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A member registered Jan 23, 2024 · View creator page →

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(1 edit)

After I posted this, I realized your update earlier today was in my feed and I didn't put two and two together, lol. 

For myself, working on some currently, but wasn't able to spend much time after submission to work on things and the surprise extra submission time snuck up on me xD Hopefully will at least have more snails in by the end of the day. Thanks for asking <3

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Hey!! Not sure if you have, but be sure to upload your update:: there is a surprise bug-fix period today that the jam owner announced!

Oh I should've mentioned I had a hard time opening this on my mac!

I think I have an older Macbook that's just incompatible because I couldn't open most people's games, so I'm just playing and rating them on my partner's PC while I wait for my own windows computer to be fixed.

I had issues with the game files- would love to check it out if you're able to update!

This game's art looks super cohesive and I love the artwork. It runs smoothly, plays intuitively, and succeeds at playing with the satisfying-wait-until-the-next-upgrade itch in my brain.

I found the hidden feature within my first few clicks lol and it made checking the game out a lot quicker and VERY satisfying, like I mentioned above.

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This is such a fun concept and Cthulu's PogChamp ponderance made me suck water into my nose while drinking xDD Tutor was super helpful. It took me a second to get the hang of, but I like the idea of farming humans and having them collect for you

I LOVE this! I really hope you continue to work on this <3

I love the art work and atmosphere, and your skills drawing people are next level and actual anime quality!!! The talking animations gave Mayor a lot of personality, and it was a nice touch that she would only move her mouth as long as the text on scree was still rolling, then she'd stop.

Was exploring the forest behind the field and was pleasantly surprised when I didn't have to go through all 5 forest pages I'd walked through AGAIN just to get home. This meant next time I could go even further without worrying how far I'd have to walk back, which was a super relieving touch.

I couldn't figure out how to access the seeds I'd bought to plant them, so I saved the game to go to the main menu to check the controls in the menu, but I couldn't reload my game's save  D:    Not sure if it saved in a funny spot or something and the game couldn't access it, or if I just needed to restart to get the game to register it, but the Load button was still blurred out and inaccessible. Restarted and no dice, but it wasn't too much to make a new character and play the first two days again and get some farming going. 

I found a small bug where I can process nothing and make nothing with the drink machine with no items in it, and then have to wait for the process to be done to use them again. I also bought 2-4 of each seed, but when I went to plant them, I think I planted them all in one slot, and only got one seed's worth of yield after growth. I couldn't plant sugar seeds.

Overall so excited for the next update, whether that's soon or during the FarmJam autumnal jam :3

Following for further development <3

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This is so awesome!!! 

I found myself playing for much longer than I expected I would because I loved exploring your world and talking to the folks, and the functionality is super impressive. I didn't find the 'Space' to use equipped item too intuitive, but once I got used to it after a couple in game days, it was no issue. 

Truly impressive for the short time we all had. I feel like this world is fleshed out and I'll be coming back to spend more time and dig deeper after rating some other submissions too!

I can't wait to see what you do in the Autumnal Farm Jam if you decide to participate!

Great entry!!

The day-night cycle felt very fast, but the farming is quick and satisfying and the mechanics were intuitive-- farming for tomes, tomes can be used for: selling for money, used for upgrades, and used as an offering. Money to buy more seeds to brow more tomes. = Solid and intuitive gameplay loop!

AAAA (இ﹏இ`。) You're too nice!!!

I forgot to take the +1 age button out, haha, that's my fault!!

Thank you so much for your feedback,- what you mentioned is incredibly helpful, and I'll take those bugs into consideration as I try to fix my items! xD

I have lots of snail friens and variations I made but was too lazy to put them in because the prototype I ended up with made me feel a bit defeated and over it during the last week. I'm gonna keep working on this though, so don't fret!!

Also, not intended, but if you stand on top of a snail's shell while they move, you can snail surf :3 I was wanting to make a river crossing snail with this new-found feature, but wasn't able to figure out how to break down my snails into classes with different world interactions (like a river snail that only cross the river with a player on it's back, or an ice snail that makes the water freeze so a player can cross, or a flower snail that spawns flowers behind it every so often, etc).

I noticed that too!! Also if you stand on the top of a snail's shell while they move, it carries you xD

Thanks so much for your feedback! I hope to be able to get some good experience out of whipping this into an actual game in the next few months!

Thank you so much for taking a look and the feedback! I'm hoping to spend more time on this to make a game-game, because I have a lot of ideas and a Game Design document that over-scoped for this month-long jam with my complete utter lack of experience lmaoo

I was able to look at the animation thing you mentioned and noticed it's an issue in my state machine animation set-up. xD

Looking into the item pickups currently, and thing I just need to rework my item system to fix the issues I was having in this prototype and other mechanics that didn't make it into this submitted prototype because of crashes.

