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A jam submission

Little FishView project page

Submitted by Lyre Melody — 4 hours, 39 minutes before the deadline
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CriteriaRankScore*Raw Score
Correlation to theme#84.3484.348

Ranked from 23 ratings. Score is adjusted from raw score by the median number of ratings per game in the jam.

"Little Fish" is a first person interactive fiction game, told through the eyes of our protagonist, "Little Fish" a young girl who explores the stages of grief following the loss of her mother. On a journey of imagination and magic at her home by the ocean shore, Little Fish must make her way home after getting lost in a terrible storm.

The title theme 'A Mothers Lament' is a rendition of The Sea Calls and evokes a sense of nostalgia experienced by the games characters.

'Stepping Stones' represents the innocence of childhood, as Little Fish's imagination takes over and leads her to the sea. This song represents denial, as Little Fish chooses to get lost in her mind instead of facing the loss of her mother, leading her further from the path.

The Deep, is associated with the anger of grief, a whirling storm that envelops her, as she thrashes to get out, until she is completely lost.

As Little Fish seems to lose all hope, through the darkness, her mother appears to help guide her through the storm. The Sea Calls, is a lullaby sung by her mother to help her work through her sadness. Though afraid, in this magical scene, in the eye of the storm, she realises her mother will always be with her in her heart.

And finally, 'Little Fish' the ending theme, represents acceptance and the joy of childhood.

The soundtrack was composed on Musescore and produced in Abelton.

Message from the artist
I came into the project a little late (only three days before it was due!!) but I really enjoyed the experience and am thankful for the opportunity :)


Picture theme

How does it fit the theme?
The narrative was inspired by the picture theme, and discusses themes of grief, the joy of childhood and imagination.

Link(s) of the submission on streaming services

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Soundtrack use permission

Yes (CC BY)

Any project

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Submitted (2 edits) (+1)

Really nice compositions! I love the water bubbles in "The Deep in Little Fish". In  "The Sea Calls" the singing is amazing. Did you sing that yourself?! If so you are extremely talented really great work this has to be one of my favorite submissions. Amazing Job!


Hiya! yes it’s my own voice! Thank you so much for your kind words ☺️ I’m so glad you enjoyed it. 


The best vocals "quality wise" I have heard all jam and I have rated over 400 entries! I don't say its my favorite lyric wise but that's because there's another entry with goofy lyrics and I can't help but love the goofy stuff.

The last song reminded me of mario galaxy!


Haha Thank you!! I’m so glad! And I absolutely understand, I’m a comedy lover myself! 


My favorite submission so far. Your composition skills are insanely evocative and this soundtrack is just incredible. Girlfriend and I were in awe :'-)


Oh my goodness!! Thank you so much to you and your lovely girlfriend! This is so funny because yours was the very first soundtrack I clicked on and I was in absolute awe as well! 


Beautiful singing, make this submission ABSOLUTLY shine. GG


wow thank you so much!! 🥰


A pleasant soundtrack! Lovely singing as well.

I think this is well composed. As room for improvement, I think working on more interesting movement in the accompaniment would serve you well. Good work!


Thank you!! And yes absolutely! Im working hard to improve with movement, do you have any suggestions for techniques I could use? 


"The Sea Calls" is definitely a highlight for me, as the vocals work really well with the instrumentation. Your composition skills need work, but for your first OST Jam, it's quite good.


Hi thank you for your feedback! Could you tell me in which areas my composition skills need work so I can practice to improve them? 😊


Soooo you asked for harshness... I'm gonna be harsh.

At least i'll try.

And that's not easy. Because it's great, actually.

The harp sounds a bit weird on the highest notes and overall it lacks maybe some EQing ? I don't exactly know what's wrong but it bother me a bit. 

The harshest thing I can say is that I personally think that the 5 stages of grief isn't a great subject - but it's my scientist side speaking (this model is largely untrue and were deviated from their original meaning) so I don't like that but it's personal. Your story is beautiful despite this.

Your voice track isn't very clean, you lack an anti-pop filter! Idk if you tried to correct it afterwards but if not, a low cut filter would have done most of the trick. Aside from that, your voice is goddamn beautiful, I love it.

Overall your composition is beautiful. You have great ideas, well executed. Your songs are diverse but coherent, it's perfectly balanced. It's I think more on the production side that you need to progress but you're on the right (sound)track. Very nice submission.

OH, ALSO : Very nice Ableton layout.


Beautiful soundtrack! Every piece is different and works well to tell the story. 

Fell in love with Stepping stones at once, it is so refreshing and soothing. 

Your vocal is superb, looking forward to more songs in future jams :)


Wow thank you so much! I cant wait to see with time how I progress in later jams so yes definitely looking forward to those!! 


Mothers Lament (Title Theme) - great start!

Stepping Stones - Oh. ♪ Those breezy sounds ♪

The Deep - A menacing but still pretty track!

The Sea Calls (Lullaby) - These vocals are... (I cried...). The trumpets at 2:02 is a great climax to the song

 Little Fish - AAHHH, this is cute.... Very cute)

You have a good variety of compositions and a solid heartwarming story!
Did you do this in 3 days? Awesome!!! I love it!


you cried!??? 😭 my heart ✨ thank you so much ❤️ Yes I composed and produced everything in three days, as well as drew the art! 

Submitted (1 edit) (+1)

That`s a beautiful work! Vocal in lullaby works perfectly, such a great voice! And for 3 days it`s amazing submission)


thank you so much truely, that’s very kind of you to say :) 


Lyre! You're music sounds fantastic! I feel you with trying to make your work in 3 days! lol

I won't go to deep into the samples since you were using Musescore but I think the composition for the album was great! I could really feel the character's emotional state. I can almost see this as like a visual novel or life sim kinda like what I was thinking with mine! It's funny but I think our projects both have similar ideas! I especially loved the lullaby!


