and things like this, its not setup properly for controlling a face with one bone, cause the falloff of the vertices that are far from the bone does not exist , especially vertices on the border, the priority is applied to bones higher in hierarchy, strange.

If ill remove the position keyframe of the object - it should be gone, wiped from canvas, not exist, i find it strange that we can have images on canvas and no keyframes at all.. very strange .

IMO there should be no 0 tracks situation when we added new image or new bone.Please auto add them on frame 0

Great, would it be possible to add floyd steinberg as well?

(19 edits)

match indexation thing doesnt really work, i set my first colour as magenta, save to gif but the first color is still non magenta .

Su re it looks ok in the program but not when i export to gif

So what i do to fix this is export  to palette, then just import palette .... 

IMo gif export is borked with colors, it does not respect whatever i have in indexation palette

I wish there was separate gif frames export too not just png

Also tehre is a bug when exporting filenames or its soooo convoluted its like a bad joke , i mean theres one name - a filename when you export, then there is animation name next to timeline thats second name, aaaaand there is THIRD NAME that is a name on the left where canvas is !!!!

This is pretty insane IMO.Do You think newcomers will figure it out ? No way.

So.... I have ImageFrames anumation no matter how i rename my image sequence or whataver, cant you just make it simple ?

Like, i want the gif to be named WALK so when i set this name in export panel  then actually export WALK01 WALK02 WALK03 etc and not whatever else unless i unlock secret settings by discovering which one of the three is the magical one that works  ? its pretty annoying .

Like, let timeline name to be nothing , thats a good start, make it default, that shuld be like entity name, not sure why it needs a name anyway.

So you ending up with timeline name and name you set during export panel... this setup should not be default one, sure it might be useful as option but not default for sure, unless timeline name can be just blank  or basename during export panel to be blank,.

Why even erroring out if theyre blank,  theres so much code underneath that handles the naming alone, IMO its way way overcomplicated and nver seen it like this in any software ever.

Dont prevent us from using blank names if thats the only way to get whtaver name we want, theres still some errors that  make it hard to use for my job as of now and im currently fighting naming mechanics in the gui, thats no good at all.

Currently it forces us to do 2 name filenames, one is whatever export panel says and next part is whatever timeline is named, this is pretty weird and totally not user friendly, this can be optionable but now its forced , i dont want this  and im pretty irritated by all this .... 

OH WOW...  i just set empty name for timeline... program crashed... ok i give up for now.

On top of all that , when i save project it DOES NOT SAVE ALL  EXPORT SETTINGS  AND I HATE TO SET THEM UP OVER AND OVER, AND OVER AND OVER AND OVER AGAIN AGAIN AND AGAIN cause some are saved and some are ... NOT....  so, it as pleasureable as reading this rant... i get so many crashes when tinkering with names alone ... 

Please do some export settings so theyre saved once i get th right ones, currently i do paid job and im losing time here... almost 2 hours on exports alone ... 

Exporting is a hassle i must say, that needs rework cause defaults are way way off 

I get taht there was a reason you made it this way that works for you, but this is not defaults fro most programs at all, this is too strict and its forcing two word names and on top of that an underscore! This is forcing 3 piece names 

Wwhy oh why such simple stuff like input name and save file as exactly that name is so  difficult to do in this program ? My names must be very specific in game development, i need them to be what i want 

(1 edit)

On my PC with 3090 when i leave pixelover in background then after about 20 minutes it starts to stress my gpu or cpu to the point i have to close it, maybe memory leak

currently this workflow is very broken, things stop working, animations dont change frames even if keyframed, i have 3 separate image sequence layers, wanted to make one anim with all of them but its pretty much impossible at this moment in time.

Image sequence consist of 9 pics, so when i drag first pngs then its fine i click to import as one anim, then i want to add another set of images as sequence  to the same canvas  and... the first one stops auto updating frames .... this is a bug or its my workflow issue ?

I want to keep adding new image sequences and all of them work normally but once i add new sequence with drag and drop then previous equences go broke and i have to keyframe them manually to change frames ...

Also can you add ability to load palette in indexation so we can use our own ?

