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A member registered Apr 04, 2024 · View creator page →

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This game needs a ton of polish, I think I'll start again someday. Thank you for the feedback!

This idea has a lot of potential, because right now, I just spam S and Space bar. Visuals are amazing too. Good job!

Thank you! I also think the concept is good, but would have liked to polish a bit more

Or hand drawn assets :3

I have no words to describe this masterpiece

Glad you liked! This game needs a lot of polish, but since it's infuriating to play, maybe it should stay as it is :3

Thank you! But yours is even more creative

The concept looks interesting, but wish the game looked as good as the pic on the front page. Seeing pixel art after seeing that was like D:

I wanted to fix the colliders, but I totally forgot in the end TT. This game needs a lot of polish, but I had to learn on the go haha

Probably the best looking game of the Jam. Good job

This game explores a nice concept, but sometimes auto generated terrain is too narrow and the ball can't keep going forward. I'd add a bit of sound effects and a restart button

I took inspiration from that game, but that one is 100 times better than mine haha

This game is so good, but like others have already said, enemies are too resistent. Art and music are gorgeous, but some red interferences sometimes appear in the sea.

I think it's a bit in the punishing side. I made the chicken collider smaller, but totally forgot about resizing the spike tiles collider. The main problem of this game is that I had to learn everything on the go haha. If I had to redo this game, I'd change a lot of stuff.

I agree, this game needs a ton of polish. I'll focus on learning more about Unity in the next days before joining another Jam.

I might make another game about chickens in the future, since this one is not polished enough haha

Art and music are amazing. However, Ifought a boss (I think it was Mia), defeated her but immediately the big dragon came and I was helpless.

Love this game. The idea is cool and graphics are nice as well. I think purple diagonal lines strain your eyes during gameplay, so I'd personally use solid colors to avoid too much noise on the screen.

I agree with that. This was my first time messing with rigidbodies, parallax and cinemachine. I should have made the camera bigger so the player can see more of the map, but My backgrounds didn't escalate well with pixel size. I'll improve these elements next time. Thank you!

Thank you for the feedback!

This game looks cool, but I think this could have been a browser game

Thank you! I think I could have immproved the game by making the camera bigger so the player can see more of the scenario, but parallax and pixel art background images weren't big enoug/escalate well.

This game is amazing. Unfortunately, I'm not good enough

Got it. Apparently, community voted a theme for this Jam, and chicken was one of them haha

Nope. I just read the Jam page on Itchio

This game is fun to play, managed to survive 52 seconds

Glad you liked it! I rushed the lvl design a bit, so I wasn't full convinced about my game, specially about parallax and tiles.

This game is so cute. I expected some meowing instead of notes haha

Glad you liked! Didn't know there was a secret theme in this Jam

Love the art and color palette. Such interesting gameplay with just 2 buttons, though I'm not good enough to beat lvl 2 haha

Thought about adding more levels. But I wasn't satisfied with the cam and game feel, so I stopped at 5 lvls. I also made pixel art for keys and keyblocks, but didn't implement it. Thank you for the feedback!

This game is so good. I'd suggest changing ammo color for enemies, since it was difficult to distinguish it aside from vertical sprite flipping. Also, there was a time I was ridiculously op, but all of that disappeared in an instant x_x

Thank you! I had another mechanic prepared, even the pixel art: keys and blocks that disappear once you got the key, but I didn't have enough time/energy to implement that,

Reached max score. Looks nice, but I prefer assets that have the same pixel size. Also, sometimes the ball suddenly stopped movement on X axis.

Reached max score. Looks nice, but I prefer assets that have the same pixel size. Also, sometimes the ball suddenly stopped movement on X axis.

The game is fun to play. I'd add a bit of game juice to the ghost animation when jumping.

Thank you! Since I'm not a pixel artist, I decided to go simple using toybox32 color palette.

Thought about programming a state machine, but since it was a simple game, I decided to do 2 blend trees: run/idle, jump/fall. Then, from anystate I created a bool for death animation. I'm not experienced enough with Unity Animator. I might try to fix this another day, but I'm exhausted right now haha

Liked this game, but got stucked in the level with red and white switching blocks. Good job

I'm glad you liked it! I would have liked to improve the backgrounds, camera movement and implement the key and keyhole blocks, but don't want to crunch haha