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A member registered Jul 04, 2020 · View creator page →

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Hey. Thank you for trying it out. Yeah we intended the game to be challenging :)

Hey. Like the music. The image is too blur in fullscreen .  I'd suggest setting texture filter to 'Nearest' instead of 'Linear' for pixel art games, and set the music on loop :). Other than that, good job!

SFX is absolutely sick! Art is also pretty appealing. I hope Jason gets his memory back.

Haha, glad you had fin! Yeah i just didn't had enough time for more content because i got immersed into my own game while playtesting xD, also i literally made half of it during weekends. Thank you for your feedback!

Thank you for playing my game and the feedback! I appreciate it

Thanks, i'm glad you liked it!


Thank you! Leaving 1 item was the idea for the leave something behind theme, but i never thought about leaving all the items :\

Hey, nice game! I know you've got plenty of comments about camera, but i still wanna say it - please invert the horizontal camera movement). The graphic's sween and the turtles are cute, i like it. I wonder is there a way to leave any turtles behind? I couldn't find it

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I really struggled finding those altars and slicing myself didn't help so i ended up using the left hand rule. I liked the concept but i think it'd be nice to increase the move speed or have sprint

Hehe, interesting definition for the knight xD. Thank you, i'm glad you liked it!

The menu music felt so good so i got a little sad when it stopped on start. Overall this is a good interesting game game, just need a little polishing and more levels

I'm really bad at geometrydash-like games so this one didn't take me long, but it looks good. Good job!

This is a beautiful game and i like the concept.
I got a bug: If i attacked at least once i can kill golems with power of mind just by getting close to them, so i just swinged once,took orb and went through levels

Very fun game, beating wolfs felt so satisfying! When i crafted an axe and went spamming mouse buttons i felt like
Good job!

(1 edit)

Graphic's cool and level's nice, But the shooting would be way more convenient if bullets were directed in look direction. At some point bot's number counter went negative numbers and i could not proceed to 4 wave. Also my friend asked what font did you use for the main menu?

The graphics are great and the music transitions too. A couple of times Barsik  the cat spotted me through the walls and sometimes i slipped right through their faces. Overall i had a good time playing it. Good job!

Looking forward to it!

Cute game. As mentioned below some music would be nice. Also Remi drops bread even in places where he's already been. It's kinda strange :D

Hehe yeah i've set the small cooldown to sword throw to make difference between mage and knight at least a little smaller. Thanks for your feedback!

Damn i loved it. The idea it quite original, at least i didn't see something like it before. The controls are challenging, i like games that require to get used to. The boss fight seemed too easy for me tho. And bonus points for buttons voice sounds xD.

Indeed the idea is so cool. I didn't manage to complete second level tho, i pushed the yellow box and could not do anything else (or just didn't find a proper way)

Nice and charming game. I really enjoyed the atmosphere. Second level seemed a little boring to me, but third level got me immersed. Good job!

Thank you for your feedback! Didn't have enough time for balancing but i'll definitively do something about it in the next patch.

Thanks for feedback and the bug report). I'm glad you liked it. Yeah this game is easy to get immersed into, I don't even know how much time I lost when stuck playing while playtesting xD.

Thanks for your feedback!

Thank you! Yeah i'm planning  to add some more shiny rooms and maybe even damage types, like ice that slows targets down for a bit.

Thanks for your feedback! Yeah i was about to add some more rooms but then i realized that i only had 1 hour till the deadline)

Controls feel kinda sharp. I'd like if there were some acceleration to be able to move dot for just a little bit

Thank you <3


Hi. I'm glad you liked it. Strange that you fealt like bow is weak, it takes 3 fully charged shots to kill skeleton, maybe i should've made it 2 shots like sword does. Anyway thank you for your feedback!

Hi and thank you for playing! Yeah i wanted to make it kinda challenging so it takes some time to get used to. However my testers could easily complete the level with 30-40 seconds left so  i did not add more time (i even thought of reducing it), but i hope you liked it ;)

That's a lot of fun. Love it!

I could save 7 lamas, but i killed about 50 ;(

That was kinda funny, especially when i slided dead straight to the finish compleeting the level. But platforming without damping felt a little uncomfortable and creaks on the ladders were painfull for my ears.

Hi. Thank you for your feedback. I sent the game to 4 of my friends just before the submission. One of them told it's too hard as well? so i made it easier. But other 3 got used to it preety fast.