Thank you for bringing these both to my attention! ^u^ <3

Thank you!! I hope to have my equip and minging/resources stuff fixed before the update Farm Jam so that I can expand on those two things you mentioned!! I have a cave interior all made up, but item drops from mining breaks the game right now, haha.

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Following you to see further development!! <3
This is an awesome game btw, I really hope you continue working on it!

So so cute, love the art style <3 Light hearted fun!
Mouse is my favorite!

Love this, and love the art style <3

This is such a cool little game!! I like how quick it goes and there wasn't a lot of the tedium that farming games usually have (plowing and watering specifically). I liked being able to put a seed down and click next day, haha, so I could make more potions!

WOW!! This is an awesome little game for the time limit!!
This gives me Zelda and Final Fantasy vibes. I loved exploring the foggy town, and it felt really satisfyng when I discovered new seeds while exploring. Hell, the game in general felt satisfying. I found myself *wanting* to keep playing, and after writing this, I'm going back to it for a bit xD
Great entry and great job!! I really think you guys should continue to put care into this once the jam is over <3

Thank you!! That's about all I have to show for my time haha. I had mining and resources in but they broke about half way through the jam when I implemented Inventory, and I couldn't get them to connect.

I followed an Oops I Dev'd written tutorial on Medium for the building part!! 

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Thank you for your feedback! 

Yeah, there isn't much to do except pick up the items spawning on the north of the map. 

I just couldn't get my Resource Node script to connect to my items and drop pickups, so half of the stuff I was working on up to the end just didn't work (item interactions, equipping, harvesting and mining) :c So I had to release as is for now and I'm still working on it!

I love GDquest and I tried watching some Godotneers too during this time!
Since you're also using Godot, I also found Oops I Dev'd really helpful for my inventory scripts!

This looks super solid!! Nice entry :)

I found one bug where walking diagonally made me continue to walk forever without any input. Wasn't sure if that's my error or not.

Attacking with Q didn't feel intuitive- I was trying with my mouse at first and couldn't get it to work, then I noticed the controls up top! (Nice touch!) When attacking with Q and trying to use A at the same time to move, it feels clunky and hard to control at times.

But Couch Co-op for the win! So in that case I can see why Q would be the attack button when sharing a keyboard.

Nice entry!!

I love the visuals, I love the cat!! The houses work well (going in and out) but one house on the bottom right of the first island I could walk right on top of but not go inside.

(5 edits)

Game was cute!! Art was cute!! I like the magical school/academy idea and the feature of doing different things at night was clever in my opinion.

To be honest, I've never been a huge fan of Visual Novels because of my attention span, so I found it hard to keep my attention in one place for all of the dialogue, which was most of the game understandably, since it's a ren'py game. But I WANTED to pay attention because of the world being so interesting and so much going on.

I'm also probably not the target audience for this game because I'm not the biggest fan of NSFW type games *Usually. Not that this one was entirely NSFW or anything, or at the least I didn't encounter a scene that was explicitly explicit in my short time playing because I sorta had a feeling it would go sexual and I got a tad uncomfy with everyone seemingly wanting in my slime-person's pants. The constant crude nature of it left me feeling jarred tbh, but that's just me so nothing personal. But of course they live in a different world where I assume this is normal for them. This is just my personal opinion or feeling that I wanted to offer from a different perspective and not meant as a judgement in anyway!

BUT even beyond that, I was drawn in by the world building, so you did a good job!

There was a lot of creativity in the story and I can tell there was love put into the art and I loved the character's designs <3

All in all, positive ratings from me!!

I wish you luck in your future GameDev endeavors!!

For the first few tries, I couldn't get into a game level to play- my game was stuck on the scarecrow screen after selecting an option. After multiple reloads I still could not get it to work, But after I full screened it, it seems the dialogue just wasn't loading up in non-full screen on my end (the initial arrow button was there but no dialogue).

This game is challenging for sure! As i played, I was hoping the spiders would stop existing during the day, but I was still chased around in broad daylight lol. One of big tree trunk looking monsters got a genuine startle out of me, lmao.

I wasn't able to get seeds to plant because I suck at games and killing things.

Overall solid game, and good job on your entry!!

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This game is Bamboo!! 

