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A member registered Apr 28, 2021 · View creator page →

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Secret Bread was amazing, I couldn't figure out how to play with the mouse different "dot sizes" (like in the keyboard bindings) i feel like this on a multi touch display with sensitivity would be amazing to play with even for live events

Liked the more narration aspect of it, I found the music balance to be off tho, expecially on slowed down tracks it was hard to hear them with the bg music so loud, keep up the good work

oh no graphics was perfect, I moved the stuff around in paint to make a small screenshot, it was just that there were 2 ways to make the same wave, probably the part that was different was off screen (maybe a sign?) So it registered as not similar.

For the graphics audio UI and everything else it worked perfectly 👍

Very nice and extremely well done graphics, for control I found a bit clunky the need to click to switch (played twice before figuring out I wasn't healing the person near the mouse), so maybe having the target be the nearest person to mouse without need for click would be a nice add

Sorry, didn't manage to play it the premise is cool, if you are interested I can give some hints on the scaling issues, I use often Godot and if you are using control nodes it's probably a metter of setting anchors and margins appropriately


The interactions are SO MUCH FUN, the box is peak

The idea is nice to throw children, there are 2 little things that would be nice quality of life:

- Death plane (yup I fell off the level...)

- Some visual indicator for the children cooldown, I thought there were some problems with the mouse at first, but then I realized you can't pick up the child until it got back to "follow you" state

I'd love to see more levels in the future :)

yup, very far from a game, I guess that's what you get from learning a new engine on a deadline...

Very nice graphics, enjoied it, had to fiddle a lot with last equation cause it seems it has like 2 solutions, the one that worked fine, and this:

Wow nice, I'll have to consider that case in the simulation then 😅, it should run capped at 60 but I guess the screen you have has high refresh rate and the browser decided to step it up (making speeds faster too I suppose), hope to figure out relatively soon all the weird things of the engine to be able to add some gameplay around it

would be nice if possible to have a playable version that doesn't depend on the browser (best would be just html5), I think you might be using game maker by the devlogs, feel free to ask in the solodev discord server, we can help you export it so it's playable in any browser and more people can try it! I'd like to try it myself

I've engaged by accident (didn't know the direction) some bullets (top right action of Insurgent) and right click nor left did anything to disable that action (and also sometimes, but this I guess was due to low ammunition, I couldn't recall the small ships for refuel).

First play was quite long, but fun, finished with me and the big enemy ship flying endlessly outside the map...

Love the concept, wanted a lot a keybind to "end turn" (maybe enter or space) and being able to pan around the map by dragging the mouse, apart from that I hope to play it again, will definitely follow the project

Water has strange lights/shadows when you are in it and driving in turret mode is fun, but if you exit the ship while in turret it's a mess -.-", apart from this I love the game (no need for SAS is GOOOD) the ship speeds always seems to be reasonable so it's always higly controllable.

Mouse controls feel strange expecially because it's not obvious how to roll, keyboard is totally fine, love the idea and hope to play it again (more) and this made me also curious on how the orbit and planet drag is all handled in the backend

Like the water, the web version lags on relatively good hw (even tho doen't use much GPU/CPU, seems more to do with GC or spawning stuff lag cause it's not constantly slow), hitboxes are definitely too large because you need to jump a lot before the obstacles to avoid them, would like to replay again if the gameplay feels more "on rithm" or you have cues on when to jump

Nice got to 100, the thones don't "connect" correctly (phase of the loop not in sync or has a small delay between loops, I expect this is maybe something to do with the framework you used?) anyway cool concept to have everything customizable and tts configuration

Nvm I did finish it now, totally missed one step... also nice hidden command

Not really sure I got to the end either, tab was definitely good to have, probably cd and ls should accept a path (with /s), but that's just my experience cause I'm used to terminals...

Other good functionality idea is pressing UP to go through command history,

hope to see where it goes!

Had the water not positive problem with +2 water production, apart from that seems a good concept, the potential of multiple regions to balance etc is very high

Couldn't get a good score (still need to play it more), I wasn't expecting this kind of gameplay, I was positively surprised by how fun it is!

