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A member registered Oct 19, 2016 · View creator page →

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First off, points for the punny name. The art fits really nicely and I think y'all picked the music and soundtrack pretty well. The animations were smooth, and spamming dodge roll and moving around didn't have any noticeable stutter to it. The character designs fit really well too.

The central mechanic is really creative, I think it uses the theme to it's advantage and the fact that it doubles up as a dodge roll is brilliant. Love that the most about the game, and would be cool to see that fleshed out.

I'd say the only gripe I have is that enemies take too long to kill based on the weapons given. There are a ton of enemies, and killing just one takes about 10-30 seconds based on the weapon and giving allowances for weapon icd's and having to dodge enemies/lasers. The hitbox of the dagger also took some getting used to.

I'll give you points for creativity for not putting any literal dice in the game where it feels like every other game has a die in the game somewhere.

The art's really good, but I wasn't quite sure what was happening even though I understood the rules. Lack of gameplay aside, maybe add a pause or a part of the UI explaining which of my cards are beating which of the opponents cards; as it stands, it just seems like I spin the slot machine, I have an icon or two icons leftover, and then I get points, but I don't understand the interactions at all.

(1 edit)

Neat little idea. Basically a walking simulator since you can't manipulate your RNG.

The intended graphics are nice (I say intended because it seemed like my textures were loaded incorrectly) and the sound effects for rolling the dice is nice and satisfying.

Fun little game here, very lite on the decisions but I still enjoyed watching numbers get bigger and bigger. Love the sound design on the dice, it starts out cute and innocuous and by the end it sounds like the trudging of a thousand boots on hard pavement as the dice go to war or something.

Will say that I had absolutely no idea how much points each dice gave me but I guess it didn't matter. Got a tad tough to finish getting all the diamond dice so I stopped, but for the final prices for each dice I just have one word to say: nice.

Wonderful gem of a game you have here! Great usage of the theme and integrating the dice rolling into the game mechanics. I may be biased because I liked how whimsical the mechanics seemed to be from ducks to beach balls to tiny dice, but I really loved that!

Only gripe I had with it was that the music was so goddamn loud in the beginning, and sometimes my dice would go backwards instead of forwards, but that's real minor.

This game has a good idea going for it, feels like a real-time puzzle game. I think it's really easy to understand which enemies need larger numbers and which enemies need lower numbers, but I wasn't quite sure why and when my dice was changing between d2,4, and 6. 

Graphics were nice, although the choppy animation definitely confused me at first - like was I killing them properly? When did they move, etc.

I really like the idea that you only have one arrow, and the controls were really crisp. It was satisfying to aim properly and get shots in, preparing to pick up the arrow and keep repeating that. 

Graphics were a little dark, it was hard to see the enemies a few times, and the dice rolling at the beginning seemed a little arbitrary, but otherwise still a fun game!

Good job!

Really liked this one. The entire package works pretty well with one another, the bgm's a good choice and the game runs really smoothly from movement to combat to selecting upgrades.

It's a good, tried and tested system and it works! Like others have mentioned, I think my two only gripes were that battles were a little slow and I didn't want to keep spamming the movement button.

Great job!

I like it conceptually and it's presented really well. I was just really confused for a while - took me pretty long to figure out which dice were my opponent's and which were mine, and I still don't understand the entanglements or superposition. 

Ran into a bug that made me unable to click on the dice quite a few times.

The controls were surprisingly responsive and it was really fun to roll around and slash enemies. Hitboxes were a lot tighter than I expected and it was a little difficult to dodge bullets because the roll was so long - i'd end up rolling into enemies and getting hit anyway, lol. 

The art was cute and I think the idea is fine, although it doesn't seem to do anything unique to the theme. Also kudos to integrating controllers! It was seamlessly connected and impressive that you managed to add that in with the time limit.

One objective criticism though, it was really difficult to read anything that was on the screen - either the font was a little too scratchy, or the colours blended with the background, or the font size was too small - the UI was a tad messy. 

Hey thanks for checking it out! Glad you enjoyed it. Cheers

Hi! If you're running into issues with the 'View All', Add to Collection', etc. links while accessing the UI, please try entering full screen just for a second to hit the buttons you need. We're trying to figure out how to remove these links.

The animations are so adorable! The game is fun, but I guess without the lack of penalties for errors/missing beat means its not very challenging.

Although I suppose that's not the point! The soundtrack is a cute rendition too!

Thank you for the kind words!