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A member registered Jan 06, 2023 · View creator page →

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Yeah I thought that may have been a weird bug on my end. I'm using google chrome.

Very satisfying to use the trash can! I got stuck on level 2 @ around 80% and I wasn't sure what was left. Perhaps you could add an indicator to misplaced items after no progress was being made.

Thanks! I was hoping to add in a way to add/remove/upgrade cards that you have, but didn't get the time.

Thanks for playing, yeah there is a bug the seems to happen after "shuffling" the discard pile back into the draw pile.

Great work! Nice job on the sound effects. It would be cool if some of the objects had unique characteristics that would change how you organize depending on the item.

Love the intro! 

Very creative, nice work!

Nice simple game! It would be cool if you could kill the plants to slow down the slimes spawning and also add a shop or something to upgrade yourself. Once there were a ton of slimes on screen, they started to glitch on top of eachother, but no big deal!

As others have said, would be great to add a CPU. Nice job!

I really like the visuals and how the level refreshes over your previously explored room! I had an issue where the map wouldn't open up when I pressed tab. Also, it was kind of hard for me to tell when I was shooting as it just made a sound, a projectile would've been nice. Enemies also seemed to appear too abruptly, it would be nice if they appeared slightly sooner. Great game!

Yeah I've heard a few people run into that issue, not sure why it happens, but sorry about that!

Great game, loved the visuals, I got a lot of cash $$$

Fantastic puzzle game! I made it all the way to the end. I love robots was BRUTAL. 

This is the first time I've ever seen a clicker game like this and it was very cool! Great job with this.

Nice job. Like others have said, it would be cool if you could have multiple weapons, but a fun play nonetheless!

Other than the weird mouse movements, I really liked this game! Very cool to see all yours slimes battle, and I think you did a great job with the sound effects and visuals!

I love your pixel art and effects! It was a very simple mechanic that had a lot of cool puzzles with it! Great job. I also cheated on the last level :)

(1 edit)

Well done! I liked the voice overs in the elevator and the dash sound effect :)

Glad you enjoyed it! I thought I fixed that bug, but I guess it can still happen, sorry about that!

Yeah I wanted to add more to the story, I just didn't have enough time.

Yeah I definitely agree with most those comments. Thanks a bunch!

Yeah I agree, holding down to move would be nice. Overall, great game!

Very nice voice acting, very spooky!

Great game. Going through all the random doors was fun and seeing what each spell did was cool. Taking damage on the spikes was a little weird. I found out that if I jump off the edge I get all my hearts back which was a pro way to keep progressing :)

Great game. Going through all the random doors was fun and seeing what each spell did was cool. Taking damage on the spikes was a little weird. I found out that if I jump off the edge I get all my hearts back which was a pro way to keep progressing :)

Great job! The art and audio were fantastic and being the backstage for a game show is a really cool idea!

Great job! I really liked the art style for the map, and thought it was an interesting idea! It'd be cool if, after doing the upgrades, the visual of your troops changed. It would also be nice if there was an in game identifier to click on a door before each wave (I know it's in the description, but I was a little confused at first). 

Great job! I really liked the art style for the map, and thought it was an interesting idea! It'd be cool if, after doing the upgrades, the visual of your troops changed. It would also be nice if there was an in game identifier to click on a door before each wave (I know it's in the description, but I was a little confused at first). 

This game was seriously awesome! I loved all the juice, sound effects, art, and mechanics so much! Once I got the hand of bullet time it was super fun! You introduced each mechanic once at a time, and it was cool to see all the different weapons. I will say that at the very beginning it was a little overwhelming with all the effects, but once I had the base controls down, the game felt very good to play!

Well done, I enjoyed the variety of all the little mini games! I think it would be cool if the speed booster pads gave you more momentum and you kept your speed for longer. At the beginning I was also having some problems with the camera view & the resolution not fitting my screen, but web builds can be weird like that.  Once I switched from my laptop to my monitor it was good. I found a little bug on the "balls" level where I phased through the ground and got stuck under the floor.

Please give me any and all feedback you have. This is my first ever game jam, and my first time programming a game in about a year so I'm definitely a little rusty!

Very nice! I really enjoyed the art and effects!

Checking myself as well! :D