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A member registered Jul 17, 2018 · View creator page →

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This asset pack kicks ass, I love it



Hey thanks for reporting the bug! What browser are you using to run the HTML version?

Thank you! That means a lot to me

(1 edit)

Great work, love the retro-fps style and gameplay. My only wish is for a bigger map

Thanks! I appreciate that :)

Just used this for a game jam entry. Beautiful and versatile tileset, it was a lot of fun to put levels together with it!

(1 edit)

Thanks! I appreciate the feedback, I'm definitely going to add some more sound effects and feedback for the player. I tried to add glow for the laser, but ran into issues because I'm using GLES2. 

Destructible terrain is a really cool idea! Could use that for secrets

thanks for reporting the bug! I'll definitely look into fixing that

that's a really good question tbh

Thanks! I appreciate the feedback, I'll definitely tweak some things after judging is over to make the game a bit more approachable 

Hey thanks! I wrote a shader to give the scientists and soldiers variety in skin and hair tone, so I'm glad you noticed that haha. The dash goes farther if you have more charge, but it still might be a little weak overall. That's surprising to me about the audio, but thanks for letting me know

Thanks, I'm glad you liked it! And I appreciate the feedback

Thanks, I really appreciate it! 

Thanks, I'm glad you like it! I definitely made it a bit harder than it needs to be - might have to add in difficulty settings after judging

I'm in love with the visual style and atmosphere of this game. Really impressive 3D artwork, and I love the isometric view. The elevator ride in particular looks amazing

Really impressive 3D work on display here. I love the concept of climbing up a giant creature

I love the artwork and interpretation of the theme. This one is hard, but really fun to  play!

I can't believe you made this in 17 days! The level of polish is really impressive. Very juicy gameplay and a fun interpretation of the theme. Extremely good work

This game has a really neat timing mechanic! My only feedback is that I think the platforming controls could feel smoother and less "jerky"

This was really neat and engaging! I love the strategy involved, and I think that the fragility of the environment is one of the best interpretations of the theme that I've seen

That intro is incredible lol

This was really fun! Y'all have a neat take on the theme, and I like it a lot haha

Very fun, and a great art style! I really like that you made multiple difficulties, I only wish there were more levels

Wow! This is extremely impressive and a lot of fun to play. Very unique concept too

haha yeah, you have to fight the urge to break everything in the regular levels

Thank you!!

Thanks, I'm glad you noticed the little touches I added to try and juice it up a little!

Thank you!!

thanks so much! And yeah, I can totally see how it's confusing since I'm not really communicating that to the player, so a tutorial or something definitely would have helped lol

Nice job! I'm glad you enjoyed it :)

Incredible, the level of polish on this is insane, and the gameplay is very unique and engaging

I enjoyed this a lot! I love the progression and building more and more powerful, but doomed vehicles. 

Haha, yeah I can see how it might be a bit ambiguous. Glad you liked it!

Thanks! I can totally see how a scoring system like that could make the game less frustrating, and probably also add some depth to it

This is a great game! I like the different types of surfaces