Nice game to play with a cup of coffee. The latest level felt a bit crammed and a bit too long for my liking, without much new. I would have liked to have a bit more room to have fun with the gravity mechanic.
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Very fun experience, unexpectedly intense. A bit of sound would go a long way, You might want to consider adding SFX for the helicopter and key. Also loved the achievements, great addition.
As well as CasePortman, and for the same reasons, I didn't use the dash ability maybe I would have used it more if it went through walls.
Nice job!

Nice game! As others mentioned before, getting stuck inside the walls is very easy. That's understandable but kinda frustrating when it happens so often. Sometimes, I could squeeze back on track but when I couldn't, I had to reload the page. Solid entry though and I hope the best for your dev journey :)
Great first game!!! I really liked it, I would have liked some type of power up or that over time it would get more difficult, perhaps with more obstacles or having to balance something, I also feel that when losing you need some sound to make it more noticeable. I really liked the artistic part, very nice graphics. Overall good job, keep it up :D