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A member registered Feb 22, 2024

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Just checked the 0.1.2 devlog...

we got Shadow of War Nemesis mechanics in lewd Darkest Dungeons x Palworld here

I can't help myself...

I didn't want to talk about the music because I would make the comment even longer than it already is, but It's way too good for me to pass up and it's why I bought the $18 version, in fact I'm ranking them because I'll never get another chance to talk about it. Not counting "Conquest" because it's just a 7 second stinger or both variants of "Returning Home" because I don't think they really fit the criteria.

Main Menu Theme - Perfectly sets up the vibes the game gives overall, with what I believe to be a harp and slow vocal track establishing that beyond that start button is a world filled to the brim with devious horrors desperate to bring you to your knees. It's here at the bottom because it's not something I'm bopping my head to, still good I'm just not actively banging my head.

The Guild Theme - Chill little medieval tune that still embarks a sense of heroism. It is somewhat repetitive playing the "Onward adventurers" verse twice before the "conquer the world" bit before it loops, but it's sufficient.

Return of the Fuckbot (Lab) - Again, fits atmospherically with the various techno plucks and distorted bass which are quite enjoyable, I'm just not feeling the vocals. the lyrics for this one are just various sexual taunts which just don't jive with me. Also possesses the only real English lyrics aside from The Guild and Fempire, everything else is either I think Latin or little various do-dos.

Overworld Theme - Nails the "marching onward for crusade" vibe for sure, not really much else to say if I'm being honest.

Of Mice and Women (Forest) - For the first track you'll hear in the actual game itself, this one's definitely the best one for it. It captures what being in a forest feels like with the piano, violins, woodwinds and vocal tracks, (shocking I know,) a serine landscape filled with vibrant greens and blues with the risk of furry things wanting to eat your face, before getting hit with the chaos that you'll inevitably met.

The Fempire Strikes Back (Lab Battle) - RUBBER BAND. Seriously though, a major step up from Fuckbot, (I dare you try to say that out loud with a straight face.) The vocals are still the taunts, but they've been sampled in a way that is more in line with the instrumental and not trying to be its own thing.

Rat Raiders of the Lost Jerk (Forest Battle) - I have to admit, the intro is a little slow, which would set it below Of Mice and Women, but then the violins came in, then the vocals and now we're talking. You're in the middle of the woods, shit's going down and that furry thing is hungry, it's do or die! Oh, wait... it's just a ratkin peasant... KILL IT!!

Song of the Slimes (Swamp) - For a track that's meant to take place in the middle of the dank marshlands, it almost sounds... ethereal? Is that just me? Either way, the bells and various string instruments really tie this one together.

Incubation Theory (Cavern) - Everything I said about the Main Menu music, apply it here but make it an actual bop. The piano and droning noises perfectly give off the feeling of "I really shouldn't be here" you would feel being trapped in a mountainous cavern, but you can't help but be drawn in especially with the low vocals and rapid hi hats ringing in your ears.

Song of the Trees (Swamp Battle) - Who ever gave the orchestra a pay rise, give them one as well. It is just a more upbeat version of Song of the Slimes, but I guess if it ain't broke, don't fix it.

Feast and Fire (Ruins Battle) - If Incubation Theory is the feeling of "I shouldn't be here," then this is the feeling of "awww...fuuuuck." It's almost as if the entire greenskin tribe heard you rummaging in their living room and collectively said "GET 'EM!" The only thing I don't like is the added little acepella near the end of the track at the 1:36 mark, it kinda feels slapped onto what was already a perfect song.

Snirblin Torga (Ruins) - The only time an overworld theme did better than the battle version. For me it's because Snirblin Torga feels like you've successfully infiltrated the tribe, but are still yet to be caught. In Feast and Fire, everything is moving at the same pace as if you're just trying to get one inch forward away from it all. Here? It constantly changes as if it's business as usual across various landmarks in the area, until you start a fight then all hell breaks loose with Feast and Fire.

Shifted Sisters (Cavern Battle) - I have no idea how you did it Mado, or whoever else may have made this, but this is a masterpiece. Everything about this just works, from the chanting vocals, to the guitars, to the synth, to the drums, to the bells. Somehow you've made a track that manages to be both hypnotic AND a complete blood rush. Just standing ovation.

I'm a little late to this, but it's awesome to finally see the game released. Been playing since curios were first added, (version 0.8 I believe?) and seeing it all come together has been a blast. Finding new combinations between items, curios, crests, hypnosis and etc. to fine tune my adventurers into powerful damage conduits, or just dumb shit, is what keeps me coming back.

