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A jam submission

CHKN_ALFS' Inside My World ost : )View project page

The awesomest ost in my humble opinion
Submitted by CHKN_ALF — 14 hours, 30 minutes before the deadline
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CHKN_ALFS' Inside My World ost : )'s page


CriteriaRankScore*Raw Score
Correlation to theme#2753.5263.526

Ranked from 19 ratings. Score is adjusted from raw score by the median number of ratings per game in the jam.

I would say its kinda like some would say maybe a little jazzy, ambient ig, awesome, waltz, latin flare you know, something for everyone

Message from the artist
Wow, this sure was.


Inside my world
Picture theme

How does it fit the theme?
I would say my tracks fit the theme since um, all tracks are influenced by the artworks depictions of the girl, the mother who im guessing is deceased if not kinda awkward. Inside my world as a title gives you the impression that we are inside this little ladys world, filled with sadness, fun, and most of all love ❤️

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Soundtrack use permission

Yes (CC BY)

Any project

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Heh... it's music diversity time!

In A Bubble - Bubbles!!!1! Sounds really... cute? But at the same time childishly silly and naive. Like I'm just getting a little bit of childish emotion at the beginning..... heh)

Chicken Fight - AAAAAAAA I'm scared. (I love this chorus, heh)

Now Bear With Me - Ah, now I'm laughing, heh..... Thank you (This bear is beautiful). Ah, stop... AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA

Like A Bubble - YAY THIS IS NOT SCARY! Can I rejoice?)

Overall - it was fun and interesting. A variety of emotions, feelings, and.... AAAAAA



Im sorry for causing you to be permanently scared for the rest of your life. It was not my intention to cause harm onto this world yet I unleashed a beast that cannot be contained. I hope you get well soon, if not please do not blame it on me it was your choice to listen to my tracks I even put warnings. I will put up a fight in court my father is Mr. Judge, you will come out of court more scared then when you came in. 


In a Bubble is a wonderful example of a less-is-more approach to arranging. The elements fit into their own little niches and don't concern themselves with busying the mix too much - it reminds me of something I might hear in BotW or TotK, which is really cool.

Chicken Flight is a departure from the above into more a standard arrangement, and it works really well. Nice orchestration and choice of voicings here. I like the minimal percussion and use of the bells. Bass is doing its own thing which is cool; keeping the lower end of the spectrum driving along with some ear candy.

Continuing on with departures, Now Bear With Me was an unexpected change in direction. Super solid arranging here and great use of articulation across all instruments at play here. Those lead melodies are gorgeous and packed with whimsy. Percussion filling its roll perfectly here by providing the heartbeat but staying tight in the process.

Like a Bubble is interesting - dipping a little bit back into the vibes from the first track but as a whole it is definitely busier. Some cool ideas and trade-offs of melodies here. Nice orchestration here, string work is really nice and befitting of the track as a whole.

This was solid - great work. Tracks are all nice and varied with plenty to like and appreciate about them, whilst still managing to stay cohesive with one another. Well produced, to boot. Nicely done, and best of luck!


woah...  I wasn't expecting to get this. This is awesome, made my day honestly. I'm really happy you found IN a BUBBLE to have some resemblance to botw, I was honestly trying to get that vibe as I had recently listened to Miphas song, and felt inspired. Chicken Fight or Chicken Flight as you call it (which honestly I think might be a better title I'll decide later) is my probably favorite that I made, the bass Im really happy with, it adds a lot and fills some voids. Happy you liked Now bear with me, I was semi worried that track wouldn't land well, but I think from the comments I've received it did. And Like a Bubble I was kinda iffy about in the beginning but once I added the pizzicato strings I got reminded of this theme "L'amore dice ciao (slow take)" and I knew that I had to add the brushes, and it honestly turned into one of my favorites. Thank you greatly for using your time to give me an in depth analysis on my tracks, I genuinely am grateful, I wasn't expecting this at all.  Best of luck to you as well!!!


I WON'T GET SCARED, I WON'T GET SCARED... I kept saying to myself, but I survived. Funny titles, interesting soundtrack, overall good work!


Funny?? Alright tough guy, we all know you pissed yourself reading the titles, you don't gotta be ashamed so did everyone else (except me). Im glad you found them interesting, my biggest worry was having them be boring to listen to. Thank you for commenting!!!


Probably the scariest entry of the jam but I was warned. I think my favorite was NOW BEAR WITH ME (ALSO TOO SCARY). It's got a great groove. I see several people commenting about volume. I didn't think it was too bad, tbh. In any case, here's a free tool that can help in mastering: Helps you figure out how loud the mix is and how loud the peaks are. Thanks for making and sharing!


Thank you for addressing the song with its official title, Mr. Bear Jr gets a little pissed when people don't treat his song with respect. Thank you for the tool, the volume issue is dependent on how you listen to the track. thank you for listening and commenting!!!


The soundtrack was super playful and fun! The pictures were great as well. Thanks for prefacing that “Like A Bubble” wasn’t scary. Almost didn’t make it out alive.


Yeah I had to hold back on the scariness, if I would've done a third scary song, well lets just say I would be 6 feet into the ground right now.  Thank you for enjoying the tracks, I'm glad people found them fun to listen to! Oh and I'm glad you liked the pictures a lot of heart and time were put into  all four.