Also when i change first colour in indexation color table to pink, then saved gif does not have that pink colour as first colour... is this a bug ?

(3 edits)

Particle system is great, i do miss some stuff that would make workflow faster

-Ability to have presets in particle panel itself so we can load our premade ones fast and just swap graphics

-Ability to have different blend modes like overlay,add,multiply, screen etc to get nice glowing effects  

- ability to have animated frames as particles, so we can use premade fire flames and it would just spit them out for us, i think maybe frames on a sheet ?

-I dont see a velocity control for a particle to slow it down near end of its death

- Gravity cant be negative with a slider but can be if i input -10 myself,  i think its a bug and id change this so i can go minus with a slider , its easy way to make things go up

- there are some bugs when you generate indexation  for animation with particle, it creates weird incomplete palettes that dont really match a frame on which we stopped to create palette, yeah i do think we should generate from a particular frame we are on during indexation, cause particles change so much sometimes, well if the algo can go through all frames of the particle animation to create indexation thats even better i think but now it does not do that.

-Please add shift shortcut to sliders so when we hold it then we can change slider values in smaller increments

-Please make it so we dont have to release mouse button to see changes when we move slider , its annoying having to grab the slider again and again finetuning particles, maybe include it as option but it would really help if there would be instant change when moving slider, without having to release the mouse button and slider to update particle movement with new values

- Not particle related but please add superfast way to change background color to whatever color we want, theres plenty of room for that maybe in corner some icon or something with color 

(5 edits)

Doesnt lag here even with huge sizes, but this is mainly to save time, i do alot of converting in pixelover and making some of the same steps over and over and over again cause some settings are locked to default values that arent really that friendly to what i do is a bit tiresome after few hours.

A button for this canvas auto scale to the image we import would be useful , also how i can make pixelover to index to 16 colours by default 

and not to 8?

When it asks me if i want to save before closing, id like to be able to use arrows to choose no or yes, too much is mouse hovering , especially today when everything is shortcut oriented

Also other settings like separate folder for gifs, i want it to rememebr that i dont want separate folder but i have to click that option all the time ... i want to make default settings for myself for a lot of stuff so i dont have to do same thing over and over and it will remember what i use , is there a way to do that ?

What would be nice is saving new default configuration for lot of options at once, of course reset to your defaults as well but i d like to control my defaults.

(2 edits)

Screen spluit helps that great , do You plan to add an option so when you open big image then canvas size is resized to fit it in? When i open big images then i have to scale up canvas size myself , it would be convenient to detect the size of first imported image and set canvas size to that.

And they shortcuts for next/previous keyframe is the thing i personally use a lot, saves tons of time, i dont have to hunt for exact keyframe with mouse cursor.

Ah also, transparent colour( first one in palette) it would be nice if we could set it to display transparency, so if  we have portrait image and  background  behind character is pink colour, and this colour is first in out palette then it would not show up in preview cause its transparent , but this would be nice as optionable not default .

(18 edits)

Is there any tutorial video on that ?

Oh i think i know , i select 2 colours and add inbetween ones, that pretty neat 

I think i also need to change dithering patterns, is there any place to downoad them?

You know what would be nice? If i would have original image non indexed on side and i would be able to pick colours from it to add to idexed palette, is there a way to do this ?

Ok i have to swich between no effects view to get original image so i can piuckup colors but it would be so much better to be able to do it without having to swithch previews, also theres a bug where after picking colour the image wont update, so i add new color for pants and image wont update itself with new pant colurs, i have to turn off and on indexation to fix this and change pants colour.

Theres a bug probably some math typo when calculating bezier curve and looping, theres slight stop during animation when you select bezier curve and try to have a perfect looping animation like sqeeze or something, its not as smooth as bezier should be on that loop point , its like it stays for one frame extra when starting from frame 0  and suddenly restarts to frame 1 etc , i suspect theres something there.

Yeah i think default bezier settings are mess, i set slider to the middle (x,y stuff) and it looks better so you might want to look at default settings and maybe use ones that are perfect curve cause its still not there with my changed settings, maybe some math algo is off.

