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Beyond The WallsView game page

Will you make it beyond the walls?
Submitted by azomi — 17 minutes, 4 seconds before the deadline
Rated by 15 people so far
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How does your game meet GBJam's theme?
it is spooky (a puzzle horror escape room), it is 160x144 pixels, it only uses 4 colors at once, it uses game boy controls

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I love this game! The artwork is fun and the crafting system was interesting. My only critique is that even on the fastest setting, the text was a bit slow.


Thanks for playing, I'm glad you liked it. The text critique is more than fair :)


The art, music, and concept I really liked, but I think there are still a few things that could really make the gameplay shine (in my opinion).

  1. I would appreciate there being a route that would let me avoid random encounters.
  2. Having the enemies drop items when defeated would give more incentive to fight them.
  3. A bit more clarity on if and how the player can level up their stats.
  4. It would be nice to be able to walk over items, because sometimes I dropped an item and then it blocked my path.
  5. A little hint that the hole is the correct place to go (maybe I just avoid holes).

Overall, nice job! The crafting system is really cool.


I'm glad you liked it and thank you for you detailed feeback.

1. Good point I hadn't thought of this, thanks for the idea.

2. That idea was the spark that started this whole game concept, just didn't get around to implement (was meant to  collect items from enemies to create a device that allowed you to find holes in the walls to get to the final level (currently lvl 11))

3. This would be nice but idk how i would do it (currently they work like this: Attack; if defeat enemy +3*enemyLevel, Dodge; +1 if fail +3 if success(bad mechanic needs to be changed too OP), Run; -1 fail +1 success). If you have any idea of a nice way of displaying this I would appreciate hearing them a lot :)

4. I like this mechanic, am I just mean?

5. Only one I completely disagree with (sorry). I think I encourages exploration eventually you will either die or get bored of fighting level 1 ghosts and either delete the game or enter the hole.

Really appreciate the feedback, if you have any responses to my responses of your responses or any other feedback that has come to mind I would be excited to hear them. But if not, thanks again and good luck on the game development journey :)


The mechanics are really amazing for such a short time! Liked the battle system and really loved this idea of adding a crafting system! The only critique would be the slow text, but with the short time of the Game Jam the result is still majorly impressive!


Thanks for the kind words, glad you liked it :) Yh it's a shame I didn't get around to fixing the text speed


Ghost beat me like a drum 10/10!


As the other comment says, this one its  really ambitous... The art style its charming and the enemy design are really cool! Not to talk about the mechanics, those are really well done for a Jam. However, the texts could be a little faster... maybe its just me, but I really appreciate some skipable or faster box-texts. All that said, I really liked this game, good job!


Thank you for the feedback, glad you liked it. The text speed critique is more than fair, I had made it slower to fix another bug. But now regretting that decision, hey-ho :)


Im trying to be as honest as I can in my reviews, I hope I dont sound mean... I can't express fully because Im not an english speaker! However, dont regret anything its a good game overrall!


Don't worry your all good, you feedback is much appreciated. The fact the text speed is the main problem in my game is a massive complement. It's just the bug I fixed by decreasing the text speed wasn't worth fixing :)


An RPG and crafting in ten days? Wildly ambitious!


Thanks you :) It was definitely a little ambitious, but I had fun pushing the limits of my ability. Glad you appreciated the effort :)


This one reminds of Pokemon, really cool you guys were able to pull off a full battle system and crafting in the span of the jam! Really needed the text to be a lot faster though, even on the highest setting it was pretty slow!


Thanks for playing glad you found it cool, yes it was ambitious for one person. I completely agree with your critique, had planned to make it so you could skip text and the fast text was originally faster (but broke ui), but that wasn't at the top of the bugs list (maybe it should have been) :)


I like the art and inspiration from pokemon. The music is good. It was a bit annoying waiting through all the text even when the speed is set to fast. Only other comment is I think I found a bug where you would still be in the fight even after you died.


Thanks for playing and for the feedback, I agree with the text speed critique but any faster breaks the game unfortunately :( and yes that death bug has been doing my head in over the last few days, makes zero sense. Sorry you ran into it :)


I think for the text, the usual way around it is to allow the player to skip to the end instead of needing to wait for it to type out. This is especially true for games with text that repeats. It gets to a point where the player already knows what to do, and doesnt need the text to guide them necessarily. Good luck with the death bug!


Good idea, that should be easy to implement. Thanks for the kind wishes :)


Cool game! I like how you put a battle system with so little time!


Thank you, glad you liked it. Yes the battle system was a headache and a half :)