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A member registered Dec 08, 2023 · View creator page →

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(1 edit)

Literally laughed out loud multiple times while reading this. I love me some robot snark, and I also appreciated how the story was really focused on Crystal and Samblar starting to trust each other and work together instead of trying to squeeze that in amongst action sequences.

Double the allies, double the fun! I enjoyed all the alien hive worldbuilding you managed to fit into such a small wordcount, too. I have many questions about the rat's and human's motives, but I did enjoy how you were able to sell the team-ups that happened without a conversation.

I enjoyed this, especially getting to see the main character have a real moment of truth at the end. I think it's hard to do character growth in such a short space but I liked how you showed it.

Loved this one. The first paragraph was stellar. You painted each scene in story so quickly and clearly. And even though it's an unlikely allies story, I still had the moment of tension when Festus tells the daemon the fleet coordinates (what if they somehow turn on him after all??) Really well-done.

Also, the Free Radical is a fantastic name for a ship.

Really well-written. I loved little details like "tail-curling" as a rat phrase, too. Nicely done!

I thoroughly enjoyed this one. Your descriptions were vivid, your prose was excellent (I loved "Kidding, of course. He'd laughed. I hadn't.") and I'm always here for a good rebel/underdog story.  Big thumbs-up!

*checks word count* I'll see what I can do, haha. 


Aw, even if the encounter was somehow manufactured, I hope they became real friends in the end. That's my headcanon, anyway. I liked the worldbuilding of terms like Leaf Ear and thought the descriptions were vivid, too.

Fun team-up! I liked the dialogue and wanted more of it - I would have been completely happy with not wrapping up the alliance all the way if it meant more banter, haha.

Glad the dynamic worked for you. And yes, definitely a fun vibe to write; glad it came through in reading it, too.

Thanks so much! I can see what you mean about the lack of foreshadowing - I think probably one well-placed line could mitigate that. Appreciate your thoughts!

Clever take on the prompt and fun ending twist. I enjoyed this!