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A member registered Jan 14, 2024 · View creator page →

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Thanks for playing. We're really glad you liked the visuals.

Thanks for playing and the feedback. Glad you noticed about the gamepage, we spent some time trying to make it good looking hahaha. Yes we're planning to release a browser version. We used a middleware to handle the sounds that was not compatible with webgl, but now we're changing this to another one that will allow us to release the game to web.

Thanks for playing and for the extensive feeedback, really glad you liked our character design and the visuals in general. Yeah we were very inspired by punch-out, not only in gameplay but we wanted a more comical approach in the characters animations and sounds. about the player windup, it was a thing we were a bit aware during the development but sadly i didn't had enough time to focus on this issue, or to playtest the gamefeel enough. About the player idle animations, it's something that not catched our eyes, and it is surely one thing we will now pay attention during future development. We're planning to finish the game to fit our initial expectations and the new feedback we've received. Unfortunally, with time constraints we ended cutting many things, like animations, more cutscenes, SFXs and music, and a proper enemy IA. We hope to finish what we planned and give a more pleasant experience soonly.

Thanks for playing and for the feddback. We're planning to finish the game to fit our original idea and the feedback you all gave to us. I was responsible for the SFXs and the music, but sadly i didn't have enough time, since i was handling the programming too. Hoping to fix all these issues and make this game a more pleasant experience.

Thanks for playing, and for hosting the jam. Glad you enjoyed the visuals.

Thanks for playing! Glad you liked the visuals.

Thanks for playing, we're glad that you enjoyed the artstyle.

Thanks for playing and for the feedback. Yeah the team is looking to finish the game soonly to fit our initial expectations, 

Thanks forplaying and for the feedback. We're looking to finish the game soon, we'll finish the animations, fix thegamplay, and now i will have the time to make the sounds and music, so i think it will become a more pleasant experience hahaha. (I mash in tekken to, i know how you feel

Thanks for playing. Yeah it was a bit overwhelming to handle both the programming and the sound. The days i was programming i didn't have time to make sounds, and vice-versa, so it ended that boths areas were lacking detail and work hahaha. We're planning to finish the game soon, accordingly to our original scope.

Thanks for playing. Yeah it was a bit hard, but now that the jam ended, we're looking to finish the game.

Well it's a very complete and well made entry. Took me about 2 fights to undestand well the battlesystem, but once understood it was very pleasant. The art reminds me a bit of dragon quest, and it's noticeable you've put a lot of work in it.  Great game.

The gameplay is very polished and fun. I'm glad that you made a tutorial, he teaches the mechanics well. And of course, the characters are so cute.

I liked the three samurai system a lot, and the koku system was a great balance mechanic. The art style was cool, the select screen with the samurai portraits was neat. It's a really good game, the controls were responsive, congratulations.

The art style is cute, and the game looked very fun. Sadly i was playing solo so i cannot give a more detailed analysis

Really liked the retro style, that pinky fish  reminded me the medusas from castlevania. The story screens, and the splash screen is looking amazing. I liked the armor design of the samurai, very original.

Very fun and simple game. Liked the visual and style a lot. My favorite entry so far. Congrats

I like the style and gameplay. I think you should add a mouse cursor, it was a bit hard to control the direction the character is facing, and i think adding this would solve this problem. The SFXs were too loud, normalize them to a lower DB level. Congrats.

Como são BR vai em português. Achei a mecânica e a ideia interessante de usar o momento do personagem pra ir rápido, acho q ele podia começar já com uma velocidade um pouco maior. Os inimigos podiam ser um pouco maiores e acho q alguma sinalização de que da pra usar o dash neles. Parabéns pelo jogo.

The music is good, I liked how you used the koto at the intro,  and the gameplay music loopswell and fits with the pace of the game. The visuals are pretty good, The character moved a bit too fast so it was a litte hard to control him, and also there was a delay in the deaths, i think adding a visual effect or sfx for the sword hits would improve the game feel. Congratulations, it's a great game.

The SFXs and music are very good, and the game plays pretty well. I liked the round announcement banner with Arcsys style sentences. I would suggest a visual effect when a parry is succeeded, for a better game feel. Nice work and congratulations.