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Cat Labs

A member registered May 10, 2021 · View creator page →

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Hey, i have some expierence in Pixel art and alos have done some Games before.

when you are intressted and have Discord you can DM me there under : Creepe2.0n

Yeah, my discord is: Creepe2.0n#3149

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I made an Update, so there is now an First Steps Point in the Main menu. Hope this helps :)

This is my ahh... idk which jam this is but wish you luck ;)

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It's fun and the music is very well chosen. The graphics are really good too. I liked being able to turn on the TV. So yeah, great work :)

Hey, it's a really fun and stressful game. It would be nice if there was a high score :)

There is a game breaking bug when trying to play again. Just restart the game. I will fix it as soon as possible. :)

So good and so Simple. Love it!

I send the Sprite by E-mail

Yeah, i will work on it later. Do you have discord? My is: Creepe2.0n#3149

(1 edit)

I like it. It is simple and it makes fun.  :)

I send you a friend request

Nice, how do we want to communicate.?

Hey, I can make 2d assets in Pixel Art style. If you need an artist, just write me on discord or Itch.

All what I have done so far is visible on my itch page.

 Discord: Creepe2.0n#3149


The game not only has beautiful graphics, but also suitable music. The gameplay is fun for a while, even if it doesn't reinvent the wheel. A slider to turn the volume down or up would have been nice

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I would love to make art for your game, but I only do pixel art.

If that doesn't bother you, just write me on Discord: Creepe20n#3149

I've been developing games with Unity for a while now. I'll take some tasks off your hands (art, sound, programming)
Just write me on Discord: Creepe20n#3149
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Hello, I've been working with Unity for a while and I know the jam has already started, but if you're still looking for a team member I'd be there.

Hello, I'm a German game developer. I've always worked alone and now I want to try what it's like to work in a team for a long time. Since I've already worked on a few projects, I already have enough experience in programming and creating 2d sprites within Unity. I speak and understand English well enough to communicate properly. I am happy about everyone who contacts me , just write me over Discord : Creepe20n # 3149

Thank you for your feedback. I now also have a version for Mac and Linux, which I will upload as soon as possible.

Hello and thanks for the criticism. If you are interested, I can show you how to solve the level.

Discord: Creepe20n # 3149

The control

a for shooting



e-border above

f- border below

everything was translated with the google translator