Yeah i checked simple sine and inout  on 2 keyfreames - got perfect bezier S curve so thats that.

Another bug - when you switch to HSV and try to move Saturation or Hue slider when picking colors, it goes to RGB, so only Hue slider works in HSV

I keep forgetting what the shortcut to go to next keyframe... no shortcuts list ?

I noticed that when animating with dithering, it doesnt generate dighering in realtime , its kinda baked into the image, can i change this so its realtime ?

A lot of time spacebar to playback doesnt work even if mouse cursor is on timeline, also when i export animation to gif but have timeline playback speed to 0.5 then it still exports with fullspeed, id like to have half the speed like it was when i was animating it, otherwise its kinda no use if its only for preview


Looks like You want the same thing i do, so theres 2 of us

(1 edit)

Hey, is it possible to create something like assigning more colours to blue when i have issues with too much banding on sea? So instead of auto assigning number of blue shades to lets say 5 i can do it myself  and extend it to 10 shades  when indexing ? I think that would solve this issue, heres example of ocean , i had to use dithering and it wont make to ocean look better if i use 32 colours or 128, its pretty much the same for ocean cause probably other colours get assigned and not blue one which is most important for me on this image... so i think this suggestion should fix this if its even possible to implement.MArked the image with a circle so you will see what i mean.

Also this could help with images converted to pixelart where thres like hand image and i want just skin colours but for some reason theres like 5 specks of blue /brown colour and i want to get rid of them so they wont be included in the palette since theyre unimportant and i dont want to waste colour on a speck or dirt /artifact when downscaling.

Such control could improve a lot when downscaling and we would have a say when we want more colours for skintone, more for sky, more for grass etc...

What do You think ? Maybe there is a functionality aleady built in that will help me solve the issue and control indexation better ?

(1 edit)

Great, thanks for update, nice changes, It would be convenient if opened gifs would be automatically indexed with correct palette generated as a starting point since theyre indexed , or at least being able to reload the same gif we opened as a palette guide with one click somewhere in indexation panel

(1 edit)

Great! As for starting from 0 vs starting from 1, i think when we use seconds we should start from 0 cause its logical but when its frame based, theres no 0 frame, we work from frame 1.

Id be devils advocate and say that id like bicubic sampler and lanczos3 to get better sharpness + blur with non pixelart animations when rotating.

Lanczos might be too soft  , not sure until i try it in the program,  maybe something inbetween , more options is always good.

(23 edits)

Oh looks like i need o get back to docs and reread carefully.

The inline alpha thing is fantastic! I should of thought of that , it helps a ton to not make the outline look the same and blends nicely, you think having the outline on "multiply" or "overlay" mode would help even more to change the saturation a bit? Cause you know when you merge black with anything - it will lose saturation and i want to keep it vivid , maybe thers a way to keep it more saturated somehow ?

That swap to frames from seconds was so obvious but the S/F thing i would never guess what it was.I would move it to the row with play button and all so it shows seconds/frames or something, for other people that kinda read the manual docs but not as precisely.

When you show number of frames tho i think you should start from frame 1 not frame 0.

When i swap to F it does not remember it for other files i import tho.. so can you make it remember it ?

This also applies to everything really - the software currently does not store any settings and is using defaults for all newly imported stuff, thats problematic if we want to build time friendly workflow, for example wont remember i want export to gifs all the time, wont remember F setting instead of S , wont remember what sampling , what shader im using since last time... basically all those i think should be stored and kept like they are unless we change them.This is how most programs work,If we want defaults - we click on reset to defaults.

Sometimes imported gif wont play its animation, i have to reimport again...

Timings are not saved properly when i import gif, then add inline nd export back - it kinda changes the time how long each frame was displayed.I dont think it respects that some frames are displayed longer ?

Sometimes you have to treat new users as 5yr old kids and show them stuff like this, for you its totally different cause you know it all with your eyes closed.

The shortcut to move to next frame with arrow keys , it would be great to have also to move between just keyframes only, this is how i mostly work - jump from keyframe to keyframe.With shift or ctrl.Shortcuts and hotkeys are time savers.

