I understand... we'd love to explain further what happened but that might be for another time. Thanks for the feedback though! We definitely want to keep working on it!
Jon Odaté
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I really love the composition overall however the first track bothered me a bit. not sure if it's cause I was miss counting the bpm but I felt like something was off. Like it feels like there's an extra 1/8 beat in there for some reason and it's been throwing me off even though I do like the track.
Hope that makes sense... but I really do love the music you made for this Jam!
I like the idea you were going with! I think a couple things though...
I think the mix could be improved! the Bass and chiptune elements got a bit overwhelming but were nice.
I would've love to have heard more of the chiptune elements thrown in. I think you might've had a cleaner sound that sounds more futuristic with a sine wave rather than the square tone you used in the tracks. I think the rock elements clash with the tone of your story. Maybe a mix between the organ part The Who's in "We Won't Get Fooled again
and Bit.Trip RUNNER's "Impetus" track. Hope that makes sense.
But overall I think you have a great idea in your tracks!
The composition is really good! I do think you might need to work on the dynamics a little more for next time (Mostly on the flute in the first track, not really your fault.) Woodwinds are particularly very difficult to program but the real trick is to adjust the expression to make it sound more natural! Either way even if its as simple as faking it with a volume adjustment going up and down it can really make a huge difference.
That said I love the compositions. Really great atmosphere in all the tracks. You should definitely check out some of Ryuichi Sakamoto's (RIP) music if you wanna get some references for next time! Really loved it!
Just a couple pointers but I think you definitely need to focus on a couple things for next time. 1 being that you need to put a lot more variety into each track.
Think about the OG Super Mario Bros theme. The whole theme is essentially about 1:14 but there are at least four parts (A theme, B Theme, C and D) to that one track. Especially with videogame music you don't want it to appear to be too repetitive because that music of course is going to have to loop a lot.
So just to keep it simple, while you want it to loop you'll want to have some variations (Add a beat, add another layer). Find some way to change it up to keep it interesting! Hope this helps for next time! :)
Overall I think this sounds fantastic! I do think you use a bit more splosh (reverb) on some of the instruments you were using. I think especially with the synthwave sound particularly the slower ones like Tidal I think it would really amp up the sound. It definitely felt a little on the dry side but honestly I love it!
Lyre! You're music sounds fantastic! I feel you with trying to make your work in 3 days! lol
I won't go to deep into the samples since you were using Musescore but I think the composition for the album was great! I could really feel the character's emotional state. I can almost see this as like a visual novel or life sim kinda like what I was thinking with mine! It's funny but I think our projects both have similar ideas! I especially loved the lullaby!
Not too bad! My only note would be to make sure to not condense too many instruments in one frequency range. While I think the composition was good the mix was extremely muddy and distorted particularly in the lower range. Try experimenting with the middle and upper ranges if you can and see if it helps make a difference! also just in case try experimenting to see if cutting out the low end on the guitar would help same with the bass but instead cut out the mid and high end (not too much though you don't want to muffle it.
(^_^) v