i like te concept c:
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yeah we were sadly tight with time :c aside it was out ever second game together. glad you enjoyed it there is actually a second boss we would love you to try here is the link https://fromsmash.com/poynifDR0M-dt
hey ! thank you so much for the feedback, there is actually a second boss we would like you to try here it is c: link https://fromsmash.com/poynifDR0M-dt
we updated a second boss here in this link : link https://fromsmash.com/poynifDR0M-dt , and we will work on this adjustments soon. thanks for the feedback C:
will try yours and everyone in the comment now c: here is ours: https://itch.io/jam/boss-rush-jam-2025/rate/3296733
yeah we didnt had enough time to upload the second boss for the jam but we did upload it after the jam in a seprated link c: : https://fromsmash.com/poynifDR0M-dt
we are considering putting more content in the future though!!
so we subbmitted the game and its kinda our second game together but first time as a team. am abit confused about the voting tho. there are lots of enteries and lots of great games. but how do i get my people to see mine too ? like for me i have to search in the games in order to vote do others do the same as well?
also this is the game we made: https://eclipsayaa.itch.io/the-circus-of-lost-souls