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Soup's On! - 32bit Game Jam 2022View game page

An Overcooked inspired Third Person Shooter where you make some soup for some hungry souls!
Submitted by h0tel (@h0tel_), FunnyAngeli, City — 33 minutes, 25 seconds before the deadline
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Soup's On! - 32bit Game Jam 2022's page


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Ranked from 31 ratings. Score is adjusted from raw score by the median number of ratings per game in the jam.

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Super cute game, love the gameplay and the variety of veggie monsters! Also the map designs are top notch!


Thanks! I was playing around to see if i could include some options of meat (like a skelly pig or something) but thought angry veggies would be more interesting!


Nice game, well done! The mechanics were quite confusing at first, but doing the tutorial definitely helped ^^
Sometimes objects like the soup got stuck in unusual locations (on the counter when trying to serve it in this case). Also there could be more feedback that the tomatoes need to be chopped before putting them in the soup.


Hey thanks for your feedback! Yeah the soups sometimes can be a bit janky if for whatever reason the customer isn't facing the player. I'll definitely look into the feedback for the tomatoes as i agree there could be more work put into that!  Thanks for checking it out and I'm glad you enjoyed it!


Really cool game, loving the artstyle and the feel of the game


Thanks a lot! Much appreciated :) !


Game looks buetiful, I like a lot


Thank you! Im happy you enjoyed it!


Very good. Your screenshots show the anti-aliasing off, but the game has it on when I play it. I'd prefer it off. Don't know if that was a last second decision or something unintended. Otherwise, very good game that is very fun :).


Yeah you’re right. I’d prefer it off too.  I tried looking into it towards the end as it was something  that only showed up in the finaI builds, and didn’t notice until it was too late (right before the deadline). I might look more into why it did that, or try a different method post jam. But thank you for playing, I’m happy you enjoyed it!


honestly had more fun playing this than most AAA games these days i absolutely loved this. the style and music and everything felt so nostalgic and the gameplay loop was super super fun!! i think if maybe the timer was shorter at the start but got extended every time you completed an order would be a super interesting way of adding more tension! either way tho this was so excellent im so happy i got to play it <3


Thank you, I really appreciate it! I do like the idea of a timer getting more time with each delivery! We played around with timers a bit, and I still kinda think they’re a tad bit too long. Thanks for playing, glad you enjoyed it! 


Art style is fantastic and gameplay was lot of fun. Great job!


Thanks much! Glad you enjoyed it ! :)

Submitted (1 edit) (+1)

Funny game,  have some problems to make the soup but I think it was me,  it was funny shoot to the skeletons lol, original art and cool mechanics, has nice sounds to, nice work!


im sorry to hear that.
there is a tutorial on the main menu if you missed it. i recommend it if you felt like you were lost. it tells you all of the mechanics of the game which should help you out!
other than that thanks you and im glad you enjoyed it!!


I make the tutorial but don"t know the ingredients of the soup, gonna check again


It was fun, I wasn't expecting those kind of ingredients for the soup


haha yeah, very highly nutritious and tasty!
thanks for playing!


There are a lot of mechanics on this game and it baffles me how you were able to implement them in two weeks. The game is great! I had a lot of fun playing and this is probably one of the best in the jam. Congrats!


im really happy you had fun playing it! thank you! theres a lot more i would like to implement, but ran out of time! maybe next time!
thanks for checking it out!


I love the art of this game, the frog bin 100% looks like it could have been a character from Bad Fur Day haha ^^ great game :)


he definitely was inspired by a few characters from that game, and some frogs.
im glad you enjoyed it thanks for playing!


This game was so much fun. The models look great the music is great and the movement felt really fluid which makes the game that much more fun. At one point a tomato got stuck in my head which was pretty funny ngl. Loved Bruno btw.


bruno loves you too!
im glad you enjoyed it! the bug (maybe soon turned feature?) was something we didnt spot till after we submitted, but luckily its not too game breaking

tomato hat


I remember seeing this on stream! Tomato hat, glad to try it myself it was really fun, it reminds me of overcooked a lot, Id love to make a game like this in the future and I think it would take me ages to finish it but it took u a week to add this much polish to the game, this game is awesome and fits the theme perfectly. I love ur art!


haha thanks i appreciate it. we did get a lot of inspiration from overcooked. i believe you can do it! with enough patient and dedication you can do anything! im glad you enjoyed it!

tomato hat


Great game, gameplay is fun, and it is an interesting idea.


thank you! glad you enjoyed it! would love to expand on it


I like the art style, and that frog have nice ass i must say. Still, i was not able to put ingredients into the pot and enemies didn't do any damage. 


Thanks! Im happy someone actually found that little detail. You are correct that enemies dont do any damage, it was a last minute scrap. There is a tutorial at the main menu that will tell you the basics if you wanna try at it again! other than that thanks for the feedback!


The idea seems really original, i love the unsettling/creepy tone on the last level, it would have been really cool to have some extra movement options or something like a hook with a cooldown to grab objects from afar or move around. Loved it!


Thanks! the last level was my favorite one to make, and im glad you enjoyed it! We did think about adding the ability to throw the items into the places they needed to be (plots, chopping table, pot, etc) but didnt want to spend too much time bug fixing it. Definitely would like to add more movement options if were ever able to come back to this. Maybe some jump pads and even a grapple hook to swing around! Thanks for playing! :)


That was so fun! love the character design, definitely a clear vision here.


thanks! very happy with how they came out, especially since we used AI to create most of the texture. glad you enjoyed it!


Woah no way! was it like with dream texture or something? 


we used craiyon for this project. and then adjusted them as needed


Oh cool I'll look into it


yeah for sure! its formally known as Dall-E mini. I love using it


so like your process would be:
-type in a prompt

-resize that to like 128x128

-make it seemless and apply the textue?


yeah basically. i only made 1 texture seamless in the project, but you can make them seamless if it works better for what you're doing.


oh cool. My way of getting textures is, 
-play ps1 game and find a fully lit texture

- screen shot it and flatten it in photoshop

-touch it up to look good. then if I want to vary it up I use content aware fill


haha thats really cool. you did a really good job with it for your game. it reminds me what people would actually do in the 90s where they would go out and take real photos and stuff. I would also paint on them a tiny bit depending one what i was looking for/needed


Really great game idea that reminds me of ridiculous fishing! Controls felt great!


thanks! glad you liked it! maybe i should add a fishing mechanic in the hypothetical sequel!

Jam Host(+4)


Developer (1 edit) (+1)

tomato hat


tomato hat


tomato hat


Very charming and fun! Love the art style, music, and everything!


thank you, im glad you enjoyed it!

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