The game does everything it can to throw everything you build up straight down the garbage, curios replacing your glory personality traits with relaxation ones, enemies replacing armor and changing your classes, adventurers getting kidnapped from an enemy combo just being a straight damage cannon. It all adds a sense of tension where you remain cautious so that one slip up doesn't result in your Alchemist turning into a maid. HOWEVER, even if that does happen, you can still make do with a bad situation. For example, I kept getting all my mages turned into cursed classes early game and one of them in particular, named Isolde, ended up turning into a prisoner. After that I said "fuck it" because this is the 3rd or 4th mage at this point and proceeded to try turning her into a pure glass cannon, without the glass part because prisoners are tanks. Hyperfocus Visor, Bondage Mittens, Muscular quirk, around 17 strength and a full Crest of Lust, she's hitting 18-22 on each strike punching chunks out of everything sorry enough to stand in her way, only thing missing is if Boots of Speed synergized with Giant's Belt of Strength. The game forces you to adapt either by learning what everything does and maneuvering around their strategies, or working with what your given to foster a hidden gem.

As porn material, I've said it before but yeah, I don't think it lands on that front as the only real "action" is from enemy grapples like most machines or the orcs. CGs can play during certain actions, but they're there for only a second and are still images. It's sexual in mostly theming which is probably intentional, just a heads up for anyone looking for that.

Overall I'm glad I found this game and can't wait to see how Ero Hunters turns out.

Steam is infamous for censoring games that resemble anime and contain more sexual themes. A relatively recent example was the game "Order Us!" which got taken down because they deemed that one of the characters was a minor due to her having a smaller bust size, even though the characters are over 18. If you want to check it out the game for yourself here's a link to the demo with the devlog having the full game links.

is the "Extend the Night" upgrade bugged? is it supposed to change it from the night ending at 3:00 to a later time? or is it lengthen the intervals between when the clock changes?

be warned that once you complete that dungeon, your warrior will be forced equipped with a "Growing Vine." it is uncursed after 2 more dungeon clearings

it does contain the new Ratkin and Spiders though, right?

has the game been updated with the new boss and enemy types in this version? also will save data transfer between the old version and this one?

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Encounters against the small Vines are ok, but if you're fighting multiple Alarune Horticulturalists with other opponents they can stack up Vines in the Reinforcement queue, which looking back probably just needs good target priority.

There is a 4 Clustered Vines encounter however, and the turn queue at the top had 20 slots due to the multi hit attacks. It is an ELITE encounter though, so I'm not shaking in my boots at this one, but yeah I am definitely not fighting that again. 

yeah the battle themes for Caverns, Swamp and Ruins absolutely SLAP!

Ok, Fire Slimes are a piece of cake. Vines on the other hand? Fuck them to hell. you pretty much need an Alchemist with Blanket Fire or an Archer with Suppressive Fire or Aimed Shot to kill them before the get to their third stage. When they get there? God, Help You With The Vine Whip Spam... 

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Is this "Deep Lab Expedition" here because the game didn't decide to use the overworld as a mission?

Also since one part of the Gothic set's in the screenshot, what's the raven hair supposed to be? Is it part of a preset character or something?

Oh... that makes sense... sort of wish the durability mechanic still applied to the armor when you went into a new dungeon because it just meant that her accessory buffs were being denied due to their low durability, (which can't be restored by the morale system, only outfits can,) and the "force equip" mechanic was completely absent which broke tension and just made it annoying.

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No idea what caused this, but my prisoner's Rags and Chasity Belt ended up not having any durability when I started a dungeon. Not it being set to zero, the meter didn't even show up and her accessories took the durability damage instead. It returned to normal when I cleared the dungeon and checked it in the guild, and I don't think the game would have let enemies equip items on her because it still had the yellow border in the adventurer overview, meaning the game likely still saw it as unbroken, but I didn't chance it.

Update: just started another run with the same character, the Rags and Belt still don't have their durability bars...

🎶On a scale of 1 to 10, my friend, you're fuc-🎶

maybe I'm remembering things wrong and it was two Slime Gunners or a large one, all I remember was that one encounter destroyed me and I've been scared of them ever since.

I did find a counter to them though on a veteran mission with all novices, get a noble with high reflex save and have her spam "Appel," the noble I had had 18 dex and a condom mask, (I think red is reflex and the black one's fortitude,) the slimes kept trying to set a status to an enemy that could dodge, riposte and shrug it off if they did hit

Fighting one is easy honestly, it's fighting multiple that screws me over, especially when the "furnace" field effect is in play. I was once just patrolling an elite or veteran swamp dungeon cleaning house until I encountered a group of 4 Fire Slimes. This was the first time I encountered them so I figured that it would be simple. They proceeded to spam wildfire because of the furnace and kidnap 3 of my adventurers. Yeah I was definitely under prepared for that.

Does anyone have any advise for dealing with Fire Slimes, aside from killing them asap? They are honestly one of the biggest hurdles I have come across in this game and the world stops when I see one in a dungeon, especially encounters with more than one.

yeah I'm an idiot and didn't realize that the bindings were changed from weapons to an outfit, I got the adventurer I had as a pet before the cursed weapons overhaul so they were locked in the weapon slot, (back when the standard bindings were the bitchsuit.) I realized this after changing her back to a pet from being forced into a prisoner and realizing that she had a collar as a weapon instead.

What outfits outside of the Rubber Bindings are there for the Pet class?

what are these colors and what do they mean?

