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A member registered Feb 23, 2022 · View creator page →

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love the effortless art style. always intrigued by the stuff you make!

(1 edit)

my good friend is a kaizo mario player so my perception of “difficult “ is too high! I really got to tone down the difficulty curve in an update. Thanks for playing!

I love the look and the concept but I wasn't sure what to do...

Great design and presentation but I was a bit lost. Definitely has potential to be something really cool!

I haven't done much at all in the realm of 3d but this game has really inspired me to try. Your models are low-poly yet everything has a strong identity and atmosphere. Really great work. Nerve-wracking stuff

That intro animation is awesome. It took me a while to get any feel for the controls, but once I did I was locked in. Cool mechanics that I haven't seen before. Good job!

Getting some serious flashbacks to high school math and im just so happy that i never have to go to school again. thanks for this!

Really chill fun vibe. Great work!

Good ghetto fun

Cool idea. I don't think I was able to get through a single nap without getting caught by the boss. Does anything happen when the boss catches you?

Very well done. The plot based on dopamine going extinct is an excellent idea. Well executed all around.

Thank you for the feedback on improving distinction between object types. I nearly went for color-coded items that aligned with the player's color. Then opted against it because I liked the chaotic look of items. Much to ponder for my next update.

Thanks for playing!

Total oversight on my part. I could see how that's confusing. Thank you for playing and the feedback!

You perfectly understand the vibe. Glad you like it! Thanks for playing :)

glad you liked it :) thanks for playing!

I had an idea for the cat - if you sucked it up it’d get stuck in your tube. You’d have to mash the space bar to spit it out and turn it into a projectile. Ran out of time for that.

Thank you! I think if I cranked the difficulty way down then it would let the player get their bearings and figure out what sucks and what won’t. It can definitely use more jungle breaks too :)

There seems to be a bug that prevents you from scoring 100%. But the ultimate goal is to find the exit. There you’ll find a few more achievements to chase. Thanks for playing!

Hey slogboat! Thanks for playing and such detailed feedback. You're amazing. I did not know that the power-meter depletes faster after halfway... I'd have to take a look at the code, it's supposed to be a constant speed! I'm sure my code would make the average programmer die a bit inside lol

well god damn, if this isn't the perfect game jam game then i don't know what is. amazing art, great controls, unique gameplay, good difficulty curve, dashes of humour, even the telegraphing of enemies about to attack. Bravo to your entire team.

I just need to know... are you okay?

Great idea for the theme. I wasn't able to make it to the end because I couldn't get past the boats. After hearing that goofy whistle sound for the 80th time I sadly had to call it quits.

Thanks for playing! I'm very proud of my wobbly hose :)

Thanks for playing! I wanted to remove collisions with the smallest objects but tbh, i couldn't figure it out because I'm such a godot noob! maybe in a future update.

This is the very madness I anticipate from indie developers. For we, the independent artisans, are sworn by our sacred duty to craft that which the great AAA houses dare not even dream to approach. Let us rejoice!

Seriously though, epic entry into the BigMode Game Jam. I can't believe that this is where they got the inspiration for The Matrix.

Thank you! I was desperate to fix the issue with collision on small objects. But I'm super new to Godot and I just couldn't figure it out. I wanted collision on objects to disable as you got bigger. Hopefully I can figure it out for the extended version coming soon.

such a clean art style... my inspiration meter is full! I was going into this expecting some sort of arcade twist on the classic game of baseball, but what I got was a baseball beat-em-up. tbh... I wish the game mode was different, something with a bit more room to breathe. Within 60 seconds I'm running aimlessly around and praying to the baseball gods I make contact. Still, an amazing submission to the game jam. Bravo

Great feedback, thank you! I did play around with max nozzle speed and the reach of the suction, but it's good to hear your thoughts. Thanks for playing.

This game is one big *chef kiss* - Such a great blend of mechanics and skill. I was not expecting to love it so much! My only complaint is the elevator on level 11. I managed to fall right before the elevator reached the top and it probably took 3 whole minutes for the elevator to come down and go back up.
My best rating for a game so far. Excellent work.

Fun little top-down shooter. The death sfx is peak

This was a total butt-clencher. I love the absolute chaos of it. Impressed with the level of polish for such a short amount of time. I'm just curious how you managed to get sounds of my girlfriend hanging with all her friends.

I'm really impressed by the artwork. This game is tough as nails though, I couldn't get past the first boss. I think the UI could have taken up less screen space. Otherwise, great work.

Kuaikuachu is a god-tier gamer beating all these hard-ass games

Cool little game! The artwork and animations are very clean

Beautiful pixel artwork, but I wish you had put more effort into the gameplay! Cool concept.

I like to brag about my fast typing skills, so I thought I would be a pro at this. Turns out I'm not! It was difficult, but really fun. For some reason I can't explain I really love the thumbnail for your game. Good work.

Your presentation is great. The art style and sounds are amazing. I think this game has potential to be expanded on and see success. Really, it's good! That's why I feel obligated to give some criticism. 

I think the fundamentals could use a bit more work. The ball moves too quickly and randomly for the slow movement of the paddle. Maybe if the paddle movement was handled my the mouse instead? It would let you open up the skill ceiling much further. It would also open up the skill ceiling if you let the paddle velocity influence the ball's direction when it bounces. I also struggled with the UI and how to navigate through it, maybe some on-screen labels would help with that.

Otherwise, one of the better games I've played in the game jam. Really good work, bravo!

It's amazing how fun a game about running around and shooting stuff can be. Simple game, really fun. Keep it up!

Thanks for playing, and sorry about the difficulty! That's my biggest regret so far. I plan to fix that and release an update soon with more content.

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The first person to get all 6 stars, congrats! Thank you for playing it until the end. The collisions annoy me too...
My intended idea was having the smallest objects have no collision with the player, that way you could run right over them. When you get big it gets really difficult to see the small objects, and unrealistic that they'd stop you.

When I disabled collision layers and masks though, it'd make running into small objects fly all over the place. I really couldn't figure out how to make no-collision happen. This was tricky because the player's nozzle needs to still interact. On top of that I had certain objects like tables and counters that needed to let other objects sit on top, exit, then not return, all while colliding with the player.

On my last attempt to get it all working I nearly broke the whole damn game and decided to leave it and move on.