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A member registered Dec 29, 2022 · View creator page →

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I love the concept in this game. Having different ways to cheat built into the gameplay is fun.

I think that the mechanic would work better and be more fun if you knew the win criteria for multiple rounds ahead of time, so that you could strategize better what cards to keep or get rid of.

Gets into addictive "Just one more run" territory. I had 4 blub rockets before I stopped. (Even though I couldn't actually control the car at that speed...)

Nicely done! Runs definitely get a bit chaotic trying to keep up with things. I had fun.

That was really well done. Great art. Very well done game play. Fun little story intermixed in. Really, great work!

(1 edit)

Interesting take on the Tetris/Arcade genre. It took me a couple of plays before I figured out what the different block types were and how the scoring worked, so possibly some small tutorial at the start could be helpful. But once you get the concept down it works fairly well.

That was a fun and clever take on the theme.

Thanks for playing and I'm glad that you liked it. It's always good to hear about when people are interested in a concept, so that I can know what ideas are worth exploring further.

Thanks for playing!

To be frank you're right about the movement feeling unpredictable and whatnot. I mean it technically follows some fairly straightforward rules when choosing what moves to make, but that's all very opaque to the player. Possibly some sort of indicators showing where each of your pieces will move each turn could help on this front.

Well thanks, I'm glad that you liked it. I do have some other chess themed ideas in mind that I may try out in future jams.

Beautiful artwork. The dishes look particularly nice.

I personally found the game more enjoyable if I first looked at the recipe book and determined what it wanted me to make, then attempted to figure out the ingredients for that dish. Which then makes it a shame that it's fairly difficult to make out what the items are before discovery. Possibly even just having names for the dishes available could give some idea of what you're shooting for while still allowing the nice art reveal on success.

Thanks for trying it out. I hope you had fun with it.

If you have any thoughts around the gameplay mechanics, I'm open to hearing them.

Thank you for playing our game! I'm glad that you enjoyed all the various different aspects of it.

Glad you enjoyed it! And yes, it is important to use your dashes strategically.

This is actually a very fun game. The sliding to the mouse mechanic was very well done.

The one thing that might have been nice to add would've been a timer to the game, and at the end show how long it took you to reach the end. I could see people replaying trying to optimize their time with this game. Could even assign a graded score to various times for people to try and beat.

The html version worked fine for me. I was able to play through all levels in the game in the browser.

Very well put together game. Fits the theme well and had fun gameplay. Graphics and audio were quite nice, too.

Thanks! The artist on our team did an amazing job designing how the UI should look and work.

I'm thrilled that you enjoyed it, and thank you so much for playing! We were lucky to have both an amazing artist and musician on our team to help us bring that final polish.

I'm glad that  you enjoyed it. I find that simplicity is key to making something that works well in such a short amount of time.

Thanks for playing our game! I'm glad that you enjoyed it.

Thank you for the kind words. I'm glad that you enjoyed the game.

Yeah... you get stuck too close to the avalanche for too long and that may very well be your experience. Thanks for playing our game, though.

Very interesting take on the theme for the jam. The art is beautiful. The gameplay is simple, but ties nicely into the game. Not necessarily something that I could play repeatedly, but definitely a nice experience to go through at least once.

Also, nice touch with the game restart mechanic of needing to unfreeze the ballerina to retry.

I enjoyed the game and it had some fun and interesting concepts. Your health points slowly melting away was very interesting, and it was also neat how your hitbox size would change as you melted. It feels like this changing hitbox size could have been utilized for making potential shortcuts or alternate routes or something along those lines.

On the flip side, I did find the double jump mechanic in this game a bit annoying, and I think it would have benefitted from a more standard double jump mechanic.

Fun little game. I was able to figure out all the answers except the actual name of the person doing the hiring. Knowing that I had all the others right, I was able to brute force that one answer by attempting all the names until I found the right one. Not sure where the clue was supposed to be that would've allowed me to figure that one out without brute forcing it, though.

Lovely little game with some beautiful art and creativity for self expression.

The one thing that would be nice though is if the icon for the snow always floated to the top of the other icons, so that I don't accidentally remove my plants when trying to remove snow (either that or have completely separate tools for snow removal and plant/animal removal).

(1 edit)

Thanks for your kind words.

Yeah, the game will get a bit repetitive after a while, but that does tend to be the case with games designed and built in under a week. In any case I do hope that you were able to still enjoy your time in our game and thank you for taking the time to play it.

Glad that you enjoyed the game. And I'd agree that sound design and music turned out quite well. LoxoHighScore did a great job with it.

Yeah, I agree that very often sound gets overlooked. I've overlooked sound in plenty of past projects, because I'm pretty horrible at it. Thankfully for this project we had someone very talented with music and sound on the team.

Oh I absolutely agree that, while gameplay may come first, the art and music are still critical to getting the full experience. It just wouldn't be the same without it.

Thanks for playing our game.

I'm glad that you enjoyed the game.

And yeah, the art and music turn out a lot better when you have teammates dedicated to the art and music, as opposed to the programmer art and music that you'd get if I were the one having to do it. I was very lucky to get to work with some talented people on those fronts.

Thanks so much for taking the time to play our game.

And yeah, had this been a summer jam instead of a winter jam, we perhaps could've come up with a similar game escaping a tidal wave instead of the avalanche that we currently have. The gameplay would've worked very well in that scenario, too.

Thank you for the compliments. We had some wonderful people on our team dedicated to the art, the audio, and the various little details in the gameplay that really adds a lot to the game.

I'm glad that you enjoyed our game.

Quick replay probably would be a good idea to add. I may have to look a bit at that after the jam.

As a small note, both the start screen and the game over screen are wired so that you can hit space to continue through them, so with hitting space twice after a game over you can get yourself into another game fairly quickly.

Yeah, the levels are procedurally generated using Godot's FastNoiseLite. The game could've likely benefitted from some further balancing to help a bit with some of the feelings of unfairness, but ultimately with a game jam there's only so much time.

I hope that you were still able to enjoy it, even if it can be a bit punishing from time to time.

Yeah, the levels are procedurally generated using Godot's FastNoiseLite to generate the levels. This can lead to some more difficult to cross terrain at times. Possibly adding some sort of buff or power up that could counter the water would be nice, but unfortunately we didn't have the time to fully experiment with this.

In any case, thanks for playing and thanks for the thoughtful comment.

The game definitely has a bit of challenge mixed into it. I've play tested it a lot, and I'll still get caught by the water in many scenarios.  Glad you enjoyed it, though.

Thank you for the compliments for our game.

I would absolutely agree that a lot of those small details help bring the game up to the next level. Luckily, we had a talented artist that was able to create the assets that we needed to bring it to life and a programmer that took the integration of those assets to the next level.

Yeah the water can add a bit of difficulty to the game overall. Possibly if we had more time we could have tried to tweak it a bit more, but overall it does still make for a fun experience, even if a little punishing at times.

Thanks for taking the time to play our game.

Thanks for the kind words for our game.

For the overall completeness, it definitely helped we had a great team including specialists dedicated to the art, music/sounds, and gameplay/programming. That and also keeping the scope smaller allowed us to put in a bit of polish.