Wait, you're adding futanari? I remember you saying that you weren't going to add them so what changed your mind on adding them

that I understood, but I was wondering if you could potentially add them to your roster because I was under the impression that they were sold similarly to the cocooned maids and that was the extent of it. Is "rescuing" just how the mechanic is referred to?

how exactly do you rescue a captured human? I was under the impression that it was a mechanic but never knew how to do it so I thought it was not one.

stage 4 was easy.

just spam void range and damage...

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use the chest on stage 3. beat it in 10 runs.

keep in mind I rerolled for a starting speed discount, so I don't know long it may take otherwise or if it's possible in 15 runs.

but yeah, get 3 units and the chest's speed to 6 asap, pester the eyes for xp and replace a chest once it falls.

once you have that try to get a 4th unit and level the other chest stats until hp hits 5, then focus damage to 7, it's enough for the chests to rack up enough damage to clear the eyes in 1 wave.

I should mention that you should time your spawns so that your units avoid the projectiles. to safely avoid the void, wait for its epicenter to reach the outside of the outer walls of the lane.

dump into units and wait for the board to clear of projectiles and send a chest in each lane to cleanup.

ah... gotcha.

Was the Halfling Ring removed? I had it on a rogue and an archer but the item didn't transfer between 1.03 and 1.10

if you didn't extract the files from a zip, then the game may not be able to read any save files.

you can remove cursed gear without doing the quest once you unlock the church, although you need favor in order to remove them and a certain upgrade to keep the item

Main desire can be increased passively when other desires are high enough or when wearing Bunny set gear. It's also increases when an adventurer gets the "Clearheaded" or "Denied" affliction after lust damage is maxed and goes down while under the other afflictions.

Boob size is mainly changed by Cow set gear as it is integral to their class's functionality (wearing 3 pieces forces a class change so be careful.) it can also be changed in the hospital directly for free once you unlock it.

All afflictions aside from "Clearheaded" and "Denied" have a chance to force an adventurer to orgasm, this gives them a status effect that reduces speed and increases damage taken.

Submission is raised by wearing cursed gear. Its affliction disables damaging moves.

Exhibitionism is raised when armor is damaged. Its affliction forces your adventurer to strip herself or others.

Masochism is raised by taking damage. Its affliction occasionally forces taunt and guarding tokens and your adventurer's attacks will deal half damage to herself.

Libido is raised by taking Lust damage. Its affliction forces your adventurer to molest other adventurers.

they're status effects, read either an adventurer's or enemy's abilities and check what they can inflict

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that's honestly quite morbid, both lore implications and gameplay wise. I thought it would simply give them a unique trait/quirk that changes her role entirely. Thanks for the heads up.

What does the dollmaker do? I have been considering turning an adventurer into a doll for completionist's sake, but I've heard that it can kill off an adventurer and I'm scared it will take more than it gives.

also what's with the condoms in the provision's menu? (imagine reading that with no context XD)

I'm pretty sure Madodev stated that Futa content isn't being considered a while back. Even if it were, I'm not sure how it would be implemented, grappler enemies? Maybe have some humans, slimes, and ratkin spawn as futa to grapple your party members, but that may ruin the flow. Cursed class? The only cases I can see are to grapple enemies, (kinda pointless,) or granting some kind of powerful support abilities that grow desires and crests as a trade off which doesn't sound like it can be balanced, ala spawners in Clash Royale.

I'm pretty sure that pets are meant to be a support/tank focusing on ripostes with skills like "sit," "encourage" and "guard dog," but yeah, they are pretty weak with just their starting kit. I don't have much experience with the pony class, but I feel like it's the worst combat-wise and is mostly good for the dedicated job and extra inventory. I do enjoy using rogues who can be good with throwing daggers and warriors can take the heat off of the rest of the party, (especially from those damn lancers)

it goes up by taking damage to your adventurer's armor, another way is to simply equip them with Pet gear

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Is this a bug or a feature?

Sometimes whenever I rescue an adventurer after she gets captured, she'll be stuck in the "Faltering" state even in the overworld and it won't go away until I heal her in combat. I can work around it, but it's weird, inconvenient and just doesn't make sense.

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Thanks for the head's up, I was scared items like that could be forced by mimics. That would be akin to the Yellow Plague Zombies in Diablo 1 that permanently drop your max HP on hit. 

That makes me wonder; can the curse be dispelled at the church? And is it possible to remove the item by forcing a cursed class by having the adventurer wear 3 maid, cow, etc accessories?

"Staff of Unconditional Support; Uncurse: Cannot be uncursed"

I would be absolutely terrified if that actually was in the game... would be kinda funny though...

One last reply. I finally got the latest version and it's been a blast. Still going to have to grow into the changes to crests and I had some weird interactions with equipment after switching like prisoner gear uncursing itself because the game thinks that character served 99 days in the slave job, (hey, I ain't complaining.) But all in all, I love where this game's going and will be happy to play more.

Also the soundtrack is an absolute headbanger, I think the new ruin themes may be a new favorite, but swamp is definitely holding that crown... I also can't help but think of the Loli God Requiem dance whenever I hear the swamp themes lol...