I'm not very good at rhythm games, but this was very well done. I like the level designs a lot! They all feel unique and fluid to play with (even if I miss more notes than I should). My only criticisms are that I SUCK at this game and also the taps on the blocks in Code Remix are just a little hard to see. Awesome work, good luck with the rest of your development!
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I like the overall story beats and the presentation is pretty good (I liked how the beaver was a still image), but I do wish that the hounds were a model/sprite in-game. When I turned around to see nothing chasing me and dying a moment later, it did end up being immersion breaking. Regardless of that, great work!
I had a lot of fun with most of the puzzles and worked hard to solve them. In my opinion, level three was the hardest, which seems weird to have in the early game, but maybe it was just because I wasn't accustomed to the mechanics all the way. The concept and presentation were also very good. Good work!
I feel a bit dumb with how often I tried to type everything in as "steering [0]" before I figured out I was doing it wrong, but this game was super fun once I got the hang of it. Definitely one of my favorites from the jam! It felt chaotic as I tried to fix all of the mistakes that the cat made, quickly typing in a way to fix whatever they just did. This is more of a small thing, but I love how the cat meows, too. Good work!
Great work! I love both the creativity and visual style of this game, I'm surprised you were not only able to make playing as a health bar fun, but also give the health bar itself a lot of character and life. I do wish it was sometimes easier to herd Pinch out of corners, but I guess that's part of the chaos!