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A member registered Apr 20, 2020 · View creator page →

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Congratz on #1 that's really awesome! You earned it!

Ah yeah a minimap and a quest tracker would be very helpful. We ended up building our own dialogue system just with a sequence of JSON files. It took us a bit of time to get that part going because we implemented the flow ourselves. Would be interested in looking into using some kind of pre built system in the future.

Oh you were so close to the end! Glad you got to give it a go though. Yeah that collision was a known bug from the start. only just got to fix it now that the jam is over :P

Ha yeah that collision issue has been noticed a lot. It's been fixed now that the jam is over. Thanks for your comments, we're glad you liked it.

Thanks so much!


Thanks so much for the rating and feedback. Really happy to have mad it in to get ranks. Was a lot of fun, hope you had fun with the jam too :)

Not a problem. If you have a moment we'd love your ranking on our game. We only need x2 more to rank. Hope you have a good day :) 

This was really cool! I was confused at first but once i worked out that you had to go out of bounds the progress in the level i thought that was such a cool way to design your levels.

The controls were fluid and felt good, and the levels increased in difficulty at the right pace I think.

Really nice work :)

Beautiful idea and loved the story.  Really enjoyed game play of getting the card at the end of the level but only when I was an old man. Second level is quite tricky, I find the positioning of the controls strange... I kept wanting  to press 'E' instead of 'Q' but that's probably just me. The art is beautiful and your title screen hooked me in. 
We made a story based game set in the past if you have any time to play we only need x2 more votes to be ranked. Great game, well done. 

I think the concept is cool and i really like the idea of a clicker for a game jam. Main issue for me was it took me so long to work out what to actually click on. Even though it said click on the main guy in the description, the lack of click or hover feedback meant it took me a long time to realise that clicking him was how to progress. 

Awesome idea though, nice work!

Thank you for playing we appreciate it!

The controls were pretty difficult on a keyboard but they felt smooth. I feel like there is potential to ease the player into the climb and jump dash mechanic a little more with some easier levels to begin with. Same with the rewind mechanic which was slightly confusing at first.
Nice work though I enjoyed the feel of the game!

Hey we love these sorts of games! We made a mystery dialogue game too but we are set in the apocalypse. I got to stage 4 of your game with the light and wires... Martha and Dan the deputy keep telling me to go into the plant. I'm so there, and it looks like i should be able to pick up the red device on  the table but I can't seem to figure it out? I've wandered around th edges and talked to all the NPCs again... not sure how to unlock it.
Love that you were as ambitious as us! How hard are the colisions with the NPCs. We managed to fix the bugs(so we don't walk through them) but we can't impliment till the jams over :) Great game, wish I could have completed it and I do like the music :) 

I liked the vibe you had with this game. I had some issues running it after i died the first time, but when I was in it I was having fun. The character movement was a little fast for me, and the jumping was a lot bigger than i expected, but that kind of made it funner.
Nice work!

Nice game with a nice take on the theme. Really liked the mood you were setting and the atmosphere of the game. 

Very cute and nice game play. cool flappy bird kind of vibes with a nice twist with the rewind mechanic. One suggestion I could make would be to start a bit slower. It came in pretty hot from the get go and I struggled to get very far without having an opportunity to get used to the feel of the game first. Nice work though!

Sweet concept. I liked how you implimented the theme. I also really like that you broke down the 'upcoming features/fixes,' although I will say those red words are a little hard to read. Art is cute and blob is cuter. Please check us out if you have the time we just need x2 more votes to qualify for ranking :) Thanks

Nice game, I liked the concept and it was a nice different mechanic that was enjoyable to play. I found after a while that a lack of variety made it drag on a bit, both with the words and the pace. I feel like as you progressed you could have sped up the incoming words a little or something.
Nice work!

I really enjoyed the different forms and liked how you explained you only had 3 trys. I really wanted to see which form I was choosing, but the clock was in front of it (unsure if intentionally blocking). Wasn't sure what each of the states powers are but i was glad to find the big snow to disapear the boxes (I would add smashing effects if you had time). Purhaps when encountering new objects for the first time you could give the user some dialogue suggestions. Nice work.
Please check out our game if you have time :) 

This is terrific! Great little puzzles, cute and fun two character mechanic. Awesome music and vibe. This is definitely one of my favourite games of the jam. Just such a nice feeling game and honestly the first 3D entry I've played that feels like a 'complete' submission. Really nice job.

One thing I might suggest is that it can be really hard to manipulate the camera in some of those smaller areas. It might be worth making the camera track closer to the player, maybe bound by the ceiling, when you go into a small space, or switch to a character in a smaller space. I get the feeling that it would be a lot nicer to play with a controller, would love to give that a try at some point.

Great work!

