Als Fan von Hollow Knight habe ich dieses Spiel wirklich genossen! Der Kunststil und die Animationen sind nett, und es fängt die Stimmung von Hollow Knight gut ein. Ich bin auf einen Glitch gestoßen, bei dem ich in einer Wand stecken geblieben bin und aus der Welt gefallen bin, aber abgesehen davon ist es ein solides Spiel. Mach weiter so und viel Erfolg beim Game Jam! (Mit KI ins Deutsche übersetzt – hoffe, es ist korrekt!)
Cookie Cookem Games
Creator of
Recent community posts
Ich habe es nicht geschafft, das Spiel zum Laufen zu bringen, aber ich habe den Trailer gesehen, und er sah wirklich cool aus! Das Konzept und die Grafik sind beeindruckend, also habe ich eine gute Bewertung abgegeben. Tolle Arbeit und viel Erfolg beim Game Jam! (Mit KI ins Deutsche übersetzt – hoffe, es ist korrekt!)
Tolle Arbeit am Spiel! Mir hat der Parallax-Effekt wirklich gut gefallen, und die Raketen waren eine tolle Ergänzung. Ich finde, sie wurden gut implementiert, da sie nie an einer Stelle gespawnt sind, die es unmöglich gemacht hätte, an den Rohren vorbeizukommen. Allerdings fand ich die Schwierigkeit ein bisschen zu einfach. Insgesamt war es eine spaßige Erfahrung. Viel Erfolg beim Jam! (Übersetzt mit KI, da ich kein Deutsch spreche.)
Tolles Spiel! Ich hatte viel Spaß beim Spielen. Da ich kein Deutsch spreche, musste ich KI verwenden, um einige der Texte zu übersetzen, aber sobald ich die Mechanik verstanden habe, war es sehr unterhaltsam. Ich habe jedoch einen kleinen Fehler bemerkt: Wenn man eine Einheit auswählt und dann eine andere auswählt, ohne die erste abzubrechen, wird die Vorschau der ersten Einheit dauerhaft an dieser Position platziert. Abgesehen davon war es eine wirklich tolle Erfahrung. Gute Arbeit und viel Erfolg beim Jam! (Übersetzt mit KI, da ich kein Deutsch spreche.)
Vielen Dank! Es freut mich zu hören, dass du es gut gemacht findest. Um ehrlich zu sein, habe ich KI verwendet, um bei der gesamten Programmierung zu helfen, also kann ich nicht den ganzen Kredit dafür nehmen. Ich werde mir dein Spiel auch anschauen. Viel Erfolg beim Jam! (Übersetzt mit KI, da ich kein Deutsch spreche.)
Merhaba! Kurallarda AI kullanımına dair bir not gördüm ve bununla ilgili bir açıklama rica etmek istedim. 'Uygunsuz' AI kullanımı tam olarak ne anlama geliyor? Müzik, kod, sanat, ses efektleri veya metin okuma gibi şeyler için AI kullanmamıza izin var mı? Kurallara uymak ve AI kullanımının nerelerde kabul edilebilir olduğunu anlamak istiyorum. Teşekkür ederim! (Bu mesajı Türkçeye çevirmek için AI kullandım, çünkü Türkçe konuşamıyorum.)
Die Grafik ist wirklich gut, und das Spiel fühlt sich insgesamt sehr ausgearbeitet und flüssig an. Ich habe jedoch einen Bug bemerkt, bei dem Hindernisse sehr selten plötzlich direkt vor einem erscheinen, was frustrierend sein kann. Etwas hinzuzufügen, um das zu verhindern, könnte das Spiel noch besser machen. Aber insgesamt ein tolles Spiel – gute Arbeit und viel Erfolg beim Jam! (Übersetzt mit KI, da ich kein Deutsch spreche.)
Tolles Spiel! Ich habe die Mechaniken und die Vielfalt der Gegner wirklich genossen und es für Kreativität, Spaß und Umsetzung hoch bewertet. Ich hatte ein Problem, bei dem ich auf dem Level-Up-Bildschirm festhing, nachdem ich mich auf XP-Upgrades konzentriert hatte, aber abgesehen davon fühlte es sich wie ein wirklich solides und gut ausgearbeitetes Spiel an. Gute Arbeit und viel Erfolg beim Jam! (Übersetzt mit KI, da ich kein Deutsch spreche.)
Hi, I have a question about the rules regarding AI-generated content. I understand that AI-generated art, music, and sounds are not allowed, but AI-generated code is allowed.
If I use AI to generate HTML, CSS, or JavaScript code that creates art (e.g., procedural or generative art displayed in the browser), would this be allowed? The visuals would be created by the code, not directly from an AI tool like MidJourney or DALL·E.
Thank you for clarifying!
Hallo zusammen!
Ich wollte fragen, ob es erlaubt ist, während der Bewertungsphase Updates an unserem Spiel vorzunehmen. Falls ja, dürfen wir nur kleine Änderungen vornehmen, wie z. B. Bugfixes oder Quality-of-Life-Verbesserungen, oder sind auch größere Änderungen erlaubt?
Ich spreche leider kein Deutsch und habe KI verwendet, um diese Nachricht zu übersetzen. Ich hoffe, das ist verständlich! Vielen Dank im Voraus für die Antwort und viel Erfolg allen Teilnehmern!
