oh cool. My way of getting textures is,
-play ps1 game and find a fully lit texture
- screen shot it and flatten it in photoshop
-touch it up to look good. then if I want to vary it up I use content aware fill
Thanks! my day job is an animator so I didn't wanna just use motion capture from mixamo, I wanted to keep it true to the era and have jenky hand animation. Yeah I'm not exactly sure why He falls through the floor or why the eyeball dude sometimes ignores collision. Hes on block all. I think it's something to do with the psfx pack but can't be sure.
Thatnk dude! Yeah I took inspo from both those movies! haha the monster was a last minute idea, originally it was just 'get to the elevator while the world is spinning' but that got boring fast haha. Yeah I wish I teamed up with someone who knows sound design. I'm glad you enjoyed it! I'm gonna play your game when I finish work!