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A member registered Aug 06, 2016 · View creator page →

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Thanks for the feedback. I'll try to do something about balancing issues for the next update.

As for the time scaling issue... I've honestly never experienced it, but that might be caused by me playing it mostly through the Unity Player. Or simply I've never noticed it. It's a serious problem anyway. Which version of the game are you on (Linux/Win32/64/Mac/Web)?

@sicave could you check it out now? It should be working as intended, but you can dismiss any panel using ESC key now as well.

I'll fix that in the next release, thank you for feedback!

Hi, thanks for reporting. What resolution you're at? 

simple and fun

I love this!

Hey mate, amazing game. I wish there was more cold war strategy games

XCOM/UFO games "kinda/sorta" do that, on an understandably smaller scale. Maybe it is also hard to balance? It is understandable in mostly PVE game, but when you want to implement competitive multiplayer, it might be a little bit hard to find a sweet spot between fun of customization and balance.

I always wondered, why they dont allow me to customize what kind of gun my soldiers/taks have in an RTS game? Luckily, your game provides that option, and it is an amazing concept.

you get the code in first email you recive

I've made an another update to my game. There was some bugfixes, and new features like:

New main menu

More visible targetting for snipers

Muzzle flashes!

And more, including hi-score system, and some SFX rework. Go check my latest devlog for more info and a download link :)

I love usage of the meme.

Took me a few attempts, but finally I've got a grip of what is expected of me to do. Cool little game, but music could have been a little less annoying 😂

I like the implementation of the theme, but one of the weapons kinda feels like "I win" button 😅 If you can get the balance right, it sure can be enjoyable!

It was really fun! I would love a coop mode in a full release, and maybe more power-ups!

It looks amazing! I love the atmosphere, and you put a lot of work even into little sound effects.

I'm not gonna spoil anything, but it took me back to a certain website, with a very specific red button :)

It has an unbelievable amount of quality for a jam game! Combat system feels flashy and satisfying, and theme is implemented in a creative way.

This is a super cool concept, I like even for a jam game the skull death animations still felt kinda satisfying... You didn't sleep on GMTK's "Game feel" episode, didn't you? I also like how the hooded enemies rolled the dice themselves, it kinda made the whole thing reactive in a cool way.

I can see a lot of potential in this game, so feel free to ping me when you release a post-jam update!

Congrats on your first game!

After voting period ends, try to fix the bugs, and rebalance it  a bit (I was able to avoid like 99% of hazards by just running around the shadowy figure) and you have yourself your first "real" release ;)

well, I've got 100!

It definitely feels like just a step on the way, but I think it is a step in the right direction. Since it already feels like an old Zelda game, maybe the new abilities should be considered a reward for exploration? And maybe in the lategame you can transform the character into a dice with more walls? I think that idea has a lot of potential, and I would love to see, what you can do with it!

Thank you! I used to love the old Castlevania games, and I was itching to do something in the same vibe.

Hi! Recently I've decided to complete one of my Ludum Dare games. Formerly known as Spooky Gothic Siege, now is developed under the name Revenge of the Necromancer and on its final release will be really simple tower defense/idle/clicker game about defending fortress from army of undead led by titular necromancers.

Today I have released new version, which you can play here. It contains some bugfixes and improvements, some of them regarding visual changes, like new menu, or new font for the game, and some that are pretty impactful on the gameplay (like defenders only shooting direction they are aiming). For more details, check my latest devlog post.

I'll leave you with some screenshots. Until next time!

Game in action. Subject to change, to be sure

Here is how the new main menu is designed. Yes, I go for that old arcade machine/early NES feel

thanks kind stranger, more updates are on the way

Thanks a lot!
>Could use a custom mouse pointer!
Noted for update :)

No, it is not. You can check source code here

If we want videogames to be treated like a serious works of art, we need to have games that push the envelope, and move the medium in uncharted and sometimes uncomfortable territory. Games like Silent Hill 2, Shadow of the Colossus, Witcher 3 or Fatter.

Fatter is a game about inherently human experience - eating junk food and farting, while avoiding disgusting vegetables like broccoli. While at the first glance it might seem as “dumb” or “primitive” it is, in fact, an accurate depiction of what most of the humanity was doing during 2020’s pandemic.

And let me tell you - Metal Gear Solid 2 was also misunderstood after its launch.

I love it.

Nice interpretation of theme, although there is a ton of things you have to work on. I like the pixelart tho.

It is an interesting concept for a puzzle game, however I kinda disliked combat (maybe because I was bad at it).

At the start I was kinda disappointed. There was no animations, no sound, but then... Well, I will not spoil it. Let me just say, that as a horror fan, I am rarely that happy to eat my words up. The lighting looks nice, although I am not sure if the second mode of flashlight is really necessary (the game gets too bright, and it kinda kills the atmosphere). The cell phone thing was kinda cool too, but its kinda hard to play while using it (which was probably intentional). i really like it, can't wait to see where you will take it!

I collapsed the economy several times, but France was freed from pandemic. Cool game, random events add some sense of humour (not sure if intentionally).

Core mechanic works fine, although it needs a bit of refinement (it was annoying, when bird spawned bellow me, so I had no chance of seeing it). Cool game ;)

I don't think I am sure how the "heart" meter works, but besides that it's pretty functional game.

I played this in Poland in December. Little do I knew, haw hardly I wanted to play something that cute and funny, with warm summer feeling. Thank you!

Loool. You probably could just close the browser. Or something is screwed up in a way I have not predicted xD Could you provide me details on your PC/what browser are you using? It may help me to deduce whether the game has a problem

Shows potential, but I think, that viewport should be bigger. Anyway, keep it up!

Game is nice. I like the way AI player plays. Have you made graphic assets on your own?

Help Me, I Am Shrinking is twitchy action game, based on usual (as far as I am aware) concept.

You are just a white box. Your objective is to destroy as many red and pink boxes as possible. To do so, you can... Explode!

If your explosion hits other box it will stop moving, allowing you to suck matter out of it... Oh did I mention, that you are constantly shrinking? Well, you are. And you have to parasitize the other boxes to survive.

You can also destroy the stunned boxes by exploding at them again. Actually you should do that, if you don't want them to transform in the pink boxes, that will try to kill you, by shooting missiles.

Sounds like fun?

PS: The game is still in development. Any feedback will be appreciated, because I want to make this as fun as it is possible.

Cool concept, but i have few concerns:

1) I think, that bullets should leave trace. It would make them easier to... Trace actually. Especially when there is a lot of them on screen.

2) The game kinda lacks feel. Try to add some animations and/or effects.

3) Some music would be nice.

Also I've found bug on level 3.  Sometimes the doors were open after my death.

Anyway, keep up the good work :)

I like the idea, but I could buy EVERYTHING after first wave.

Also there seeems to be unexpected feature. When my ship gets in collision with shield, the game restarts.