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A member registered Feb 20, 2022 · View creator page →

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Thanks for playing, There's still lot to do with the game.

Glad you made it out of Limbo, think that was the only way I could make it through the game. Didn't have much time to play test and balance, But thought as long as there is away to make its good enough lol. 

Glad to hear it, Did have ideas for a lot more interactions but sadly not enough time.

Thanks for playing.

Nice game, Well done on getting a chess AI working. nice submission. 

Had fun playing this game really like the mechanics and controls worked how I would expect them. Music and animation was very good.

 Nice Submission.

Nice Game fun to play, difficulty bit hard to start with but after a few turns got used to it. Like the art and sound and music was good. Good Submission.

Ahh That makes sense now. The other Idea sounds good. Know how it is with running out of time.

This was a great puzzle/adventure game. The safe was a good distraction, Enjoyed playing it there was a few bugs with colliders but nothing major. Nice work.

Thanks for playing, Will have to adjust the times or maybe have a time bar showing how long player will hide for. Congrats on making it to the end!


Beautiful looking game art work was amazing. Story was Short but sweet. You all did a great job with this.

Had Fun playing it but was unable to find the pyramid after a few attempts. Music was good and like the day night cycle. Nice submission!

Very fun to play enjoyed the mechanics of the shooting.

Only problem I found was on certain levels or if I got far enough I couldn't get killed by the bullets but this was also the only way I could make it to the boss as it was quite difficult. Might be good to have 3 lives or shield power up.

The art and music was also cool really fit the pace of the game. 

Thanks for your feedback. I agree  with you I did have an idea to make the ghost glow when near an interactable object. Definitely need to sort the colliders out. Glad you had a bit of fun.  

(1 edit)

Hi there, Tried the game really like the music and art work had a really nice retro platformer feel to it. 

Only had a couple issues with the game:

1. Either the jump physic or the height of some of the platforms were too high but it many attempts to get on a couple, To the point where it was quite frustrating.

2. when I got to the 3rd or 4th Level (picture below) after spending some time getting the platforms in place and using first ghost to hold buttons, I went to kill my self to respawn a new ghost and no characters respawned at all,  Was left stuck and not able to carry on.

Apart from those issues the game was great and I really liked the ghost mechanic and puzzle aspect of the game. Also the difficulty increase between each level was done well and game was very intuitive without the need of pop-ups or tutorial. Well Done! 


Thanks, Was tired last night didn't realise thought source was for something else. I've added it now

Hi Irdazrl, First of all Thank you so much for the time you took to play my game and write an in-depth review on it. 

Glad you saw the funny side of the interactions and like the art work, I spent far to much time making the world art and not actually designing the gameplay. I agree with all the comments you had about the detection system and layout of the poltergeists, Unfortunately didn't have much time to play test and fix bugs. What I might do is change the colour or the opacity of the ghost as it gets detected. 

I like your idea of having the poltergeists chase the player once detected, I did want to do this to start with but knew I wouldn't have the time to work out how to get them to make this mechanic. I also wanted to use the interactions as a distraction so any poltergeists close would go to those points instead. 

I change the aspect problem of the game, Thanks for letting me know and showing how to fix. 

Good Puzzle game, liked the difficulty progression and mechanic introduction flowed well. could of done with some sound.

Really Fun game to play, like a 3D pac-man. only problem I had was the camera clipping into objects. Good Work with your game.

Game is well put together, Was fun simulating a detective. Nice Work.

Thank you so much for your nice comments. I didn't have another charging stations. I did want to add place where you could build some with metals collected but didn't have time. Will keep working on it all the feedback from people is a great motivator.

Thanks you, There was a cave at the end with an alien in the but there's a twist. Will look into the W,S key problem when I work on it again thanks for letting me know.

Really Enjoyed your game, reminded me of the bomber-man games. music and sound was good and sounded retro. Well Done Great Game.

Thanks for your feedback, Make you right even when I was play testing I did think that. Was hoping to add a speed upgrade and when the asteroid hit mars they would form more rocks to upgrade, But ran out of time I do want to work on this got plenty ideas for where this game could go.

Very fun game, difficulty progression was very well done. Great Job on your game.

Very Creepy, Fun to play. Got stuck on the enemy that rushes you with a knife. Great Job.  

The atmosphere of the game was right, Great music and SFX. Bit too repetitive and would be good if you had a power up or something to let you see the real tiles for a second, rather then just trial and error. 

Simple but fun, Would of been good if you could of pulled off what you wanted in your description of the game. That sounds like a good concept for a game.

This is a very impressive game for time we had. Really like the Look of the game. only thing was there was no background audio once in building not sure if a bug or what but could do with it. Who did the art on the walls in the game to because they looked great. Well done!

Cheers Mate.

Yeah Definitely should of added that to the game. Thanks for the comment. 


Great Story, The Graphics and music were really good. Wish you could of done more with the driving aspect apart from that Very Nice Work!

Nice Game, Art work and music were on point. Shame It was so short.

The look of the game is really nice, Only thing is had no clue what I was meant to do. Could be cos I'm not great at maths. Still Nice Work.

Had fun playing this game, little difficult to find letters had about 8 tries at it only found 1 letter. The look of the game was good. could do with some background music and the timer being a bit longer for the bomb. Good Work though.

Thanks, Can't take credit for it though found it on Free sounds. left audio till last minute so couldn't make my own.

yeah that would be good. Nice work though

Tried to Get into but couldn't figure it out. Did like the maze reminded me of Tekashi's Castle. 

Really like the concept, The Old school graphics and art were great. Very hard to tell the difference when all the spies just say whisper. Did manager to find the non spy by using the phone with one guest around and luckily it was the not spy. Music and SFX worked well. Nice Work. 

Classic Cube Game, Still Fun to play. SFX and colours were good. Nice work.