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I'll also change some other aspects, such as the art, and add new features. If you'd like to play it in the future when it's fixed, it is and will be free, forever.

To anyone who has played or is planning on playing this game:

I messed up... While doing the final playtest I tweaked the settings up really high. What I forgot to do was turn them back down. After the jam is over, the values will be changed back and the game updated. Thank you to chatnoir95 for bringing this to my attention. (⁠-⁠_⁠-⁠;⁠)

Oh, I see why everyone was saying it's too hard...

The game is really fun, and each level is short and sweet. I think it's a game I'll be playing, just as a game, rather than only as part of the jam. The candy is a little hard to control, especially at corners, but I like the time requirement and challenge time, they're a neat addition!

I see, well thanks for trying it! I have much less than 100 wpm, but maybe it's just that I'm used to the gameplay. I'll look into reducing the difficulty curve after the rating period.

The game is really well made. I appreciated the colour-coded shapes popping out of the grey background. The building portion is a little confusing though, are there any advantages to using triangles over squares?

The visuals look really good, and they remind me of the don't starve series. The game was laggy, probably since my laptop is potato, but I think having settings for screen resolution might help. Again, really good graphics, and great game.

Refreshing the page worked! The game was really nice, relaxing, and ants. I guess I didn't fully read the description, because during the peaceful mowing, boom, ants. The graphics are really good though, and I had good fun :)

The overall game was really fun. Some puzzles were a bit hard to understand, specifically the black pillar, but it's rewarding in it's own way. The audio was really nice, the touch of having footsteps sound different on the platforms was great. Although, I found some... problems? There's a skip you can do involving some rocks with ledges. Also, there's this rock next to the cliff, creating a gap, and I ended up being soft locked in the gap... Good game though!

When the app loaded, it said missing .pck file, or something, so I couldn't play it. Based on the screenshots though, the game looks pretty fun. At least, I've never seen anything like it.

The graphics are great, and the slime growing caught me off guard, in a good way. It might be a problem on my end, but there was no audio. Did you run out of time or something? Great game though!

The concept is interesting, and the graphics classic. Although, the controls are tricky to get used to, and the audio is really quiet. Not a bad game, but I think it could be improved in some aspects. 

I see, I could tell while making the game that it was really difficult, but I guess it's harder to know how hard a game is as the dev... Thanks for the feedback though

I had some fun with the game, and I think it fits the theme pretty well. Because of the constant rain in the later stage of the game and quick drying of clothes, I didn't really use the upper rack very much, but I could see it getting some use with some more experience. I would have preferred having a timer, or some way of keeping track of the time (and points). Great game though!

The gameplay is a little difficult to get used to, mostly since there isn't a tutorial, and what each action does isn't clear. The idea is pretty unique though, and I think it'd work well as a combat system for turn based RPGs.

The idea of the game is really fun. It certainly didn't feel like chess, especially with the lack of castling, but it had it's own unique gameplay. The mini board at the top left was a nice addition, but the resolution was too low to be useful, might be a hardware issue on my part though. Overall, it's a really interesting game concept.

It's impressive how well the graphics were made considering the short time period. I didn't get very far, but the general gameplay and the way it was accomplished is great.