The gif export, its not as obvious its even available, i think mentioning it somewhere on export panel would help people to actually look for it harder, i assumed it was just png only. Was it laziness or assumption not sure but i would try to mention all export options somewhere for newcomers.

But you know... can you add function to change export filetype from the export panel so we just change it and press export, so we dont even have to open file browser to pick the gif or png...  it would save time. Simply typing in a name  "file.gif"  doesnt seem to work to change to gif from png also you have to change filetype AND filename extension... too many steps for such thing.

- Id like to be able to quickly import gif, add inline and cleanup lines, then save it back to same file with same settings ,palette and all... I think save as gif would be nice addition to speed up whole process on gif files, maybe add also save as copy, so it adds copy to its filename when saving

- in indexation , can you calculate how many colors image has and try to set the pallete color numbers to it ? Also can we have available color number slider when we do "generate with adsjustments" ? Wil make things faster

- in indexation, can you add a option to display first color as transparent one ? so it will disappear .Optional not always needed but useful for some anims.

- reset transform shortcut or in menu when you rightmousebutton click

- shortcut - save gif anim, shortcut save png frames and it opens file browser to choose a name but extension is already applied for gif or png

The thing is - i ahve lots of older anims that have jagged pixels here and there and pixeolver fixes them perfectly but saving the new anim version will take A LOT of time with current state of things and the way of saving new gif version of the file

- Any plans for thumbnail viewer in home panel to open the files ? I mean we can see them by opening file browser but, that came to my mind when looking at main panel.

- Can You disable having two keyframes on the same time at the timeline for the same object like mesh ? The thing is - i did a keyframe for mesh with 4 points, then i added 2 more points tothis mesh, so when i went back to animate- it started to create new keyframe without me realising i have 2 keyframes at the same time- old 2ith 4 points and new with 6 points.Id like to not have that problem and update the old keyframe with new points and approximate new points position according to other points, i dont want the nnew points to just stay in place ( cause they did not had position change at all really since theyre new). 

Also please make it add mesh track and keyframe automatically to the timeline from the moment we create the mesh - will save extra step of clicking on key everytime.Cause lets face it - there wil be 0 scenarios where we create a mesh but dont want a track and keyframe for it on a timeline.But if there is, maybe make that as an extra option in settings for people who dont want a track created once we setup the mesh.

- Can You make resamping a part of the shader preset? its a part of the "look" so i think should be a part of it or at least optionable to include it.

- Can You do in the future a batch converter of backgrounds/images to pixel art style using particular shader and resizing options ? lets say scale all imags to be 240 pixels tall and run shader preset through them to convert to pixelart ?

Even better would be a batch processing that includes all functions so id give it folder with gifs, then select shader, and cleanup , inline etc, then click save and it starts to process all the gif files

I have lots of backgrounds from stable diffusion to convert like this

Im really impressed with how eported gifs look like even when mesh deforming single image, you have really special software on your hands, its going to be a game changed for pixel animators and i think regular animators too, even more so when painting layer will be included - no software has it yet. 

(15 edits)

Thanks for the tips, yes i currently use spriter and aseprite heavily but with pixel art i just go with aseprite only.spriter has its issues with antialiasing so i have to upscale 2x or 3x to get crisp pixels when exporting and scaling down.its indexed mode is kinda meh , i still need antialias with it to get rid of jagged lines at least on the insides of character cause lines can just disappear midway when rotating smaler stuff on pixel level, thats also issue with pixelover and inside lines but more about it on point 9.

You can export pngs from spine or dragonbones and index the frames later but the antiaias is too strong for my taste, i had closed contact with spriter devs but sadly they discontinued sprites and built v2 in unity ,im pretty fast with first spriter so im fine with it, i like mesh cause it has autosubdivisions and its super smooth without sharp edges unless i need those. 

1- what i meant was more like autokeyframing everything you modify , cause now i had to add keys myself for mesh, for bone etc, its just timewaster to do it like this and time = money.

So for example if you decide to use a mesh and click on it to create a mesh - add keyframe on timeline from get go so we dont have to do it ourselves.

