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A member registered Nov 24, 2021 · View creator page →

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Really cute! Sadly it stopped working after level 2 for me.

Artstyle is really nice.

Best game this jam, no doubt about it. Looks great, good use of Limitation, fun Gameplay. All in all great.

Really good game! The 2d 3d mix looks great and works perfect with the limited pallete.

If I update it in the future I will definitly add more juice.

More abilities would definitly be nice but just because it's similar to vampire survivors doesn't mean I need autofire

I agree, adding sprites would be a great improvement

An Endless Mode would be pretty cool yeah

Very cool game, the visuals are really nice and the gameplay is fun.

The game was made for 2 game jams at once so I had 4 restrictions. Was a lot of fun but I don't think that the game is all that good.

Very nice Game. The Puzzles were a lot of fun 

My Bad, I changed it now.

Very cute Character, nice Leveldesign and really good Audio. I enjoyed it.

Really satasfying gameplay, well done! 

The art is great! I'll be looking forward to a more finished version :D

The game looks nice and the Idea of a cat having to lose all of their lives is pretty cool.

I did have a problem where my left stick on the controller worked but i was not able to jump or interact.

A very nice experience. The game looks and sounds great! The Gameplay is fun and things like the fireplace and the TV are great ways of using the ghost idea.

I personally would have enjoyed less but harder objectives more but that's all I have to critique. One of my favorites. 

I like the way you used simple shapes, shadows and perspective to have a good looking game without any modells.

Sadly the game didn't quite work on my pc, i guess it's because of my screen size (2560 x 1440)

Thank you so much, it really means a lot to me! 

I have to agree a score would have been a great Idea. It would make the game easier for casual players that just want to play through it, yet still offer a challange for those that want it. 

Yes the Volume slider is broken, it only changes the Volume of the sound effects.

I enjoyed the artstyle and the level design. The Sounds were only on my left ear so I had to turn them off though xd

I love the mirror mechanic. The Camera and the Music are really trippy and the Leveldesign is pretty good. The movement is a bit janky at times but aside from that i enjoyed it.

This game was great! The grappling mechanic is so much fun and the dread of falling back down reminds me so much of Getting over it. Having story in a game jam game is also very nice to see. 5 Stars in all categories, I enjoyed it a lot :D

Really good game. Visuals, Audio and Gameplay are all well done. It's really fun.

Really satisfyign, well made.

The graphics are really good and the movement is fun.

Sounds and Music are nice. The Idea is cool and only having 1 arrow makes it challenging and fun.

51 - Artwork and lighting work really well together and the music slaps. Really nice.

Shooting feels nice, and the artwork is good. More Levels would have been nice.

It looks really good and the music is nice too. Sad that the game is glitched.

Pretty cool, im really bad at it but the nice sound design and models made it fun.

The game looks really interesting, I didn't really get what I was doing but it was nice.  A little more sound would have been great.

Gameplay, Graphics and Audio are just Perfect. It's all super cute, it feels good to play and is so much fun. Very well done!

The gameplay isn't really that fun but it looks and sounds gorgeous and fits the theme quite well.

Artstyle is very nice, the gameplay is fun and the levels are well made, just the Theme might be a little lacking. I enjoyed it.

The Game looks great, theme and innovation might be a little lacking but all in all a experience game!

This was one of the best games I have ever played. But seriously a friend and I had a blast playing this. Really funny.

The Idea is super cool, and the game looks gorgeos, the animations are smooth and the music is good (while it's still playing, it stoped after a few minutes). 

But my man this is so hard. Maybe it's just that im bad but I just couldn't finish it.

After like 10-minutes I "cheated" (Just flying over the enemys) my way through until the Golden desk Boss room and im not sure if it is intentional or not but it felt like it was infinite (I had the same Wave for about 7 times).

It's a really good game, I just wasn't able to see the end.

Thanks you, don't know how I missed that.

also getting stuck in a hole is not the end of the game xd
My friends have been raging a lot because of my game ;)