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Re-Balance's pageGame's Take on the Theme
spinning main attack, and alot of spinning abilities
Did your team make the majority of the art and music during the jam?
yes, we made it all ourselves
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Fun game! Nice art and cool music!
yay thanx for playing! :)
Oh, it had quite the pacing! I read it was the first game for your team members, and it’s working quite well!
What I liked:
What I had issues with:
Art remarks:
thank you so much for the detailed feedback. i worked on alot of updates this week which should solve most of the points you have mentioned. i refactored the spawning of the proxies and healing areas to be more consistent. additionally i added arrow indicators when the proxies are off screen. furthermore i changed the viewport to square to better match the arena shape and to increase visibility. i improved the "tutorial" abit but might add some text still. i tried making a tutorial so we wont need tonread so much after playing hundreds of games. youre right about the fire projectiles. will change the projectile colors a bit to make them more visible. patch incoming in a couple hrs! :) thx for playing <3
Oh, that’s cool!
I forgot to say that I really liked how the music went up when entering phase 2. I’ve been playing a few entries where the music was too quiet and/or monotonous so it really stood out!
P.S.: good dedication, I basically stopped working on the game while uploads were locked, using it as an excuse, instead of preparing a patch!
also interesting point about artstyle will keep in mind lots of rotation with pixelart defeats the point almost. ya the music i also really love! i managed to get some smoother transitions today but only fade out fade in xD
Nice game! I enjoyed it quite a lot.
awesome! xDD happy to hear <3
I like the visuals, very interesting artstyle, its very unique, the gameplay is fun and works nicely, I like the mechanics overal, I rate graphics, fun, control and music the most, but all is great really, the representation of nature is awesome, also, if you have some time, please, rate my game too, thanks!!!
thanx ! glad you liked it. sure ill rate your game too
The cohesion between a game about being in balance with nature and the entirely passive defensive playstyle is really cool stuff. I liked the simplicity of all the movement and mechanics, and I actually found that all the moves that all the bosses had were very well balanced around the simplicity of my movement options. The color language was also very clean and clear so it was just immediately apparent what the green circle did without any tutorializing whatsoever which is a huge plus
awesome im happy to hear it! was going for tutorials without reading xD but i have some improvements and balancechanges ready for patch tomorrow! thanks you for playing ! <3
Theres a lot to like in this. I though the mechanics were easy to pick up and there was enough environmental storytelling that I could work out the mechanics and what I needed to do. I thought some of the boss attacks were not well balanced, as one mistiming and you would instantly die e.g. the rock boss could snare you then hit you 4 times straight away. Given the rest of the attacks seemed balance, it made the experience sometimes feel unfair.
awesome im happy to hear that. yeah i agree the missing iframes when getting hurt definitely is very punishing. thankfully i have a patch ready and will add it to the game as soon as updates are enabled again. thanx for playing ! :)
I really enjoyed the atmosphere, and the fact that music changes during a battle. It vas a very original take on fighting a boss.
awesome! :) i plan to have a smoother transition for the music ready for the next patch to give it even more value. thanx for playing :)
It was a calming experience to get a fight with the boss and this was an interesting experience :-)
happy you liked it! :)
I think the game has potentials. Good job.
basically its one of the boss abilities with a short cooldown and spawns 2 circles on opposite sides of boss, to reduce waiting times. i think this is not a good way to do it and probly caused you having to wait. in order to improve i would like to have 1 active all the time together with an indicator and seperate the spawning from the boss abilites. thank you so much for playing and the valuable feedback!
This game controlled very nicely and felt super satisfying to avoid obstacles.
The boss design was good, but the arena design seemed strange to me. To maximize my chance of finding attacks and healing I had to position myself somewhere that I couldn't really see the boss. A large number of the attacks didn't seem to really originate from the boss, and when they did, the attack incentivized me being far enough out from the boss that I could no longer see it.
I really enjoyed the music, but the mixing made it sound a bit muddy.
The art was perfect for what you created. Just enough detail to be interesting but still maintain the simplistic design.
