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A member registered Feb 08, 2021 · View creator page →

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AMAZING! Really, I could not stop playing. So innovative, so simple, so fun.  My only suggestion is to give a visual cue when the lazer is disappearing and that's it. 10/10

Great design, very original idea. I had fun playing it, so congrats on the game. I like how the ants can be accidentally left behind. I lost a few of them this way and it's really funny.

Thank you for the feedback. I'm a beginner in this whole art thing. So I really appreciate your tips. Thank you very much.

Really nice concept, I enjoyed it a lot. I could not pass level 6. But the puzzles are really well done. Congrats. Oh, and amazing art too.

Amazing sounds, and color choice. I know the art is mostly geometric figures, but the whole feel of the game is amazing. Congratulations. The weight of the character is frustrating enough that finding the "flyers" is very relieving/rewarding. If you ever make a version 2.0 I'd love to play it.

Really nice game. I love maxing out stats in games, the feel of getting stronger is really good. I believe my suggestions wouldn't differ from other comments here. So I'll simply say, congratulations guys.

Really cool game. I love strategy games, so I'm biased. The character's buffing auras is a really cool idea. I hope you get this further for more levels and more characters. My suggestion for the future is to allow the player to choose which character to move first, this was kinda frustrating. Anyways, great game, congrats.

I liked your game a lot. The way the apes follow you is really good. It's simple yet fun. I did find a bug in narrower corridors where some apes got stuck on the wall and somehow this prevented my main ape from moving. But other than that, nice job, congrats.

Well, now I need a burger. Really cool game, at first I was like "meh, these physics are weird they're sliding". But then, a got used to it, and actually used the sliding when jumping around. I found a bug where you can get on top of the yellow block and jump along with it, essentially flying.  I know it wasn't intentional, but that made the game even more fun for me.

Loved your game, quite relaxing to be honest. The music, the art and the whole sleeping cats thing fit well together, very harmonious. Congrats to you guys. I kept playing in the end, trying to go higher to see if found the edge, this means your mechanics are really fun to play with.

I loved the lighting, and the art. The whole feel of the game was really well done. All the time I felt lonely, a little scared, and the darkness made it real somehow. As if I tried to look at the creatures in the dark, always searching but never sure. Nice job.

Thank you so much for your feedback. I'm glad you liked it. Your comments made my day :D

Thank you for the feedback. Yeah, I wanted to make more enemies and waves. In fact there were some enemies who didn't make it to the final version. Hopefully I can get a version 2.0 with all the proposed features.

(1 edit)

Loved your game. It's simple ,yet addictive and fun. I liked how you balanced the waves and character powers. I noticed that at some points my pistol could kill in one shot, but others it didn't. If it's intentional it's really cool, if it's a bug, rewrite it to make it intentional, it adds fear and randomness to the whole experience. My suggestion would be to make the rifle automatic. I think it would burn through the ammo faster, making it more scarce. Great game guys, congrats.

Nice game, you really worked hard on those puzzles, they are amazing. I liked how you have to keep thinking of both character's movements all the time. It was little hard for me, but I'm not the best at platforming anyways. Love the colors too, they fit well, and are easy on the eyes. Congrats

Really cool game, I had lots of fun. Really beautiful too, the light and the ground's perspective. I can't fully explain, but these two together look good, and gave me a sense of speed.  A few suggestions for future versions. Have the player start out with something like three spheres, just so they don't die on the first few seconds. Also, I am not sure if it was a bug, but the white spheres were vanishing really quickly (maybe enemies touching them?), that was frustrating. But anyways, the game is really fun, congrats to you guys.

I liked how you make the fusion character become huge. Your idea is really good, fighting off these skeleton waves was fun, specially when I got to kill all of them in super saiyan mode. My suggestion would be to make the characters more distinguishable, maybe add colored clothing. I had a hard time telling them apart from time to time. Also, check out my game, I guess our ideas were close together. In it, you control two characters too, with these keybindings.

I really enjoyed your game. The art and lighting are amazing. I love how you can shoot your enemy's bullets to stop them. My suggestion is to make the AI of the partner a little worse. A lot of the time I felt like I didn't need to be there. Maybe have him follow you, or only fire when you fire. Anyways, great game, congrats.

I enjoyed the stealth, though I thought it was a little har, I swear sometimes the guards would pull a 180 and come for me. Also, loved the art congrats, very cute walking animations.

This is a really cool idea to use fire and increase it as you go along. I admit I was hoping to shoot a big fire ball at some point, but I know this is not what you were going for. Anyways, the platforming is good. I suiggest removing friction from materials so the player doesn't get stuck on the walls, it was hard getting to the torch by the end. At one point during my first play, the screen actually went pitch black nearing the torch and I had to restart it. Also, great art on the fire, very cute.