I’m participating in the Resolution Jam and wanted to check something before I proceed with my project.
I plan to submit the same game to this jam and another jam happening at the same time (Micro Jam). I want to assure you that the game will be created entirely from scratch during the official jam period and will fully adhere to the rules, themes, and spirit of this jam. No work has been done on the game prior to the start date of either jam.
Would this be acceptable for submission? I want to ensure I’m respecting the guidelines and the community's expectations.
Thank you for your time, and I’m looking forward to creating something exciting for the jam!
Best regards, Cookie
Here is an explanation:
$600 Prize Pool:
The $600 prize pool refers to the total amount of cash prizes distributed across all winners in the jam. Here’s how it’s likely allocated:
- Top 3 Winners: Each receives an $80 bonus (3 x $80 = $240).
- 4th to 10th Place: Each receives a $50 bonus (7 x $50 = $350).
This adds up to $590, with the remainder ($10) possibly reserved for administrative purposes or small rounding adjustments.
$80 Bonus:
The $80 bonus is a cash reward for the top 3 winners. It’s not an advertising budget or credit—it’s real money, likely paid via a digital payment method (e.g., PayPal or bank transfer). This bonus serves as a direct incentive and a recognition of the effort and creativity of the winning participants.
Thank you for taking the time to provide such detailed feedback—it’s greatly appreciated!
I’ve addressed the two smaller issues you mentioned. The delay in moving to the next level has been removed, and the screen no longer scrolls when using the arrow keys. These were issues I noticed during the jam but didn’t have time to fix. Your feedback gave me the motivation to revisit these problems and finally resolve them, even after the jam ended—so thank you for that!
As for the inspiration, the game was influenced in part by Fireboy and Watergirl, but the bulk of the idea actually came from a game I saw featured in this Reddit post. Because of this, the game lacks any form of originality, and I completely understand the importance of originality—especially with the rise of AI tools in game development.
When I entered this jam, I had only three days left to put something together. Given the tight timeframe, I chose to build on a familiar concept to ensure I could finish the game on time. Crafting and implementing unique mechanics would have required more time and iteration than the deadline allowed. While it was a compromise, it helped me focus on actually completing the project within the constraints.
That said, I won’t be continuing development on this game, as it was always intended as a one-off project for the game jam. However, I’m glad to have made these small improvements based on your feedback—it’s been a rewarding experience to revisit and polish it just a little more.
Once again, thank you for sharing your thoughts, your feedback gave me a better understanding of the impact of the issues you pointed out on the overall experience.
I really enjoyed the game; it’s great fun! I’m from the Get & Give Back Jam and wanted to share a quick suggestion. You might consider adding a minimum number of actions required before a player can make a guess. It took me several tries, but I managed to identify the culprit purely by random chance within 2 seconds. This could help ensure guesses are more likely based on deduction rather than luck. Great work overall!
I noticed on the jam page it says, "It's absolutely fine if you do not finish your game in time. You can submit it late anytime within the Jam's voting period!"
However, I’m unable to see the submit button anymore. Is there a specific process for submitting a game late?
Additionally, I wanted to clarify how much weight the community votes have compared to the judges' assessment. For instance, if I submit my game right at the end of the voting period and receive no votes, does that completely eliminate my chances of winning, or can the judges still consider my game regardless of votes?
Thank you for your time and for organizing this jam!
Yup, and their reddit account that posted about the jam was deleted, there was no specified sponsor despite claims of there being one, the whole thing was organized poorly, there was no external communication channel like discord, their itch account doesn't have any other interactions other than for this jam, etc.
I was honestly skeptical from the start, but the potential prize money was too tempting for me to pass up.
But I guess I at least finally got to semi finish a project for once (even if late), gained some experience, and didn't waste much time since I spent only 3 of the 30 days on this jam.
Hello, I hope you're doing well. I was wondering if it would be possible to have a little extra time to complete my game. I'm very close to finishing it and just need a few more hours to wrap everything up. Additionally, I wanted to ask if I would still be eligible to compete for the prizes if I submit it a little late.
Thank you for your time and consideration.
I see, thank you for the response.
Unfortunately, without the assistance of AI, I currently lack the programming skills to develop games on my own especially within the remaining 2 day timespan of this jam, so I will be taking my leave from this jam.
Though thank you for the offer, I hope your jam goes well.
Hello, when it says "No AI generated content", does it mean no AI code too? Or just no AI art, music and SFX?
And if AI code is okay, would art made through HTML, CSS and Javascript code from LLMs be okay? For example, getting Chatgpt to generate the HTML, CSS and Javascript code for a colored rectangle that changes color when you click on it?
Also sorry if I asked about this in the wrong place.
Hi there,
I was wondering if it might be possible to get a little extra time to submit my project? I’ll admit, I don’t have the best excuse for being late. I started working on my game much later than I should have, even though I joined early.
That said, I’ve been putting in a ton of effort over the past couple of days, and I’m really close to finishing. This is something I’ve been super excited about, and I’d love the chance to submit a complete version.
If there’s any way to grant just a few more hours, I’d be extremely grateful. Thanks so much for considering!