I know some of the stuff I said was critical, but I really did enjoy this one quite a bit. You did an excellent job!
im happy you enjoyed playing it and thank you for these great points to improve on. some are indeed critical and would add alot more polish to the game while also putting more value into the art and sfx. i am excited to improve on this and hopefully even adress some of the points before a patch on sunday. square viewport, reducing arena size and playing with zoomlevel will be worth trying out. glad that you enjoyed it :)
This was a fun game with a very good movement system. It did take me a quick moment to figure out the core mechanics but once I understood them, I had a good time. I also found it a little difficult to find the spinning lights I was supposed to dash through so maybe try either making the map smaller or adding an indicator. Otherwise it's a great game and I'm excited to see where it goes from here! Good work!
i really like the idea of having an indicator. i agree it feels unrewarding just dodging without a goal. i am working on an implementation and hope to have it in the patch included on sunday ! thanx for playing
The movement was tight and fun to use
my only gripe is the bosses reused moves but that's a small nitpick cause it was really fun
im glad you enjoyed it and appreciate your feedback! i agree with you having repetitive attacks can be boring for me quickly. i learned alot making art for this jam and i already have a better variety of boss attacks prepared for the next patch on sunday night! :)
Thats rad I'll be excited to play it
Pretty cool game!! It's hard to find anything that could ruin the experience. The only thing I'd say is that the game really needs clearer tutorials for the core mechanics, but even without them, it's still possible to figure things out, which is great. A pretty unique gameplay experience in this jam—I really enjoyed it! Great work!
great! was aiming to make them clear without reading much xD i realised i was getting reading fatique quickly when trying lots of games from last year. ill try to improve it even more so it is clear immediately. thankx for playing
Cute game! I have no complaints about this one, my only comments is that maybe there could be an indicator to show the current attack's circle position? I also think that the healing pool could may be there for a short period, then sometimes reappears, sometimes vanishing.. Also I think all the snare attacks are too powerful XD just are some nitpicks of me, the game is nonetheless great and you guys nailed it! Well done!
awesome glad you enjoyed it! yeah thats a great idea. i want to either give the player some kind of control where they spawn or i can add a visual indicator on edge of screen to where they are. great idea. will implement this week and patch as soon as updates are enabled again ! reducing the stun duration probably makes sense after seeing feedback :) thanks for playing!
Great game. Had trouble figuring out the mechanics at first. Really cool twist on how to attack the boss. The rock boss projectiles is op though. Good job overall.
yay love to hear you enjoyed it! ill try to improve to make it more clear what to do without having the player read too much. xD noted! ya i wanted to add iframes on hurt but i broke the game almost so i had to remove it again. but they are ready with next patch :) xD thank you so much for playing!
Really enjoyed the mechanics, wasn't quite able to beat the tornado, cloud attack need nerfs lol. Nice game tho, well made!
awesome glad you enjoyed it. the hitbox only has 1 active frame so i didn know how to make it easier but i will try to reduce the size of the hitbox/add more visual warning to balance it out! thank you so much for playing!
What do the green circles do? I had some trouble figuring it out!
the area heals you in 1 second ticks when you stand inside it. in next patch i will have a visual indicator ready so it is more clear! :) thanx for playing
Very unique way to damage bosses!
Art and sound are great too.
I wish the player had more freedom of movement
Overall, a very unique and fun game.
may i ask what you mean with more freedom of movement? as in more abilities for example? :) im glad you had fun. id like to improve the spawning of the damage things so player has some kind of control over it instead of waiting. thanks so much for playing!
Very challenging game, great stuff. It took me a minute to figure out how to do damage and what the green healing circles did but that's my fault cause I forget to read the description! The earth guy cooked me many times. I wish that if you inputted no movement commands and clicked the dash button it would dash forward. that way I could wait for an obstacle to go by and then instantly dash where my guy it facing but that is a very small nit pick that is probably only me. Overall really fun game!
thats a great idea for the movement with keyboard mouse. i was trying to figure out a way to make it better on keyboard. i will add dash working when no inputs are pressed based on the direction the character is facing! will be online with next patch on sunday! thanx for playing <3
dashing in the facing direction was a great suggestion. i just finished implementing and it feels much better!
I was very entertained!