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A member registered Jul 03, 2023 · View creator page →

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The difficulty is probably something that I should've decreased a bit, but I guess that it becomes a lot easier when you het used to the rockets.

 I had a bunch of plans for this game, but after a while I remembered that it's only 3 hours. Maybe I could revisit this project later if I have time... Thanks for your feedback!

I'm not that good at regular Tetris so having to focus on two seperate games on another conveyor was really something else. Interesting idea. Maybe some music would help.

In any case, good job!

The gameplay was really fun. The way how you incorporated the theme in most of the minigames was cool. It's refreshing for your progress to be shown as a game of pulling rope instead of a simple progress bar. It was also fun seeing two AI battling each other. The difficulty was really suitable.

The graphics do the job. I don't think that there is much to say here.

Unfortunately no music. Having any music at all helps even if it's not meticulously chosen. Just having something to vibe with helps overall.

The lack of tutorial or description on the game's page made it so some games were unclear to me. Mainly, the ones with the big red arrow and 4 colored shape. 

Good job!

I really love Portal so seeing Bendys running around like this was really cool. I love the simplistic main menu. The dancing is great. As for the controls. They are really slippery and your acceleration is very low which is problematic for a movement based game like this. Also both of the Bendys didn't have their rotations disabled so they did occasionally turn a bit. The music is additionally a bit repetitive but it has its charm

Unfortunately it was really hard for me to play because the experience was really laggy (maybe around 5fps). You should take a look at optimizing your builds.

The sound effects and music was really cool. I also liked the button pressing animation (even if I didn't have a 60fps experience)

The idea has some potential. I liked it. It's hard for me to say what could've been done more in the hours, but overall, some more variation. Once I arrived at the restaurant to drop my guy off there was another one (I'm guessing that it's supposed to be someone else) He also wanted to go the restaurant. I was like, of course I'm going to drop you off, so I pressed the button for the restaurant and somehow the elevator still moved even though I was already at the right floor. That's some interesting elevator travel.

Overall, good job! It does take a while to make games in Unreal so congrats for finishing!

Really appreciate it, especially the page! It took me a while to make.

No worries. Art can really take a while even if you're trying to do it fast. I was barely able to finish the sprites for my game.

I originally didn't really like the incorporation of the theme, but after a few replays I did actually start feeling it. It's not the same experience when you try to play it slowly, so I'm glad that I tried it again and again.

The robots got stuck in walls, which was quite irritating. 

With the pixel art, it's hard to distinguish details, but at least the color scheme was nice. The mine explosion really surprised me. It's great, but you should give it more time before destroying it.

Unfortunately, no audio and music. At least adding some energetic music would go a long shot in making the player feel pressured to play more like I did on my later playthroughs.

Great job!

I love (no pun intented) your usage of the theme. It had its own personality. 

The final level was quite frustrating honestly, because you needed to act quite fast. The mobile version would be easier in the sense that you don't actually need to move your mouse. Here, playing on a pc, it practically feels like a limitation where it actually takes time to switch the attitude.

I really liked the sound effects. The lack of ambience sounds was a bit weird. Music would probably ruin the atmosphere, but instead adding some other sound (e.g. wind howling) would help improve the atmosphere.

The graphics also gave this game so style of its own. The final baloon looked odd, but I guess that there is a certain charm to it in a way. It looks nice!

Really cool game! I thoroughly enjoyed it!

Even though there were 4 levels I really liked them, especially the last one, since you needed to use everything that you learned before.

The initial vo was really long and having some text with the spoken text could also help. I understand though that the time may not have allowed for this.

Really cool puzzles. Good job!

I love how the bidirectional aspect was implemented here - you actually have to think about where you are, not only on the rail, but also on the train itself. Really cool idea. Maybe there could also be some smaller stations inbetween the main stations where you are protected from the rain. Like this you could want to completely back off into hiding.

Visuals don't really have much going on with them other than a cool font, but the music was nice.

Good job!

The polish of this game is really astounding.

I originally was pretty confused about the theme here, and after a lot of thinking - honestly - I'm still not really sure whether I get the theme usage.

Still, the gameplay was really smooth. The feedback, especially for the Earth being destroyed is really amazing (though arguably it could be toned down a bit with how often it happened).

The graphics were this really simple 8-bit asthetic and I really enjoyed it. 

Audio was also great.

Good job!

I don't really understand how this game fits the theme.

The gameplay is quite smooth, but it gets quite boring after a while. I didn't even need to use the slowdown ability. Maybe make it so some enemies were so fast that you needed to slow down to take them out. I did see multiple enemy variants, but I don't exactly know what they do.