I liked the idea of transfoirming into creatures with different capabilities. Your art is also really good, if you ever continue this game, I'd love to see the characters animated.

Loved the feel, I really got scared. Not sure what was scarier, seeing the creature or not seeing it. I laughed a LOT when I got killed the first couple of times, it was so sudden and the death noises got me laughing. Loved the game, really fun. I wasn't able to finish it though. Is it possible to finish it even with one or two dead guys? Because it felt like with them dead I could no longer open some of the doors that seemed crucial.

I really liked the idea of using the plants, I felt smart for climbing on the shot of the second seed. Nice art too, the vines on the inventory are a really nice touch. I found a bug where you can get stuck on the ground by standing directly in front of the shooting seed. One suggestion would be to bind the seeds to keyboard numbers like 1,2,3... I felt that clicking on them was a little tedious. Anyways great game, congrats.

I NEED MORE! I loved this game, seriously, I'd gladly pay for a complete version on Steam. The only improvement I could think of, is making the allies auto attack the enemies that attack them. Again, amazing game, completely in theme, nice art, music and overall, mechanics.

Thank you, maybe I should blur the background more? Or just slow it down so it doesn't steal focus. Sorry for the confusion, the idea of the synchronizing is that the ships have a shadow on the opposite side. This makes them fire faster, and in purple whenever they touch the other's shadow., which hits both kids of enemies. I'll make it clearer on the description.

Oh, my bad then, I'll try on a different browser, maybe something got bugged

I lasted about 15min. I really enjoyed playing, it felt very strategic, with time you pick up on the enemy movements and predicts them.  Love the fact that you used chess piece movements. My suggestions are about balancing. I found that after a while my king was pretty strong, but any new ally I got was quite weak. They arrive with ~4 atk  whilst my king had 8 and the enemies were having ~21+ health. This together with the fact that I could only move one of my characters in the turn made me kinda forget about the allies and use only the king. Also, man coins are pretty scarce I liked the fact that this made me value them a lot more. I'd often take damage for a coin. Make the allies follow the difficulty level and you got yourself a really nice mechanic. Again, amazing game. :D

Thank you so much for the feedback. Yeah, I actually had the code for creating entirely random waves, but I forgot to add it T . T (I literally forgot one single line of code to add it properly). The difficulty is supposed to increase for each wave, but maybe it's a little slow. I found that people who tested it for the first time found it too difficult. Meanwhile, people testing for the second or third time found it too easy, so it was hard to balance it out. Maybe version 2.0 gets to be more balanced. :D

I really enjoyed your game. At first, the flame is slow and little visibility. I felt like I was back in Pokemon Yellow/Red/Blue without the HM-Flash. The fact that the beginning is frustrating makes finding the flames that much more rewarding. For me, each flame was a huge relief on getting more speed and visibility. Very nice. Also, the art and music are awesome.

It's a fun game, I like how you placed some hardware components on the field. A suggestion I can give you for future versions is to add music, I can definitely see this game with a cool retro eletronic music.

Beautiful game, the art is amazing, and I loved the waving mouse effect. Definitely going to learn that for future games.

Loved the music, quite relaxing, it was really fun to play.  I kept wanting to go deeper and see what I could find. This deep ocean mystery is a nice concept to go back to. My suggestion would be to add a feel of strength or power to the friendly squids, that could be like adding more, and having them possibly die too, or just making their shots stand out more. Anyways really liked it, nice job.

I liked the lights and graphics. The way particles come out when you jump is really nice. My suggestion: add music. I bet that with the right music track and these lights, the feel of the game would be completely achieved.

Really fun, loved how crazy it gets by collecting a ton of allies. I'd suggest having something written about the controls, and how to fire. To be honest, I thought it was so much fun that i was sad it ended. Maybe in future versions you can generate enemy waves randomly, this way the game can go on.

The idea is amazing, very fun. I had some trouble swinging the asteroids, when I try to make them swing over the ship in a circle. Maybe it's just me, but take a look at that when you can. It's difficult to master, but really fun, I enjoyed it. Hope to beat the boss some time.

For a 15h game, that's actually pretty nice. Though I found a bug where multiple Iforas keep spawning after the first one dies, it broke the game, i couldn't shoot anymore.

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I loved the music and the art, they fit each other perfectly. I found your game very innovative, the jump sounds and music challenges were really fun. My suggestion for the next version is to have all of them play together in the end. Changing the notes and colors to show this.