2 - yes like a chain ik, it would be nice if only parent bone would follow but if you press a key then next one would follow and pressing key again another one would follow up in hierarchy.I use it all the time to bend arms ,torsos and legs in a natural way.

simply holding shift and moving forearm bone to do temp IK to bend the elbow  so bicep bine would follow would be much faster and no setup needed,

3- thats nice it exists, yeah having it ready to swap image in split second during animating would help save time as well, with spriter you just click left mouse button and all images are displayed so you can hover over them and pick the one you want, there might be other faster ways but thats a convenient one also you can display hands only,legs only or all images to choose from

4.that shift is just y axis , need it for x axis too.the image doesnt get "Fatter" just gets taller shorter.

5.yeh that is something i wanted so many times to touch up things and skip separate program, but how it would align with everything , not sure , maybe it is user that would have to deal with it and not modify and move bones anymore when using pixeldraw layer.OR maybe it would or could be per bodypart... not sure what would be more universal to keep al the extra pixels aligned with animation even if you modify the bones rotations slightly later.

8.The z sort thing takes time, i just wish there was fast way to sort stuff and not al things would be on 0,   id make scene panel order not being able to change z sort when moving stuff around and all things are at sort 0  - this is confusing and shouldnt be possible, id use just z order panel to change display order so no matter how much you swap around scene order panel elements - they wont change display/z order like they do now.

9.yes this would be a big thing to do really clean lines even on insides like mouth if you could detect the mouth lines somethow ?

Maybe... if we would paint the mouth lines in lets say magenta then you would detect those as a border and use code from inline to replace these with cleaner ones ? Maybe there are other tricks that would make it work nicer, i suppose you would hve to mask the original line that bevomes jaggy and display clean one on top? not sure how you do inline but it works great and oh by the way , you think its possible to do autocolored inline ? SO its not just one color eveywhere but detects if ears have orange colour and creates slightly darker orange for inline, then it detects if hands are blue and creates inline with darker blye and slighd hue shift or something ? all controlable by user how dark it is and how far it hueshifts and desaturates from original blue color.

I dont think ive seen autocolored outlines/inlines, but the inlines work much nicer from what i see to cleanup messy outlines, would be great to use that technique on lines that are drawn on the inside of bodypart too at least partially, that would save tons of time on cleanup.


- timeline thats frame number based not seconds based, basically what aseprite does.

-keyboard shortcuts to go back one frame with arrow left, or back one keyframe  with shift arrow left etc.

- when opening gif animation of lets say walkcycle, i think a tickbox for automatic idexaction would be handy, to it would use palette of actual gif for indexing

- new mesh type thats already subdivided and works like in spriter where you can have one control point that able to be selectable and other verts around it are not  cause they will just follow  the main vert .Something like proportional editing in blender when you grab one vert and all others will follow it, would be neat to adjust how strong it is .This will help us to get rid of over complex meshes and deal with jagged areas .You can control subdivision level in spriter with a shortcut so similar thing could be very useful.


-  Also.. gif export ? I really need it , all clients want to see thing moving.Would save time.

- I had some issues sometimes in sprites it does weird dot artifacts like on his darker leg, single pixels, tried denoise but it wont remove it without blurring details, any ideas how to detect those singletons and trash them ? also single jagged pixels on borders use a code that could be used for that i suppose ? detect is theres single pixel and no other pixel in near areas.

- autoswapping bodyparts acording to light position

On this custom mary walkcycle i had to reasemble her as a puppet with bones ( done in spriter and upscaled bodyparts worked on 400% scale then scaled down to get crisp lines like actual sprites  when fighting back antialiasing but also wanting to keep some of it a bit )and i had custom bodyparts with different light scenarios (left,right, extreme left,extreme right and middle light) so it would work better and more natural, sometimes i wish someone would figure out a way to automatically swap the bodyparts depengint where you told the software the light is ... maybe one day ?