The graphics are really polished, even for the 9h dev time. The shooting was satifsying.

Good job!

The usage of the theme is okay. I guess that it works.

I liked the graphics and especially the transitions. It's really nice that you got time to add them. 

It's also cool that you had multiple tracks instead of just one. The looping of those tracks is a bit weird. Not sure whether that's because of the engine or the music making software.

The game itself is really difficult. You basically don't get any time to react. I wasn't able to finish the game unfortunately. Also sometimes after switching lanes I used the mirror and the projectiles didn't get reflected, even though it looked alright. You really needed to have fast reflexes to do it.

Good job

I'm not sure what I think about the usage of the theme. The theme is bidirectional and that basically only applies because you can either press left or right arrow, but it would be nicer if you could use all the arrow keys. And your movement is quadra-directional (as in, you can move in 4 directions). Maybe there's something I'm missing here.

Many hitboxes were quite big. It's not a big problem with the end trigger, but the death trigger killed me even through walls.

As for the music, I don't really think that there is any time in the 3 hours to make music on your own. Typically when you see people make music for this jam, it's done by a seperate person who either only does the music, or music and sound effects. That's because with such a short experience it's better to focus on mechanics rather than on the sound design. Your theme has some nice melodies, but without the harmony (as in the chords) it feels a bit empty.

It was still a nice experience. Good job and good luck in your Godot journey!

It took me a while to get the .jar file running. Still, after running the game I wasn't able to do anything. No keys worked. Not sure, what could be wrong here.

I really enjoyed the graphics. The bright cartoony colors were really pleasing. The distinction between the background and the animals was also nice. The jellyfish was really having a lot of fun from the looks of things.

The animations are a bit odd. They looked a bit like the duck was flying. Also for the swim-up and swim-down animations they didn't trigger frequently. They only triggered if you had 0 horizontal speed. It would be better if they would get triggered when velocity's vertical component was higher than the horizontal component.

The music was really nice. The sound effects did get quite repetitive. When you have sound effects that play frequently you can either make multiple variations or - that's the easier option - randomize the sound effect pitch (for example between 0.9 and 1.1 times the original pitch). 

Also, not sure what was up with the sharks. They only spawned from one spot and in one direction. That didn't really make them all that difficult to beat. 

Additional points for including a duck as the main protagonist +1. Good job!

The graphics are really cool. The UI is pretty solid as well. 

The gardener's movements were a bit stiff. What you could add to change this would be jump buffering (so you can press SPACE just before landing on the ground) and coyote time (so you can jump a moment after falling of the ledge). 

I liked the idea of the thorns, but they had a really huge hitbox, so I kept falling on top of them. I've also found the thorn-destroying flowers nice, but the level introducing them glitched out meaning that I wasn't able to water the topmost left flower. 

I didn't really realize that you can fire the water further if you move your cursor further. Maybe getting some indicator, like a ray from the gardener to the cursor would help in showing this. Also maybe hiding the default cursor would be nice. 

Getting some music in the levels would help. Also the sprinklers had a really rough looping effect. It stands out quite a bit.

Good job!


The color scheme looks really cool, but at the same time it leads to a lot of problems. Because basically everything is black, it's difficult to say where the dangerous objects are (like spikes, bomb shells) or determine whether some wall is a part of the foreground (so it's an obstacle) or a part of the background. Also, as for the style, basically all sprites have a different pixel ratio and that kept bugging me. You had a very pixelly background and hyper-detailed sharks or bombs. 


The hitboxes were really trippy. If you just try swimming against a wall you see how much bigger your hitbox is than it should be. It was really problematic. The swimming was really odd. I felt as if I kept accelerating and decelerating when swimming. This gives you a bunch of problems, since it's a game that requires your moves to be precise.

Sound effects

I really enjoyed the sound effects. They did justice to the game's atmosphere. It was very cool. Though the game over screen had a pretty irritating sound effect that doesn't fit the rest at all. I would probably preffer if the mother whale made a big cry. This would've made the player feel bad, instead of irritated.


Maybe that's just me, but I feel like the sonar ability doesn't really seem to add a lot. All it currently does, is it forces you to slow down, even though you are already going really slowly. Maybe you could make it so normally you can already see, but when you turn on your ability you see more but go slower. 

It's a really cool game. It's also surprisingly similar to my axolotl game! Good job!

Hope you enjoy!


I love it when people give detailed feedback. I really appreciate it, thank you! I tried to make it so each level was different enough to not make it boring. I'm glad you enjoyed them! As for the octopus (aka small squid), I didn't think  that it was a big enough problem to spend time fixing it. Once again, thank you for commenting!

I really enjoyed it! 

