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A member registered 31 days ago

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Thanks! :D

Thank you for playing the game :)

We are really glad you had fun :)

Very lovely! Simplistic themes with awesome level design and some fitting background music made it way more fun :) Certainly I really like this one, good job!

As a puzzle game lover myself I really like this one :) Movement was really well made and with good controls + the fact the theme also fit well makes it even better! Great job!

Interesting concept you've created right there! Everything fits the theme very well and because of that I think my only minor note I can give is since there's bunch of cool sound effect then why not some little music in the background haha

This is a super cool game! You got your unique idea executed really well and with funky art the level designs are great! I don't really know why after level 2 two more levels appeared in two seperate windows but maybe that's how you wanted it to be, the more levels the more windows.

Very interesting idea with a cool theme around it :) Nicely done!

Pretty funky Platformer and sorta Adventurous game! Very well designed and thought of :) Very good job on this one!

Quite interesting '[...] defense' games, this one definitely gained my attention. I can see that the idea was very well planned and got executed following very fitting artstyle :) I certainly like this one

Yeaaah we will definitely add more sounds in the future :) Thanks for playing!


Such a charming game :D I love it's designs and the whole concept. The fact there are various flowers that have different 'attributes' is great! Huge fan of this one :)

You used the things you created in much various ways which led you into making very cool level designs! Very nicely done!

Nicely done game! Great visuals and such, maybe a little lack of sound effects but that's not a huge problem. Good job!

Very funny game you created right there! Awesome use of the theme and great execution. I like this one :)

Very nice work! Pretty cool use of the theme and overall solid game. Thank god 'Mouse sensitivity' setting existed

(1 edit)

Cool reincarnation of Monument Valley! I really liked the concept and enjoyed playing the game but the resizing thing was kinda bugged for some reason and sometimes went inside other blocks or didn't show few random blocks on the created path :( Still I think you did a nice job making this game :)

Yo! This is such a cool concept! The catchy title caught me at first but then the game itself is just awesome. However I don't really know what these jumping robots (enemies?) do. When I got close I was greet with unpleasing music/sounds that probably could mean something like I'm on low hp or something. After standing still for like a minute and robot constantly jumping onto me nothing happend :P

Funky game about climbing a mountain with a lizard. Love it! I think everything fits together creating charming vibe like the sound effects or the 'art'. The theme was also used really well! I'm a huge fan of this one :)

I think the game's pretty cool and considering it was made only in 48 hours makes it even better. You did a great job creating that project in just 2 days. I only wish you could deselect stuff by clicking on them again instead of clicking "Deselect" button (or maybe it just didn't work for me).

Really happy you think that way! There might be a music bug for not looping but I am pretty sure everything else works just fine so we will fix just that looping after the game jam :) Thank you for playing!

Thank you for you kind words! Yeah, there might be a little bug with the music cuz it kinda got rushed at the end, but we'll fix that after the gamejam.. and perhaps make the pause menu show you your current level :) Glad you had fun!

Thank you kindly!

Thank you! Hope you had fun :)

Thank you for your feedback! :)

Haha I suppose you're right about the portal vibes :) Thank you for playing our game!

Quite interesting concept you've used right there. The game is definitely not for Me however I see that other people could like this idea. However I still think the theme was executed well :)

Thank you very kindly! :)

Quite interesting idea for this project you've had! I loved its cute art and had fun while playing the game :)

Very glad you had a good time :) Thank you lots!

Always love games that involve cars. I think this one's great and unique on its own ways :) Really like the whole concept overall. Very nicely done!

Very nicely done! The advanced version of "rock paper scissors" with elements of scaling and its unique charm with simple yet very charismatistic artstyle made it very fun! I greatly enjoyed this one :)

Thank you for checking in and trying our game!

Thank you for playing our game and the kind words! :)

The entrance and the beginning pinned my curiosity and wanted me to play, later on it got tiny bit boring but it's not a huge problem. Overall I think the whole idea & execution got very well done and I really enjoyed the game :)

This is such an awesome game! Feels relaxing with its cozy atmosphere and splendid art. I really enjoyed playing this one :)

Nice game with cute style. If you 'do' something wrong then it's easy to get surrounded and fail but I guess it's just the players problem. Definitely worth playing :)

This is so great! I love the way Shoyu the Tofu scales and that it has it's own gimmicks. I loved it!

At first kinda confused what to do, but then I've read "how to play" and got grasp of it :) Looking at this magnificent cute art definitely was worth my time!