I use lot of multiple bodyparts for more complex pupet sprite animations so a way to swap them immediately as quickly as possible would help a lot 

- reference layer ? so it would play animation under everything and you would work frame by frame looking at reference, i animate a lot with reference like this sonic type char.So it would basically autoswap to next frame when dragging the timeline slider , we wouldnt have to worruy about anything, kinda like animation playing back under our animation.

Oh and resampling panel is amazing, i can choose the one i want for specific sprite style, i have some ideas on how to scale up 4x and scale down back with priority to dark pixels when they occupy the same space when scaled down, that should give even better results in theory.But i could be wrong

At the moment sharp bilinear and rotsprite are winners for what i do, if youd figure out autocolored inline that would be amazing. but palette would have to already contain the extra dark colour used for autocolored inlines i suppose, lot of logic behind it all.

(2 edits)

Hey , its a great piece of software and a pretty exciting one, i work on game sprites on pixel level and bone animations since like 8 years, spine,spriter, dragonbonees ,blender you name it..  and obviously aseprite thats amazing, i have some suggestsions that would speed up the work...

- make keyframe automatically on frame 0 from get go, dont leave it empty cause its cumbersome to create keyframes for stuff , most soft are autokey, so just be careful what you move and thats it - speeds up work a lot. Also autokefuraming for mesh,translate,rotate when you change them, so you dont even have to touch the key button that creates keframes.You can make it optionable in settings but id prefere this on default mode.

- when we grab child  bone and hold shift , its nice to have parent bone follow child bone ,  auto IK  helps immensely when animating.

-ability to swap images of for example the hand to open palm, fist, pointing ifnger etc very easily and auto keyframe it on timeline ( like howing selection of all hand images to choose from with a shortcut or right mouse button when we click on hand bodypart during animation process ?

- bones only rotate ? Id like to be able to squash and stretch so maybe add scale x,y ? or a place on bone so we can click on it to enable scaling + also a way to scale without aspect ratio preservation and with preservation.( so we can make things thinne/fatter with bones)

- a pixel paint layer ? that would be something, so we can touch up stuff by painting over ? Like a regular aseprite layer or something and simple painting tools...

- shortcut cheat sheet  with all shortcuts onscreen at once ?

-easy one click way to reset layer shader to default

- automatic z order on import !!! this is a big one, why dont you jut automate it so when we import images their z order is not 0 on all of them but already set to whatever image was first or last...

Most of my time wasting issues are that things are set to 0 by default instead of saving time and giving them actual values/settings which is how other animation software work , you import everthing on frame 0 and this frame is already keyframed automatically.

-  You ever though if it would be possible to do lke a vector paint layer where you would draw like you normally do pixel art but when you do one pixel bent line as a smile  and when you rotate it then the line would be perfectly preserving one pixel width no matter how you rotate it ?  especially the lines inside of the sprite like mouth or eyes, currently when we rotate we get jaggies inside ( inline can fix nicely outlines so thats covered ), some kind of way to combat that would be great,, 

Maybe extra layer that would use the code for the inline by copying stuff thats underneath and detecting lines and colors ? Not sure how your inline thing works but I think that would be groundbreaking if a software would take care of the chosen lines ,  sometimes i use  antialiasing and then do indexation so it would work but that might not be desireable by all people, still antialias is a nice option IMO if we would want it , i think current display is aliased and its simple near neighbour scaling , sometimes i do want alias and sometimes i dont, a switch for that would be nice. 

-Maybe inline per bodypart/image ? also ability to remove inline by masking or something even quicker ? so they could be opened shapes not just closed ones.

overall its still not as fast to make me want to switch but its close + lack of antialias is a deal breaker cause sometimes i animate non pixelated stuff but im glad i bought it  and cant wait whats next.

Got it and i love the artwork, it feels like playing episode of a cartoon !

Its Amazing work, and it would be great if game would just restart level after dying right away, without need to reload if we are on actual level still, cause loading takes lot of time, and it would just feel more polished if it would restart immediately without showing loading screen with planet.

(1 edit)

HEy man, does it work with intel 4000 HD? which version do i need to get, it kinda works with full version but it says  that output folder does not contain frames and must have been error during interpolation. what do i need to make it work on cpu with my  i5 and intel 4000?