It gets fast FAST, very good visuals, probably a bit too harsh collision boxes (I suggest making the car collision end a bit sooner than the back of the car or make the corners cut so passing in between cars doesn't feel like fighting rng)

Same as answered above, I removed a code for a last minute fix and now seems to not freeze, unfortunate I didn't notice it soon in testing

That's what I deserve for trying to fix a potnetial desync issue in the last 10 min...

I removed the fix code and now should work fine (although this might mean rubber banding for the local player after a while, still better than freeze, I need to work on that more and make a tutorial on all the issues and stuff I had)

Joined today, to say it's late... will probably mess with some Godot mesh generation that I had to look at for work and do something that's more a novelty random vibe than an actual game (expecially cause I have no clue how little time I'll have to do that)

Love the idea really interesting and fun I went a bit overboard with the coding to translate all into a single string with 1 char commands, I had once a zombie stand on top of the turret and I couldn't operate it, great stuff and if you want any short term help I'd be glad to spend some time on it, I wanna see it improved!

Really liked it, on my screen tho text is super small, idk if it's my setup or not (1080p laptop with chrome)

Very well made, I hope it will in the future release also for mobile I can see myself dropping days into these puzzles

Game mechanics are on point, I could play it a lot expecially timing and tombs

I liked it, there are a couple of things that I noticed playing: dash cooldown it not indicated so it's hard to actually use it reasonably, the other is enemy spawn point doesn't seem to care about where you are (can spawn on top of you and shoots don't work in that case so you need to save the dash for that case). Apart from those 2, art and the idea of health passing trough enemy are really well done

I had to reset a bunch to move around because it seems the "target" for right click gets taken by raycasting and the current used object is included in the search (resulting in being 99% stuck with the trashcan if you use it because it covers the cursor), apart from that I like a lot the concept and the movement of most object is really fun

I loved it, warioware vibes really on point, I was confused by the "surfer" vibe of the menu music before letting it go on and start ghostly synth, I really liked the track

I like the concept, it's a good story, but as said far from the jam theme, I liked the egg not caring for stuff!

I really liked the game, I already seen you redid dialog at the last time so it's probably related the fact that multiple dialog boxes can spawn on top one another, apart from that minor inconvenience I like the lower movement speed and thought it was more reasonable than stopping completely the player!

This is fantastic I can play it for hours, expecially with the various ghosts, highlights of the experience are for sure that you can "buy" toilet paper from the bathroom and the buff ghost winking, very well done

I think I got the bug other talk about too (but it seemed more than level 4 to me?)

The game mechanic is very fun to play expecially stacking bodies on the edge of each other to make a bridge!

Having to look the room while cleaning them is a nice touch that makes it a little bit harder, also I noticed you can go trough walls! (teleport from room to room without moving in the hallways, it would have been very hard otherwise). The `C` for the door knob was so well put and all the art is fantastic, nice job

Amazing game, very well done expecially color coded ghost AI, the yellow/orange one has a similar concept as PacMan orange one, I don't know if it's intentional, but I love that detail

There is a series of interconnected factors that shape this game, the main of which dates back to the 30th of April, but it wouldn't fit in this tiny comment page to explain the audacity and resolve of this project, so in layman's terms this game is really cool! Thankfully one I opened notes I read "thank you for reading" so I avoided spoilers, I liked the story and the art is amazing.

Clicking options in the main menu took me to

and ignoring the error will start the game normally with the CRASH screen, replaying it I know it's not intentional, but it really made me laugh hard :)

Nice mechanic, I like the slipperyness, I managed to softlock by jumping the border the first time I played

Really liked the game and the fantastic menu movement, my programmer side had ptsd when I killed the first enemy due null nodepath manipulation in the console :P but apart from that really a solid entry

Very well done art, "toggle" took me a bit to get, the only thing I have to say (apart from audio) is the selection, sometimes I feel like it would be more natural to put the selector after a move on the target square instead of keeping it where it was