The writing and voice acting is so cute and funny, and got a genuine laugh from me many times. I really appreciated the tutorial, and it really gave the game so much personality. Supporting cast panda helping move things along made me feel warm and fuzzy and not alone in a new world, lol <3

I love the building system, but I had troubles where I would destroy one wall, but it would destry my floor too. And another issue when I tried building again where it was deleting stuff AND placing the thing I was trying to place (i,e, deleted floor while trying to place wall).

Otherwise this game is very cohesive and I'm impressed, especially for the short time we all had! <3

Keep it up!!

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Game automatically opened in Microsoft Edge. I tried opening in Chrome but no luck. Here is the error I'm receiving below. Maybe try embedding it in your game's page instead of a download?

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Is there a file download available for this game? Looks fun from the youtube video! (Could be my error, just can't find it on game's page or submission page)

Solid entry!!! 

I had a tad bit of a hard time figuring out the controls, but that's my fault for not looking at the page directly, because I downloaded the game from this submissions page.

I never encountered the camera glitch, but I did use that button to teleport to that spot to be closer to the train, lol.

This world definitely offers intrigue, and I was interested in what the spooky tree amalgamations were and who the train people were.

A pause button would be a welcome addition to make it easier to close the game or have a tutorial option too with controls and directions.

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This is so cute and I love the art <3

I read the tutorials and fed my jellyfish, but I wasn't sure what to do while waiting for the day to progress. I felt like I was missing something and checked the tutorial a couple of times to be sure.

But all in all I love this idea and the execution and I think you should continue to flesh this out even once the jam is over! 

Very nice entry!!!! This reminds me of those old ASCII games in image.

Died once but got the hang of it a little. I like the little houses. I couldn't figure out how to farm, but that's probably my fault because I was more focused on exploring, cutting down trees to place logs, and running away from enemies. I like the seemingly random generation of the world! (Not sure if it is, but I did load in in different places upon page reload, so wanted to mention this)

I was trying to figure out how to farm, but running away from enemies made it hard to sit and experiment with the controls. At first, I thought maybe the slime was a seed I could place (slime pet warrior might be an idea that could help stave off the high spawn rates), but after that didn't work, I couldn't figure out where to get seeds because the sales people were trying to sell me stuff in my own inventory I think? Or maybe I was selling to them?

I reached an error that stopped my game (code below) when I ate or used all the slime in my inventory.

Runtime Error Line 906 Tab D
Attempt to index field '?' (A nil value)
In D_Inventory Line 906 (Tab D)
In _Draw Line 175 (Tab D)
At Line 0 (Tab D


This is such a cute game, and it made me want to keep playing it! Quick satisfaction with how fast the plants grow- the potion crafting is fun and I love the stirring part- and I liked how some customers came for ingredients instead of just potions. Takes some stress off while trying to get set up in the beginning.

I know you're on the fence about the frog, but I really think if the timer were made longer for him, or atleast maybe he wouldn't get hungry BEFORE a player has made their first potion, that he'd be perfect for the job <3 I think having to manage customers, the plants, potions, and the frog isn't too much- just maybe the frog takes too much attention by how fast he gets hungry and how aggressive he gets.

I did have a bug I encountered twice and had to refresh to fix where I had a seed stuck in my hand that I think I had bought, but I forgot I didn't have a place to put it. After clicking it and trying to buy a pot, the seed was stuck to my hand and I couldn't place the seed. I tried feeding it to Frog to get it out of my hand, but no luck until I refreshed.

Your art style really shines here, and I would argue that after a bit more balancing that I mentioned above, and maybe moving the seed/pot store to the top of the right side of the screen instead of the bottom (depending on how you feel, bc I know this would prob cover visuals of later game) this could be put on a mobile app store!!

Game worked well for me!

Had fun hitting ramps and trying to use them to fly into the animal pens lol (wasn't intended I don't think, I just wanted to try). Couldn't get to the point where I could actually cut my wheat down, but I tried to fill up most of the field.

I found the instructions in the pause menu a bit too late, but I'm glad it was there!

I like the pixelized style a lot!! But it was jarring to go from unpixelated images of the feilds on the main screen/menu to the pixelated versions in-game. 

Solid entry!!!

I love this idea in the blurb/description, but can't seem to find a way to download and play. Forgive me if this is only a me issue.
Some screenshots or a thumbnail photo for your game would also help with appeal!

Nice bones and potential! I noticed I could place crop plots in the selling portal though, which actually made it easier to sell them and get points, so I can't complain :3 Next feature that would be fun to see would be a shop with upgrades to make the points usable. 

Not at all!! I really think you should take this idea and make it a mobile game. But maybe with slower gameplay and daily to real-world time deliveries!!

Congrats on your game blowing up <3 <3 Take care!!