The pictures were really funny. specifically the one with the poorly cropped bear and doll. Loved it.

As others have said the mix was too quiet but I really liked the melodies in all the songs

Good Job!


You must have some balls to laugh at the face of the bear, I mean it was even hard for me to even look them in the eyes. I'm glad you enjoyed the melodies of my songs, I really tried to hone in on that at least (unlike my mixing 😔 ) Thank you so much for checking out my tracks (i kinda spaced out and locked in to your pfp and noticed that its a J making an F and thats honestly pretty sick I had previously thought it was a snake)


Its meant to be a J making an eighth note since my name starts with a J and I make music but a graphic designer I am not so it is just really simple pixel art.


Master volume is way too low and needs to be increased. Also, some of the instruments aren't mixed well. However, the tracks are whimsical and amusing. Good work!


Yeah I honestly didn't see the volume a problem while making the songs, but once I had put them on youtube and listened to them later on I noticed that it was pretty low. And yeah the mixing I gotta hone in on that for next time, I'm mostly bummed about the bass in chicken fight not being that hearable when you listen to it on a phone without headphones, some of the parts sound pretty empty because of that. But THANK YOU for hearing my tracks and leaving some advice, I'm glad you found my tracks "whimsical" and "amusing" : )


Wonderful tracks- I am also appreciative of the Bear/Chicken warnings. I made to fully equip myself before listening to "Bear with me." Even with a full set of medieval plate armor I was still taken aback by the music. It was very silly- I love the percussion, but I will say that neither bear with me or chicken fight really resembled the theme to me. Like a bubble did resemble much better though, so that's good. If you plan on doing more jams like this one I would recommend trying to hunker down on those tracks that intentionally latch onto the themes presented for the Jam.

Of all of your tracks, my favorite was Like a Bubble. All of your tracks were very whimsical and fun to listen to! Great job!!!


I'm glad you took the precautionary measures to be able to hear these songs, It takes a whole lot of strength to get through them without injury. Ima be honest, I'm really shocked you were the first one to say something about the themes,  that was like my biggest worry other than someone saying my songs were dog. I think if I would've explained bear with me with the story i had in mind I could've gotten away with it but I instead chose to uh well yeah. Chicken fight though, yeah I do agree completely, ngl i def got a little selfish and instead of being like hmm I like this but its a little too grand and intense I instead was like damn this is kinda sounding dope ima keep going. BUT IM SUPER HAPPY you liked like a bubble cause that's my favorite one. Thank you so much for hearing my songs and leaving compliments with a side of constructive criticism it means the world to me, so again thank you!!


I definitely felt like I got away from the theme at times, but I tried roping myself back in often enough to get myself back on track- but at the end of the day, if you're flowing and you have a certain direction, then that matters more than the theme. I don't think for a second you should ever remove what you've done because it doesn't fit the theme- but that doesn't mean that you shouldn't guide yourself in the right direction every once in a while! Additionally- something you have to consider, my interpretation of the theme is likely different from yours. If you read my post you'd see that I saw my daughter and my wife in that painting, which gave my music a certain element of emotion that no other piece had. I'm sure you saw something in the theme that you may have connected with, consciously or not, that makes your music uniquely you! Great job :) and you're welcome!!!


I usually don't leave comments before finishing the entire soundtracks, but I am glad you put the scary warnings as I am slightly afraid of chickens. Thankfully, I am only deathly afraid of bears so I believe I will be able to listen to the rest of the track just fine...



Jokes aside, I enjoy the lightheartedness of the tracks. I imagine this must have been a very fun project to work on. I love the interpretation of the theme and the many styles to really tie that concept together. Great work!


It was really fun, I mean there was definitely a little stress but once I was in the middle of making each song I eased a little and got into the groove. Definitely the most fun was watching my friend do the artwork for the first two songs, Its such a surreal moment when you see the work put into both art and music and having them side by side and feeling like they mix perfectly.  Thank you very much for the compliments, made me wake up this morning with a smile : ) 


have you recovered yet?


Yes, Thankfully I just had to listen to the last track and shrimp rap 2 for my fear to be alleviated


Before uploading the videos, Mr. Youtube got in my dms and told me the videos were too  scary for the general public so they pleaded for me to put the warning. I of course, an altruistic bro, put the warnings and thankfully my videos only have a 3% percent death rate because of it.


Really good work here! Interesting and different orchestration and interpretation of the theme! My only suggestion would be to make them a bit louder on export! 

Otherwise, great work!


Thank you very much, I'll be sure to put more focus to the mixing of my scores lol.


I honestly think the mixing is fine! Everything sounded even and balanced, just the overall volume of the track was low compared to others I've encountered (or those were just very loud lol). A simple master slider bump or bumping the post gain a tad in the mastering phase would do the trick! :D Looking forward to seeing more from you!


ah yeah, what i mostly noticed is that if listening to the songs without headphones the songs at full volume on a phone will still sound quiet and the bass in the songs will be like barely hearable lol. real grateful for your advice, I'll make sure to impress in the future > : ) 


inside my world gave me the best impression out of all the soundtracks ive heard so far, good job!


Thank you so much Mr. Ultimate, I appreciate your kindness a lot : )