Here's my submission: https://itch.io/jam/-pixel-game-jam-2024/rate/2721318

I am really astounded by the fact that you're a beginner. I loved graphics. The art style, the background were great. The main menu was amazing even though it didn't have to be! The music was really fun too!

In the beginning the controls felt too snappy but I got used to them. 

I didn't like level 8. It wasn't about skill as much as it was about memorization - or let's be honest; luck. Having to guess where you have to jump is not really good level design. Similarly, there were levels where I had no idea where to jump (e.g. level 3 after the bubble roundabout). As for the levels I really enjoyed, level 7 and 10 were on top, though I preferred level 7. The moving bubble was really fun though I understand if someone could say the opposite. In level 7 I especially liked the final jumps over the electric fences. They were stressful but you knew what to do and how to do it. Level 10 was slightly worse because of how long the final sequence took me. The 3, 2 1, now countdown was really slow and it felt more like 3, 2, 1, 0, -1, -2, now. This lead to the death of me many times in a row.

I really love this entry. Great job and good luck on your future games!


I didn't really feel threatened by anything until the sharks arrived and that was quite a while. Maybe you could either add some fish incoming from the left or some coming from either the top or bottom of the screen. That could diversify the gameplay.

I would like it if you would always shoot to the right, no matter where you're facing. You don't really get a lot of fish to the left of you and when I tried to the left it kinda took me from the flow of the game. Also the shoot animation only plays when holding space for a prelonged period of time. If you just press space you don't actually get this animation.

The bubble sound effect started being a little irritating. Instead I would recommend adding some royalty free music. I did however like the choice of colors.

Good job!


I'm extremely impressed by what you were able to accomplish. I really liked the idea for the game. I mean, you are basically just a mailman but you're also a mailman of the lake. 

It took me a while to understand how it works, but the usage of the time of day to force you to think about how many parcels you can deliver is something that I really enjoyed. 

The pixel art was really astounding and I don't think that the screenshots really showed that. Especially the animation of the boss screaming at you was really priceless. The music was cool but it looped in an odd way. I guess that also could've been out of your control.

I don't really think that the fighting was done all that well. When you're being chased you have 2 choices: run away or fight. If you do the latter you will however most certainly get hit because the enemy boat gets really close to you and you can't really strafe when looking at the enemy boat (even though you must face it to shoot at it). This meant that almost always the better tactic was to keep running away and strafe when the boat is about to fire. It was a lot better tactic than firing, especially after getting the speed upgrade. This irritated me a bit, but such a big game like this is bound to have something off.

As I said, it's really amazing you did all this in 10 days. Out of curiosity, how many hours did you spend making this whole game? As someone who's a solo developer learning pixel art, I would really like to know.

Great job!

I'm really glad you enjoyed the light. It's something that I experimented with for the first time in this jam. Thank you for playing!

That's a lot of great feedback! I also felt that the eating system didn't do enough to enrichen the experience. Especially because you could sometimes get stuck without any sign.

I made the hurt sound so people would not want to get hurt, so I guess that part worked. I didn't think about the rampant axolotl though.

Thank you for the feedback! I appreciate it!

I really enjoyed the polish in this game. The sound effects were on point. Music - it was good but maybe adding more battle themes could help. Really nice aesthetics and colors. I liked the feedback, when you were shooting.

I don't really understand the connection with the theme. I guess that you have medusa but that's basically where it ends unless I missed something.

Unfortunately this game suffers a bit from pacing. The first level was really slow and easy and I beat it without any problems (though I was a bit bored). And in the second level everything was suddenly really difficult. The first encounter left me with 2 hearts and in the first level I was only hit during the boss fight. Maybe if you could make the transition a bit smoother, then it would be a bit better.

Still I really enjoyed this one! Good job!

Really cool game. The graphics were nice. 

I didn't really like the fact that you were on a timer, because that just limits your highscore with the coins. Maybe instead of that timer you could've made it so the tentacles show up more frequently the longer you play. 

Still, it's very impressive! Keep it up!

What exactly did you find unclear?

I didn't really think about the placement of E, though I guess that you also have the arrow keys to move. As for the health I wanted to implement a red vignette and a heartbeat sound effect when the player was hit, because of how the damage system worked (you had 2 health points that regenerated after 10 seconds). I only made it so the player turned red when on 1 hit point. Unfortunately time wasn't merciful...

Thank you for the feedback and the kind words! Cheers!

I loved the atmosphere. I really felt the lonely, isolated nature of the place. It's cool that you had a bunch of different tracks instead of resorting to one or two. Also I think that some ambient sounds during the deciphering phase. Sound effects would also do a lot here.