Hi Jon! 

Yes I was thinking the exact same thing when I listened to your soundtrack, we did have very similar ideas 🤣

And all good! As I develop my skills more I’ll start focusing on how to use samples correctly. I think the discord we are in has been really helpful in seeing what people use frequently and what is professional, so that’s been a great guide. 


I love the melody and overall composition of Mother's Lament. It's a great hook for the whole OST. The vocalist in The Sea Calls was a pleasant surprise as well. Great work!


hi Jacob, 

Thank you so much for your sweet words and taking the time to listen through my soundtrack! Appreciate it 🥰


Such a beautiful and peaceful atmosphere, I love it! The nostalgic value it gives off is also greatly appreciated. I also love your use of sound effects, definitely helps to immerse the listener. And WOW, the vocals are amazing! I literally gasped when I first heard it, this is the first OST I've seen that has actual singing and my God do I love it!

Overall just an amazing OST with such soothing and beautiful tracks! For just three days you really did do a good job. My favorite was definitely The Sea Call, the vocals had me entranced lol. Amazing work on this project.

That's all I really have to say, thanks for blessing my ears with such beautiful vocals and have a great day :D


Hello ! 😊

Haha thank you so much! It was definitely my goal to try and immerse the listener in the environment, especially through the use of the soundscapes and panning, so I’m glad that came across 🕺

And thank you, is it really the first?! I try to add vocals into my tracks when I can as I’m training classically atm. So I’m so happy to see people enjoyed it 🥰


This is amazing, I love the mood and nostalgic atmosphere you created ! 
Very good job on the vocals too, wonderfull voice and very touching. If I should pick a favorite, it would probably be Mother's Lament, you really did touch my soul with one (but all the soundtrack is gorgeous) ! Good job ! 


Hi Mekto!! Thank you so much for your kind words 🥰  I’m so happy the track resonated with you. 


I don't know if it's you or not, but The Sea Calls will be on one of my playlist 100%

Beautiful work and arrangement, I'm enamored with The Sea Calls, but everything else is great too!

I feel like you have the same problem as I do with mixing loud enough, but that's such a tiny negative, really awesome job!


Hi! Thanks for taking the time to listen and for your kind words!! Yes, the vocals are my own! 

oh yeah haha, mixing is a skill that is hard to master, but I hope to improve with more practice :D


Wow incredible voice great job!


I was listening to your entry again, and The Sea Calls in particular.

Quick question are you open to requests or collaborations?


hey!! Yes I’m open to both! What did you have in mind? My discord is soulmelody.


I’ll hit you up. I don’t have anything immediate but your voice is exactly what I would love to have in a piece or two I have in mind :) Thanks!


Sounds good!! 


Lovely, happy you’re available you’re amazing!


Really a great soundtrack! This is so calming and inspiring ! Stepping stones is definitely a track I'll be listening to again in the future. great work on the vocals too 🥰


Thank you!! I'm so happy it resonated with you, I'll take the time to have a listen to yours as well! <3


You should be so proud of your work on this soundtrack! Love the stunning vocals on The Sea Calls. The orchestration is beautiful!


Thank you so much, I'm so glad you liked the vocals!! :)


This is so calming and beautiful, the vocals in The Sea Calls are absolutely amazing! I agree that the horn part was a bit jarring but that's an easy fix, just turning it down with some reverb. I also think that the strings overall could use little more reverb just to blend it and smooth it out a little more but that doesn't change the fact that this is a stellar entry. This is something to be proud of for sure!


Thank you so much for taking the time to listen and send feedback. 

And yes, I  definitely want to work on blending my mixes better. It’s so great to get outside perspectives especially because when you listen to something for so long it starts to blur 🤣

Producing and sound design is an incredible skill that I hope to develop a good ear for in the future. 


Completely enamored by the vibes of this, super cohesive sound and compelling emotions!! The instrumentation is very simple but gets the message across very well, I think stepping stones was my personal favourite. The vocal parts were also done very well, the lyrics are very nice and you wrote the backing track for them very well!!! My one note is that at the end of the sea calls the horn parts are a bit overpowering, turning them down and adding a little bit of reverb to help blend them into everything else a bit will still give that nice swell effect without having it be a jolt instead of a more natural moment of grandeur, overall incredible work!


Hey! Thank you so much for the feedback! It’s my first time doing a challenge like this, so I am super grateful for any advice.  

Stepping Stones is definitely one of my favourites too, so I’m glad it connected with you ☺️

And yes, I absolutely agree about the horns. I used the musescore audio as I couldn’t find any free VST plugins for it, so mixing was tricky 😅. 
It was my first time producing my own vocals as well, so I’m looking forward to improving in the future. 

Thanks again! 


If you want some cool free orchestral instruments check out the free version of BBC symphony orchestra as I find it was my best starting point for a lot of orchestral stuff, I think kontakt also has some limited free orchestral VSTs as well, but dont quote me on that one. Still, you should be proud!!


Thanks for the suggestions! I’ve used a few of the BBC symphony orchestra plugins before but I’m still learning how to master the best sound. Flute plugins are probably my worst enemy 😂

I’ll definitely check out Kontackt!! 


Great soundtrack, especially considering you only had 3 days. The soundtrack overall sounds amazing and fits your story very well. The vocals were really unexpected, but sounded beautiful. The addition of vocals also seems really cool with the story context in mind.


Thank you so much, I'm so glad you enjoyed it! :D