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A member registered Apr 26, 2023 · View creator page →

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Nicely done! I love Mixamo!

I love everything about this! The pixel art is adorable, the story is clever with a really well done intro. The tilting back and forth to affect the speed of the jump is a bit tricky to figure out at the start. I do find myself wishing that the difficult jump that involves 4 bugs at once would wait until a bit further into the stage once the player has a better understanding of how to effectively jump them. 

That said, this is one of my favorites so far, really well done!

Yeah, the right side of the level I didn't judge the gap well, going to see if I can patch that if I have time. My personal solution atm is to hop off of the zombie's head. 

Thanks for the feedback! Art is currently what I struggle with most, this is the first time I've hand-drawn assets for a game, so I tried to keep it simple. The zombie head isn't mine though, didn't have time unfortunately. 

Nice! Gonna have to try that next time around.

(1 edit)

"Hey! bum bum bum...

Got any brains?!"

PS. Thanks!

Ah, I see what people are talking about now. I assumed people were getting literally stuck, but the problem seems to be making the big jump back to the main area. Technically, you can cheese it by jumping off of the zombie's head lol, but that's not the intended method. I goofed, let me see if I can fix that jump and update.

Thank you for including a How to Play and screenshots of it as well. It took a minute to figure out what I needed to do, and also to realize the store was much larger than I thought lol. But once I got going I got very into it and quite competitive with the little robots..

Well done!

Lemonade Stand for the win! Love the idea, though I did have some trouble getting started due to not being able to see all the buttons. I had to play with my window size/zoom until it fit. You might want to check the "click to fullscreen" setting or check your resolution, because on my end I could only see a small portion of the game at the start. 

Thanks! I played yours as well, and brilliantly done! I was alone and had very little time to work this particular jam so I had to be very minimal and strategic in my approach. My goal for this jam was to hand draw some of the assets for the first time(especially since I'm a musician, NOT at all an artist), and I went with the crinkle-paper look because I didn't have time to also animate them. I'm glad it worked out well.

I love everything about this! I see I wasn't the only one that took the lemonade stand route, though I like your idea better. I keep laughing about the zombie mask pasted to the faces of the robot looking models lol. Simple and effective. Very well done!

Oh thank you, I'll check and see if there are any grounds in that area you can get stuck on. I probably need to bug fix some stuff.  I was planning on having a UI element to show number of hits you can take, but had to cut that. You get 5 hits I believe. 

Thanks! Normally I would have made my own music, but way too busy this time around and had to be strategic about it. I used a track from the Free Asset List that was posted. Thanks for reminding me, I need to include that credit when I get a moment. 

This is awesome! Did you use some sort of filter for the PSX look? I really enjoyed the vibe

Nice! I love the Fez-like rotation, it's crazy that we don't see more of that mechanic because it's so visually unique imo. I'm curious, what engine did you use to do this?

Love the soundtrack! 

Thank you for the compliment! I worked very hard on the music and sound, and I thought the game turned out really awesome!

Attempting to connect on Discord. Is there a specific server I should search for? My username is the same as my itch one.

My idea when I was wanting to go solo was going to be a top-down puzzle game where you have to push blocks or collect some sort of items in order to "fill a space", perhaps a big hole, that would allow you to progress to the next level. I hadn't started it yet, just the player controller. You're welcome to borrow elements of that if you'd like

Okay, sounds good. I'll get my DAW set up and start sketching out some stuff. I have discord, but I haven't used it much. Can you send WAV files over discord?

Hello, I was originally going to attempt this gamejam solo, but I am primarily a musician, with some experience with various DAWs for music making. I have GameBoy sounding instruments and could produce a WAV file for import into a game. I am most familiar with doing this with Unity, not sure which engine you'll be using, but hopefully it would be a similar process. This is my second gamejam, and the first I did solo. If we teamed up, what would be the best method for contributing the music?

As a fellow solo dev, I understand the time constraints and I love the idea you came up with. I will say though, I feel that the movement and animations need to feel a bit snappier. It feels good to explore and collect things, but that's being hampered a bit by the sluggish animations. I would speed up the climbing and jumping animations a little in order to make things flow more smoothly. 

It does seem visually to be dragging a bit behind the cursor, though I'm unsure by watching the video how it felt while playing. I will say I did get more proficient with time, and I love a game with a difficulty curve, don't get me wrong. I did finish the game with perseverance. My hope is merely that any difficulty your players face is the difficulty that was intended, if that makes sense. 

If I didn't mention before, the soundtrack was also awesome btw.

Yeah UI is not yet my strong suit, especially solo and with limited time. Ideally I would have had more things pop up like level names and such. I do plan to lower the spawn rate of enemies a little in response to feedback. Thank you for playing!

Gameplay is crazy fun! And I jammed out to the soundtrack for a good while. 

Wow! One of the best I've played so far! The only thing keeping me from a perfect score on this one is the difficulty. Goodness, even with the slower enemy setting on I barely scrapped through. Perhaps there is less of a mouse lag if it's not in the browser, maybe that's a factor, but it is extremely difficult pretty much immediately, which could push some more casual players away from the very unique experience.

Bonus: It is pretty neat to be able to play this using a Wacom tablet, or a similar tool. That is how I started out since I saw it was a Paint layout!

I am not sure I am ready for that quite yet, but that's a really good idea. I put together a game prototype album during quarantine when that all happened, but I am not yet really familiar with Soundcloud. Perhaps next jam I can have that set up!

Description updated. Thank you for the feedback!

I love the art and music! The gameplay gives Crypt of the Necrodancer vibes, which is awesome. 

One thing I ran into: I would assign the skip-dialogue button to something other than esc, since when the game is played in browser pressing esc also exits full-screen.

Thank you! The music actually came first in this project, music and sound design is what I would like to do someday. I wanted to implement FMOD, but there ended up not being time for it.

Wow! The music from my project was made by myself, so I appreciate the work spent on sound design. That is ultimately what I would like to do once I get a bit more experience. He did an awesome job!

Giving me Spore vibes, love the Music! Did you get the music from somewhere or is one of the members of your team the composer?

(1 edit)

Yeah, there was some UI stuff I was planning on doing, but ran out of time. I tried to explain a bit in the description of the game, it's a "navigate maze, find exit" type of game. 

I'm also working solo, so I had to pick my battles carefully to make the deadline.

I enjoy the joke that the name is "Souls-like", but you discover after the intro that's it's actually FlappyBird. I laughed, and had fun. Well done

Check out mine if you have a moment:


Oh yeah, blue guy was an NPC character that I didn't have time to implement. That confusion makes sense.

I love the art style of this project! Wow, the font, the little tub character, the music! Well done!

Keyboard input (WASD) currently recommended. Gamepad movement still buggy.