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STRATO-SPEARView game page

3D hack and slash character action game- juggle your spear while fighting through a hostile alien island!
Submitted by rittz (@rittzler) — 1 hour, 21 minutes before the deadline
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Ranked from 42 ratings. Score is adjusted from raw score by the median number of ratings per game in the jam.

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really cool seeing that this was made with Unreal! feels really close to being a published game. awesome job!


yeah, i actually tried unity a bit for a couple days at the begining of the jam but swapped back to unreal! too comfortable in there lol

thank you!


haha same here. im super comfortable in unreal as well. dont know if ill ever switch :p


The movement feels really polished and rewarding! It took me a while to really get the hang of the combat, but I can tell a lot of effort was put into giving it a lot of depth.

I’d love to see this go on into a full game, but if you plan to, I’d have to ask you if you can find a way to make combat more important. Right now, most enemies appear to be able to be bypassed by just maneuvering around and past them, which means that there feels like there’s little point to fighting other than if you just want to.

Besides that, though, there’s a lot of attention to detail here that I really admire. Even having a ledge grab is one major detail that I think has this game stand out amongst the rest!


Having a bit of a background in 3d movement at this point definitely informed a lot here! It let me to get the movement refined to a nice level without too much trouble. Ledge grabs definitely help add sort of premium feeling to things, and are just nice to have in when 3d platforming is involved in general.

And yeah, i really have been itching to make some combat so i went all out on the idea here! I'm pretty happy with how it ended up and the amount of depth i was able to squeeze out of things.

A lot of the game is just kind of operating under the assumption that the player wil actually want to play the game and engage with the systems in the short playtime of it- being able to run from every enemy encounter, moves cancelling a little too freely into themselves, and it being extremely easy to get an enemy infinitely stunlocked. Its definitely stuff i'd have to address in a full release, but im not sure if i'll get to that with this. 

Although, part of not doing that was just led by not having checkpoints either, being able to run thru the encounters allieviates that a bit i think!

 But yeah, i'd probably lock you into encounters with the enemies were i to make an expanded version.


only 90s kids remember


feels like completed game


This game raised the bar! As a animator as my day job I can really appreciate the hand animated actions! the animation done on twos or threes is really true to the era. Mixamo is a great tool but I feel most developers rely on it too much. Keep up the good work!


Yesss thanks so much! I understand that 3d animators are hard to come by, especially in the indie scene, but i wish more people would try!

But yeah, had a good time making combat animations here.


The game was amazing. Def one to add to my collection. The combat was superb, but missed a good blocking mechanic, but good nonetheless. Music also good but felt like it was missing something. Overall, 4/5. Good job


Thank you!! I'm not sure how exactly i would've done it here, but i definitely intend to play with more defensive mechanics in future action games i make. 


Oh wow. This game is insanely good. The fighting mechanics are so fluid, it's so satisfying to play. The best game from this jam like it's not even close. Well done!


This is trully fantastic, the gameplay is so polished, and the style and combad kind of reminds me of the canceled megaman legends 3


The quality of this is just crazy. It's mental that you made this in 2 weeks. Seriously congrats.


Suprised myself a bit, tbh! Was really happy with how it came out, just the right blend of stuff i'm experienced with and and stuff i'm less so to keep me engaged i guess, lol. Thank you though!!

Submitted (1 edit) (+1)



Wow! Amazing game! The graphics are beautiful, the controls feels great, the gameplay is hard but fun, and I really like the chill music. Definitely 5/5


Really great game, not just great for a jam! Controls feel SO good and the lizard monsters are adorable!


Thank you!! A friend of mine really likes the lil angler moles guys too, they're a good time haha




That was awesome! I loved the character art and animations, the sound effects, and the combat mechanics.

I liked the music, but I don’t think it fit the game very well. I think a more up beat and less serious theme would have worked better with the cartoony graphics and hack and slash gameplay.

Also, the environment art was a little lacking in detail, mainly just the textures. The colors just didn’t match the bright and cheery character designs IMO. It made me feel like I was just running through empty quiet corridors instead of some alien world.

The fighting was very fun but I feel like it was missing some sort of reward system for the player. After a while, combat started to feel pointless since I could just run past enemies. A scoring system would really liven up the gameplay, and if you could implement some sort of combo system like DMC, it would really encourage players to try to pull off long combos.

Another thing is maybe let the player know when the enemy is dead so they don’t end up juggling them infinitely, like tint the enemy red as they take more damage.

Overall though, this is one of the best games I’ve played so far in the jam, and I hope you continue to develop it because it has a lot of potential.


Well, if you both didn't like the music and the colors, it just kinda sounds like you have a different idea of how the tone of the game shoulda been altogether! Which is fine, but I am fond the style of music for this at least, i think it goes well with the mood i wanted to make, thuogh i'm sure a custom made track would've fit a bit better.

 The enviroment definitely still coulda used a lot more love, but it's a sore spot for me and i definitely just put more time into the core gameplay, haha.

I think, in the context of the game, the fighting is it's own reward. I dont think i'd want a scoring or style system, but i was tossing around some other ideas to to try to egg players into having a bit more variety, like making hits with the spear make the throw do more damage, or having the gun a limited ammo system that you need to refill while making it a bit more powerful, i guess potentially by also attacking enemies, but other things would be on the table too.

The only one of these that made it in of course was disloding the spear to make enemies spew health orbs. That one i could justify since I needed to do -something- to let the player heal, and i didn't just wanna do like, estus.

I would probably lock you in the room for enncounters, at least for somet of them were this a more fleshed out game though.

Informing the player of when enemies are dead is also fair, i'd probably also just want health bars to go with something like a color change or effect, lol.

Thanks for the feedback and critique though, i'm really glad you liked it! I'm not sure if i'll continue this game in particular, but i'm sure many ideas here wil carry forward into other stuff i do!


Another game of yours and it's another banger! Great work! Fluid movement and great combat, not to mention how lovely the level design is! Really look forward to more of your future work!


Thanks so much!! I'm glad you liked the level design, it's not my strongest point but i had fun with it!

Here's hoping i get a full game out soon for ya, haha


Nicely polished! I had a lot of fun just playing around with the different combos that could be made.


Yeee that's what i like to hear! Glad you had fun with it!


This is really amazing, it actually feels like I'm playing a PSX game.


I made it to the ship \o/ This was a pleasure to play 5/5, my favourite so far :)


I hope you managed to free the ship too! 

Thanks so much!!  Very happy to hear that!


yeye I escaped ^^


I really like this one, the combat feels so polished. Well done!


Thanks so much! I spent most of the jam just refining it, glad it payed off!


Really great game. The level of polish is impressive, controls are tight and responsive and the combat feels reactive and satisfying. Great job! Were the combat mechanics made in BP?


Thanks so much!

And yeah, all the programming was done via blueprints for this, and all my games so far lol