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I tried to fix the collisions thing in the original engine. Somehow the PlayerBody has infinite friction, so it gets stuck in all collisions. I apologise for the last level, it was made out of a combination of stress and hurry that lead to a hard and frustrating experience that ruins all the already played. So I hope the collisions didn't ruin your experience. For further information about the frustrating creation of this game, you can look at the game description. Thanks for playing and thanks for your review! I appreciate it.
Wow! I really like how you managed to use that pallette! The mechanics are really cool in general, the gameboy feeling its just at point and the music its really good! Maybe there could be some animations in combat for that "game feeling" so it FEELS like you're attaking. The experience its really unique and enjoyable. Really good work!
As the other comment says, this one its really ambitous... The art style its charming and the enemy design are really cool! Not to talk about the mechanics, those are really well done for a Jam. However, the texts could be a little faster... maybe its just me, but I really appreciate some skipable or faster box-texts. All that said, I really liked this game, good job!
You're so kind!! Hey, you dont have skill issue, I didn't measure the diffculty on time, cus I didn't have a betatester. I made those graphics with zero knowlege in pixelart and in one day, im more of a programmer guy. Also the collisions thing its because the player its square-collider, so when having contact with another collisions, there is ZERO friction... Sorry about that. Thanks for your feedback tho! I really appreciate it ^^ !
Very cool, I can`t say anything that hasn't been said already about the artstyle, its beautiful! The idea its very well executed too! I dont know if its a bug, but I didn't hear any sound effect during the gameplay, the only sound I heard was in the results, this kind of game really needs sound effects for the game feel!! If you keep updating this game I can suggest to add more animations in the cooking process (where you press A and B) and the splash when the ingredients drops! Thats all I can say, overall this is a great game, good work :D!
Thank you for being honest! I prefer people telling me the truth instead of saying good things to get good rates in their own games... I know what do you mean about the zombies thing, I didnt have a beta-tester in time to test the difficulty in the game, and doing It myself seem easy because I know the pathfinding, thats why the Music changes when the zombies see you, so you can difference when they caught you even if they are outscreen. I hope that problem didnt make the game too worse... Thanks for your feedback.