I got to the freaky witch creature in the pile of sticks. I kept rewinding but it wouldn't let me pass :( Sorry to hear the game broke. The art is just beautiful and I love story line games (we made a dialogue game too check it out if you have time).  I'd love to see where you end up taking this, I can see jumping and climbing actions to see further into the future (maybe just see's more of map).
I'd change the colour of the dialogues or impliment something that makes it easier to know who's speaking. I would play it again if I could, very nice feeling game :) 

Thanks for posting the link in a comment below. It wasn't working in my browser but that link worked fine. I really enjoyed it! Appreciated your different level design and the tricky slopped ledge made me need to rewind time (such a sweet implimentation of the rewind). Decent effort, I liked having a win screen. If you wanted to take it further, maybe you could add an 'E' button to grab treasure from the chests and then maybe you loose coins if you fall? 
For a game jam, by yourself and being only 12! I'm impressed.  
Please rank our game if you have time. Thanks :) 

That's definitly something we would consider with enough interest! Thanks so much. We recently created a twitter account if you're interested please keep in touch

We got a time travel game, set in the future, played in the past. Hope you had a fantastic day too

I really enjoyed the backwards play style. I did want more of the game though. I'd definitely add more levels as I can see this being really fun. Sorry to hear about deleting the itch game file, bummer.
Also potential to allow the player to jump when time is going forwards as well, to increase the odds of death/fun. I'd add a 'died' or 'you win' too . The art is beautiful and I did chuckle out loud at his dancing. 

The jumping animation is so cute. I found the first jump to be really hard, it only works if I'm holding sideways and space... Once I could get over it I started to enjoy the music haha, but I really want to know how to get past the two cogs just after the 3 big cogs. I tried so hard but I just couldn't get it.
I like story games so I wish I could have saved 'heroine' (it may also be fun to put an option at start - play as hero or heroine). There's also a part in the start dialogue that I think you meant to say 'successful' instead (when hero is in the cage), but for a game created in a week well done. 
Love the time machine concept, we did a time travel story too! if you have a moment would love to hear your thoughts on our game. 

Love time travel, we went along that road with our game too! I had fun playing this. I really wanted to win but I'm not sure if you have a win screen or not... so I'm assuming I didn't make it to the end. 
I did get the big purple 'rewind' which I though was very clever and needed (felt that achievement 15 dinos down!).  I enjoyed being able to move along the platformer (to run away from dinos) and would probably impliment a jump button to go with :p  
I also really liked the blue bubbles from the time potal at the start. Good job :)    

Love the way you thought about the theme. Name hooked me and when I read zombies I was in (we have apocalypse in our game too!).  I waited for quite a bit for the 2nd wave but thought it crashed and then saw a few comments about that needing to be sped up or adding a button to call more, which I agree. I almost would work that into the 'rewinding' of the speakers, purhaps add a bar to show the player that more zombies have been called... I can see myself playing waves of this if so :) 
Great choice of music and spooky shadows gave me the right feel. Also assets of speakers having wind up I liked.  One point to keep you 'in world' is that I would try to fade the music in and out so you can't tell when it stops and starts. All in all great effort for a one person game!

Yeah absolutely I agree. The contract thing was something that i realised right before submission and i realised that the player needed a separate kind of timeline memory to the rest of the game. Definitely something I'd like to add, and also something that opens up a lot more possibilities of past situations.

Thanks so much for the feedback!

I like your concept and the first level really nicely introduced the mechanics with an obvious rock fall.

I wasn't able to get past the 2nd level though. I feel like you did a good job teaching us in the 1st level but then left the player completely on their own in the 2nd level. That would probably be more suited to a later level once you have taken the player through the core mechanics a few times.

Would be interested to know what your expected solution was for the 2nd level? was I supposed to jump over the black chook?

The game is cute and the rewind mechanic works well for the puzzle aspect. I found that the enemy projectiles were a bit too fast to have enough time for the rewinds to take place, and the level with 2 enemies firing was very difficult for me.

This is a great first jam submission though! Well done!

I enjoyed the concept but i encountered a bug in the first level where after the first attempt at wall jumping the game wouldn't allow you to jump anymore, so there was no way to progress any further.

Cool game, nice controls and fun boss fight. I was pretty upset though that both me and the boss died at the same time, but i feel like that still counts :P 

One thing i would suggest is to maybe make some areas a bit brighter. I found that a lot sections were so dark that I was effectively blindly shooting to hope i didn't die.

Nice work!

The concept was cool and i found myself really wanting to find more pieces to rewind to get more of the story.

Unfortunately it was pretty laggy and I wasn't able to make it to the end.
Nice submission though!

This is a great first submission. A cool interpretation of the theme and an interesting mechanic. I also like your art for the video tape guy.

I lack of control of the player felt a bit frustrating at times, as I would be waiting a long time for the guy to auto run himself to where he needed to be, might be worth experimenting with a more traditional platformer style control.

Nice work!

Good game nice work! I like the tone and the mood that was set with the music and aesthetics. The RMB ability was a cool take on the time element, being able to suspend enemies and fire a wave into the frozen zone was a cool effect. 
I didn't really use the rewind that much at all, i couldn't really see a reason too. Perhaps it was because there was so many health drops that even if I missed one I could just kill something else and probably get one. Maybe think about reducing the drops to encourage more time bending?
Really good submission though!

Once I got the hang of the mechanics it was pretty fun. I didn't understand at first that the yellow play button was what played my left most card. I found the font at the start pretty hard to read also. Overall enjoyed myself nice work!

Nice controls and implementation of the rewind. The cooldown i though was nice because it gave some weight to your experience. As in you could rewind your mistakes but it wasn't a free pass. At first i thought the levels were too long but with the rewind and cooldown I can see that it further adds to the tension of not wanting to waste your rewinds. Nice work!

There was a lot more to this game than it seems at first! I went through a few corridors that seemed empty and found a simple platform puzzle, but then went down another room and found a quite intense jump puzzle! It was well designed and kept me busy for a while trying to get some of those tricky jumps. Nice work!