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A member registered Feb 21, 2023 · View creator page →

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who u talking to????????

Lovely little game!

It is really impressive how polished you got this in just 3 days, especially the sounds and music. I found one tiny bug though; in the level where there are the levers and moving platforms, pressing on those twice in quick succession leads to the platforms' animations bugging out. The characters' animations also sometimes glitched out - on some cases it looked like they were running and in other cases their legs were moving at snail speed.

But overall though, the gameplay here is quite interesting; puzzly, but not too much. The ending was also great, props for that! 👌

Thank you for your feedback!
The game was updated just as you posted your comment, and it contains numerous improvements to make the game progression feel more balanced (such as dialogue that I should honestly have included in the jam build). You can try it out if you like, and if you do decide to play it, don't let it affect your ratings because they should still be based off the older (jam) version.

I'm sorry, you published this in the jam but didn't include the game..?

Same here

Thank you for playing the game and giving feedback! We're also really proud of the game's presentation and final looks!

I'll be honest here; the game was originally supposed to be put on TriJam where the theme was "Remove limits", but because we realized we'd need a lot more time to finish the game, we decided it'd be best to join MiniJam instead. As a consequence, we had to roll with the game we already had and incorporate only what was possible to during the 1 ½ days we had left, leading to the gameplay feeling kinda not suitable for the limitation.

Had we designed and developed the game for this jam from the beginning, we would've probably had time to integrate stuff like hieroglyphs on each room that show which door would be the most suitable to open next. Or perhaps even a dialogue system, with the sentences decrypting as the player got further in The Dungeon, leading to a more interesting playthrough overall.

You're right about the balance of the game; it is somewhat all over the place. We only had 2 people testing the game, and it was past midnight when we were fine tuning the values. Both of us like bullet hell style games as well, so not much variety there.

The features you suggested; blocking enemy attacks and dashing, were actually on my todo list, but because the clock was ticking I had to ditch them and focus on getting the game's balance at least somewhat right.

Thought this would've only been a short reply, so apologies if this text kinda resembles a postmortem 😅.

Yes, and you can also find that on the first paragraphs of the description..

It could also be that people will work 2 hours each day when the jam is active. Like 2h on Friday, 2h on Saturday etc etc.

Yeah, and that the player is also pressured into making a decision quickly. Thanks for trying the game out!


Thanks for the feedback, will take this into account on my future games!

Nice game with great visuals! The idea of moving the portal was great, albeit it was a little difficult to avoid the vicious animals. I'd make it so that each lane has only one direction the creatures can move to. Also, maybe I didn't get it but the interpretation of the theme was a little too abstract to me. But once again, the visuals were golden, with them easily being one of if not the best out of all the games I've rated so far.

Hello, thank you for the feedback and for trying out the game!

I can definitely see how those big UI elements could have ruined your experience, and I'll consider making them a little bit smaller. If some other users also experience this issue, then that's definitely something I'll swiftly have to fix.
    As for the misunderstanding of the wooden buttons' purpose, yeah they could have been explained better. There's a guide within the main menu, but it may not be sufficient enough (or not a lot of people can be bothered to check it out), so a proper tutorial could have definitely been better there.

Again, thanks for the feedback, and it's great to know that you enjoyed the game at least to some degree!


First off, thank you for the amazing feedback. I can definitely relate to this being like a TD game because of the different cubes and their behaviour.

Those features and changes you suggested would have definitely had a good spot in the game. I had actually thought of adding a timer before but it ultimately came down to the time that was running out for me so I had to do a little bit of compromises. That visual shooting thingy would've also made quite a bit more sense than it just immediately firing at the cubes. It would have probably increased the skill and (insane) accuracy needed as well, so yeah I'll be sure to take a note of that.

Again, I'd like to thank you for the great and constructive feedback you gave me, especially for that shooting thing I hadn't thought of.

Nice game, the art and music were done great! The gameplay itself is quite unique, with the player being able to deal damage to the monsters only with the correct colored bullets.

However, I don't quite see the point for why you should shoot first and then explode the bullets at correct timings. My strategy for defeating the enemies was to simply spam the space button and keep shooting at the enemies, changing colors whenever needed. I would have changed it so that there would be maybe some kind of limit to the amount of explosions you can do, and then regain those thingys with a short cooldown.

Overall though, there's not much to criticize about, and you two have done a good job of turning the theme into a pretty great and fun game!

Well, it's a game, but it lacks the polish in my opinion. Especially some sound effects and a main menu could have been added so you wouldn't have to reload the game every time you failed to kill Julius. The clarity could have also been improved as it also took me like 30 seconds to understand how to stab the king, but maybe it's just the dumb me. The them fits the game pretty well, but it might not be as fun for some non-historians like me.

In short, it's a game, but lacks the polish and is a hardly enjoyable experience for non-historians.

(1 edit)

The game is quite decent, and I love that you can move the cube around with a draggable one to try to make your way through the levels. Oh and the level design was great too, although maybe just a *tad* bit too difficult. And this is why I got stuck at level 4 (the level where you have to launch the cube to the other side).

What I would have changed though is make the movable cube's size a little bigger, so that the difficulty wouldn't be too radical for the player to take in. The fact that it's quite small fits the theme though, and maybe making it bigger would make the "accuracy" not as "insane". It's a nice idea though, and you've done a great job of making it into a playable experience!

It's a decent game and somewhat fits the theme "Insane accuracy" quite well.  I liked the idea of having to use your accuracy skills to finish the level, and the moving platforms made it more fun too. The game lacked the much-needed polish though in my opinion, like the graphics and sound effects.

The level design could have been good, but as another person in the comments already stated, you can just skip through it all by dashing with a very high speed. One possible solution to this would be to limit the maximum length that the player can dash to. Regardless of these things, it's a fairly decent experience, so good job on making it!

It's a nice game, and fits the theme especially well since the poles are so hard to get on top of (insane accuracy).

However, one thing I would change though is make the poles wider or closer to each other, so that the player can have a more plausible experience when jumping from one to another. Overall though, it's a decent little experience.

Love the game the idea, and the music and sound effects also fit the game really well. I like how the game is forgiving in that you don't have to start the levels all over again when you fail to hit the target.

There are a few bugs though to take note of, such as some of the wall blocks not registering collisions correctly, and not being able to shoot the ball downwards enough (not sure if this is intentional). Nice game you've done though!

Nice game, and I love the art style and animations. The feedback (sounds, particles) when you shoot the fish is just plain great. If I had to change something in the game though, I would probably make the fish move just a tiny bit slower, and not lose the game when they go off the screen. Overall though, it's a nice game!

Thanks sir!

Thank you, and nice suggestions! Maybe if I had better time management, then I could have done some of those suggestions.

Thank you, and nice score btw!

Nice game btw!