There was  a variety of different props around the place. I don't actually know what any of them are. My guesses are:

  • mirrors 
  • relic 
  • chair 
  • dog 

If there was any intention then that's probably wrong, but who knows.

The mechanics were really repetitive. In the beginning it took me a while to realize what's going on but after a few matches it became really easy. My game also crashed after the final log and unfortunately I'm not replaying this with the movement speed as low as it is. I liked the experience, I liked the story. Good job!

P.S. It's better to make thumbnails that have some central point, or hook to look at. I think that this would work better as a thumbnail (of course with the title)

It's gonna be a long one, but don't worry. I would just like to point out some things I noticed.

I like the idea, but it could need some more tweaking. The movement was problematic. You kept sticking to the walls. to remedy this, you should add a physics 2d material to the player and change its friction coefficient to 0. 

I didn't even need the heat gun. I was just able to pour water and freeze it with my gun to create platforms. I wasn't really able to properly use the heat gun. It was slow it lasted for a very short time and reloaded for a while as well. After evaporating ice, the water falling down wasn't all that useful since I didn't have my freeze gun in time.

In terms of the graphics, it looked odd. I think I know, why? Just look at the first screen shot.

Different sprites have different sizes. This means that for example, the background or the water have a different size of a single pixel than let's say, the player. In pixel art, if you use assets that have a different pixel density the game starts looking weird.
Typically you would also have a constant pixel per screen size ratio. So maybe your in-game viewport has a resolution of 640x360. Then for every single pixel of your screen you would have 1 pixel of your game. Then if you viewed your game on a full hd monitor (1920x1080) this would mean that for every 3 pixels of your screen you have a single pixel of your game. In your case, the ground tiles keep stretching and they have different widths. Maybe for every 2.5 pixels of your screen you get a single pixel of your game. What's the screen gonna do with half a pixel? Nothing. That's why people typically aim, for the camera to have 320x180 or 640x360 resolution. They both have 16:9 ratio which is the most common ratio out there.

I saw that you used the pixel perfect camera, but there were some scaling problems, so I just had to say it.

Anyways, good job!

Wow, it's a really polished game. 

I like how you keep facing the same direction when shooting. It helped a bit. I found the rocket to be really weak. You would expect a torpedo to be able to one shot most enemies but that wasn't the case. Furthermore the bosses were surprisingly difficult for a game jam entry. 

The graphics are also really lovely. The color scheme. The variation. They really catch your eye's attention.

The music and sfx were amazing. They kept me immersed in the 8-bit asthetic.

Great job!


I really enjoyed the art style, especially the paralax scrolling with the background. Still, the water must've been pretty poisonous if the fish started swimming backwards.


It took me a while to understand that you need to change your hotbar slot to pick something up or play the hacking minigames (the latter I don't really understand why). I don't know whether it was necessary. From what I understand, the game would still function the same if you wouldn't have TAB and the hotkeys to nagivate your inventory and just made it so everything happens automatically. After understanding the system, I really enjoyed the experience. I wasn't also sure, how important hull integrity is. I mean, when does the hull break completely? How much time do I have? I wish I knew the answers to those


In terms of the controls, they were pretty unresponsive. I get the feel, you wanted to add to the game (i. e. slow movements in water), but I would say that it needs a bit of tweaking. I would personally increase the gravity, because currently it takes a while to fall down. Or maybe you could make it so the jetpack also allows you to lunge downwards to fall faster. Also implementing jump buffering would go a long way in increasing the responsiveness. It takes like a second for you to be able to jump after landing, so making it that you can press SPACE even before jumping would be nice.

Sound design

SFX and music were really enjoyable. They did the water atmosphere justice. It would however be nice if there was some music in the title screen so you could know, how much you need to change the music/sfx slider. 

Title screen

Since I'm talking about the title screen - this is a nitpick btw - I find it weird that when changing between the menu and settings screen the window fades to black to reveal the same background. If the screen fades I would expect the background to change as well. Instead you could just make it so the text itself fades in and out.

Really cool experience! Congratulations!

It took me a while to optimize the volume, but I was already running out of time. I'm really glad you enjoyed the game, though!

I like the damage system. The droplets however were really big as far as visuals go. The controls were quite smooth. The jump is on point. Good job!

Also is there a specific reasons why you used w for jumping? I've seen a few people do it here.

Wow, i'm impressed with the quality of this game. I'm curious, how many systems did you have ready when starting?

In terms of visuals, I think it's quite nice. Different expressions on Snailbert's face added a lot.

I loved the sound design. It really hooked me in.

With the 2 endings I had an incentive to play this game twice. Really enjoyed the experience!