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CHKN ALF's K.K Beach Episode (unofficial)View project page

Its a track for the beach in new horizons though if Ima be honest Mid way i just wanted to make a k.k song
Submitted by CHKN_ALF — 3 days, 8 hours before the deadline
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CHKN ALF's K.K Beach Episode (unofficial)'s page


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Sound quality#492.7142.714

Ranked from 21 ratings. Score is adjusted from raw score by the median number of ratings per game in the jam.

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Track description | Creative process
Honestly, I was very confused about the actual location, because that area doesn't exist and I didn't know if to interpret it as the beach or the whole island. Second I imagined myself playing and it would be kinda awkward if the music switched up everytime you entered the beach area or whatever, I was initially planning on covering one of the songs prob 9 am and making it into a bossa, but thought that would be lame. SO instead I made a kk slider song, that could play on the beach (maybe one day out of the week hes found playing on the beach) idk im grasping for straws here.

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Wow, that was so unexpected and different. The melody is just on the verge of being off, but it somehow stays there and feels consistent with the dissonant guitar and cuica attacks. Definitely would not work as an ambient track, but I see you were not aiming for that, and I can certainly picture this being polished and used as a character theme.


YO. I was not expected KK to be on the beat. But it makes sense! very impressed with the chord progression! 


To paraphrase a great Man's words " Honestly i am very confused also..." This is great, and dissonant and weird, but i feel it could definetly  work ! The KK slider is just an awesome bonus on the track :) i agree with Aurélien Castel thogh the melody sometimes feels a bit random. 


Thank you very much, it took a little bit of persuasion to get Mr old KK on the track, but now we're here. I can see how it can be random, I prob should've showed the track to a couple of friends beforehand to see if they found it jarring or random. Thank you very much for listening and feedback : )


I like the main chromatic chord sequence no cap. The melody choice on the "kk slider" seems a bit random and the cuica goes way too hard.


Yeah the thing is that I've listened to my track so many times that it doesn't seem random to me since I know whats gonna happen. I would change some things up from the vocal lines but I'm honestly pretty happy with them, though some K.K notes I kinda wish there was a way to use different vowels but Its alright. The cuica (I love so much) I really wanted to utilize it cause its a fun little thang, I can't tell if you're saying it goes hard like its sick, or it goes hard as in its harsh. Either ways I appreciate you listening and giving me some feedback, Thank you very much, and thank you as well for hosting this jam it was really fun.


You know what just forget everything I said in the paragraph before and lets just say that I wanted the dog to just be jamming on the beach no thoughts in head just vibe and tide : )


Plays like the image!


Ive read this comment like 10 times and i still can't decipher if this is a compliment or not. If it is thank you very much, if its not I prob will like  cry a little like 5 min tops, maybe more if I look at your pfp while crying.


I think it's just the name of the song, that comes up when you're on the island, in general :-D not a biome-specific tune or anything (some even call it the main theme of AC tbh).

Very creative, I love the way you've got KK singing and playing, popping in my head very naturally, a very visual track that makes me want to turn on my Switch again, to see if my island is doing well :-)

Your levels are balanced, the spectrum feels well used, but a little bit more work on the stereo field could go a long way !

Nice work though, and congratulations on this very unique entry !


Ok thats what I was guessing, but calling it sunny island area and then putting a pic of the beach kinda put me off. Im so happy I found the KK slider soundfont, I was originally just gonna put his whistle but damn his voice was so good with the track. so uh question when you say more work on the stereo field what does that mean and how do i do it. But thank you very much for the kind words!!


KK 🥹 i see him chilling on the beach when this plays. It's a really tropical sound! Unconvential harmonies/approach, but to me really works, and remind me of some of the minigame wii music!


Im glad people are finding my track "interesting" and "unconventional", cause top secret, if i put the pdf of the muse score sheet music all you would see is the same chords over and over again just modulated a bit. Thanks for enjoying, hopefully k.k will come back from retirement.


This really sounds like someone just having a fun time strumming a guitar on the beachside. The dissonance is interesting but not jarring at all! I think it's a pretty cool and catchy track :D


I'm glad you said that cause thats exactly what I wanted to put in peoples head. Just a dog and his guitar jamming on the beach. Thanks for listening!!!


No way you go K.K in there singing for you xD 

Nice job! The dissonance is insane, and even more insane that it works! Awesome!


Yeah you know, had to call up the dawg for the occasion, of course I'm a man of great power and influence so he said "yes" of course. And now we are here with possibly the song of every summer to come. tbh I didn't even notice the dissonance on the track until people started commenting about it, but I'm glad it worked, I'm a big fan of the bossa and samba genre so I'm glad I was given the excuse to make a little jam.

Submitted (1 edit) (+2)

It's certainly a rather curious and interesting approach to this OST, I can imagine KK Slider singing this. Good job


Thank you very much. Honestly, the only reason I went with a more unique approach is that I had no idea what the prompt was asking of me lol.