Thanks for playing and for the feedback! Just to clarify, what do you mean by "batch" kinds of attacks? Do you think the waves should be smaller and more spread out? Or maybe that each wave should have a 'theme' like a wave full of fast enemies? Let me know, been noodling on what people would enjoy when it comes to engaging combat. My current plan is to also have different maps where the objectives and enemy composition will change... Hoping that adds some variety to the train building and gameplay.
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Yeah, I felt this way as well. I generally lean towards making the difficulty easier due to bias from playing the game so much while I work on it in addition to understanding exactly how everything works. It makes it challenging to tell how difficult the game is for most people, especially without any sort of basic metrics...
Thanks for the feedback!
During the jam, it was definitely a deliberate design choice to make the track pretty circuitous. It allowed the player to navigate more of the space and lengthened the time it took to circuit the entire track to heighten the consequences of player's movement decisions.
The idea of rail levers to change your track routing is a really neat idea and totally on theme. Wondering how it might work at the breakneck speeds the train can end up going...
What's there to say, this game is all-around well designed and executed and fits the theme well. Maybe encountered some potential issues with gaming the enemy spawning by sitting on either end of the arena and spamming the ranged attack but dunno if that's really an issue. Had a lot of fun with this one, definitely my type of game.
Thanks for playing and the feedback and I completely agree on all points you made. I've been iterating on the gameplay for a while and still haven't found the right mechanics to bring it all together but I'm getting closer every iteration. The core feel of growing upward and outward with stems and branches still feels good which gives me faith :) I have already cobbled together gameplay changes based on feedback that will depart from this version somewhat dramatically so maybe that'll be the one. Cheers!