Thanks for feedback!
We didn't have much time to implement a tutorial and yeah, UI is bad, that's true., we were focusing on the core mechanics, so the gameplay would be fun and didn't have any time to create a tutorial. And we do not know how to make proper UI, so that's a thing to learn xD
We are most likely gonna improve the game after the jam, fix UI, add tutorial and expand the idea.
Erl Moncevial Erno
Creator of
Recent community posts
Okay, that was really fun gameplay, visuals are really cool. Didn't see much of the theme tho.
Here's some feedback:
1. Pause is broken. Any order can be executed in 3 seconds cause you allow to switch between screen while in pause AND you see orders/ingredients while in pause. You can just endlessly plan your mouse movement and see what you need to do and it is just really easy to win. I managed to double quota without trying.
2. It would be cool if dialogs changed based on time which you spent making order. For example "aggressive" guy that always says that you're too slow said, that "you finally become a little faster than a snail" after you finish his order in less than 5 seconds. Or sleepy guy fell asleep if you took longer than 15-20 seconds for his order. Stuff like this will make reading dialogs much more interesting and less repetitive.
3. Add background music! It has so much impact, even if music isn't made specifically for your game and you just found it on the internet.
Overall it's really polished game that I enjoyed playing for around 10 minutes, which is cool for 48 hours game.
Great effort & good luck with your future projects!
Pretty cool tower defense, I enjoyed playing it. It has nice gameplay, good visuals, good sounds.
But I have 3 big issues with resize mechanics:
1. Why do you always resize in 2 sides? That makes first towers that you place either all snipers, cause they have big range, or ineffective, cause they are too close to border and you can't resize them.
2. Why can't you sell towers? That would've made first issue non existent and will allow more strategy, cause you will be able to sacrifice some scale to place towers in better places or move them to the end, so you can survive.
3. Pools that makes enemies bigger or smaller are literally useless. I get that they changing enemies but that's so unnecessary. I ended up using them only once to understand what it is and then ignored them till I won. It is neat concept, but in current state it is unusable and I feel like instead of making it you could spend more time balancing the game or making existing mechanics feel better.
Great effort with the game & good luck with your next projects!
That is the single most interesting concept I've seen from games on the jam! I really liked the design, the music and the gameplay.
From feedback:
1. Give a player a little time to understand how to control before starting the game, first time I launched the game I tried to move mouse up and down, which didn't work at all and I've spent around 30 seconds trying to figure out what was wrong.
2. Say that you need to move mouse horizontally for stupid people like me xD
Also you are a beast for creating such small size for an Unreal Engine Game. I was able to scale mine only to 200 Mbs :)
Great effort & good luck with your future projects!
Original concept, pretty interesting game. I wish there was a reason not to spam planets and some sort of trajectory prediction. Also delete planets that flew off-screen, cause the game starts to lag pretty fast :) Great effort & Good luck in your future projects!
Also, if you find time to play & rate my game it will be much appreciated!
That was fun for 5 minutes and then it was boring. Pretty cool art, but I didn't see much theme implication. You said Dungeon gets smaller every floor and from narrative perspective it is, but from gameplay point it's getting bigger. And that only thing that scaling, so I didn't see much theme amplification.
Still it is a nice game for 4 days, good effort. Wish you good luck with your future projects!
ENG(RU below for game author):
Visuals — 4.7/5. Initial cutscene was amazing and then I saw character animation. It kind of ruined my feel of art, but other aspect are pretty high level.
Gameplay — I tried to figure out how to craft potion for a minute, it is super confusing. And kind of pointless, cause it is not a question what potion to craft. And platforming part... It is just janky. And game rushes you cause potion are super temporary.
Interesting game after all, great effort, wish good luck in your next games!
Also if you play and rate my game it will be much appreciated!
Графика - 4.7/5. Стартовая катсцена прекрасна, но анимация персонажа мне не зашла. Хотя в целом вся остальная графика достаточно крутая, для 4-ёх дней джема точно.
Геймплей - Во первых я потратил минуту на то, чтобы понять как крафтить зелья, это супер неинтуитивно. И по сути бесполезно, ибо ты вообще не задумываешься что крафтить. А до платформера... Он ощущается очень кривым, очень сложно управлять персонажем и игра заставляет тебя спешить, ибо почему-то зелья действуют всего 6 секунд, что не играет ему на пользу.
Интересная игра, видны усилия, желаю удачи с развитием/другими проектами!
Также, буду признателен, если Вы поиграете и оцените мою игру.
Yeah, we might expand it if we will get enough attention. We have some ideas on how to make it into a proper game
Also, can you please rate the game on it's jam page?
Thanks for playing! Glad you enjoyed it.
Yeah, this game needs a good tutorial, it is a bit confusing on how to use things for first 5-10 minutes, we didn't have time to make it unfortunately. Gonna make a tutorials for other small projects sometime soon, to learn how to do them fast, thanks for feedback!
I did not finish it. Do not like rage games.
But that's have a neat concept, but not really creative. Still it was fun experience, I just don't wanna spend an hour trying to complete it :) Huge respect for making cool art without making detailed assets and good luck with your next projects!
Edit: Also it will be really appreciated if you play and rate my game too!
That was a fun experience! Pretty simple and pretty good looking with a good music and sounds.
It is cool that it have mechanics like wind, or clouds that block your vision. Only thing I do not know how to expand the Idea, the concept looks too small to be a PC game. For mobile it will be quite good tho.
Good luck with your future projects! I believe that you will become an awesome Game Developer!
Awesome game! Enjoyed puzzles. I think this is my favorite rn, fits the concept perfectly and pretty interesting gameplay.
But I have feedback:
1. Controls are a bit confusing. I think it would be better if you would select a side and then move it with Keyboard buttons, cause I spent like 2 minutes on trying to scale one block up xD
2. Visual indication sometimes doesn't show your ability to scale the block
3. Path to portals, there was path with flying rocks where I fell 2 times, cause I wasn't able to jump on the rock xD Maybe a little more forgiving collision would be nice.
4. Restart level button in the menu. Cause I managed to softlock myself (Image is more than 3mb, will send to discord).
Good luck in your next projects!
That was an experience. The game has interesting concept, but other that it, I don't think it have much.
First 3 or 4 minutes of gameplay I literally did nothing, cause nothing was happening. That I built a tower up, higher than UFO, and did nothing till I won. Also retry button in winning screen is not working.
Graphics and sound were good. Till I saw T-posing Aliens under me. But overall this aspect was pretty good.
Not typical built to scale concept, so a point for that.
Good luck with your future projects!
For anyone who can't launch the game: download both files! C'mon, why do I see people in comments who can't launch the game because ".exe" is not working...
To the game itself: It is a creative look at theme and pretty unique style design, I like that.
What I didn't like is music, I can't explain why, but I didn't like it. I guess it's not my type of music, will not judge it.
And from gameplay: I got bored in like 5-7 minutes, which is not really good, but it is playable. I enjoyed this 5 minutes that I spent. Also I wish that "hook" mechanics, or however it called in game was a little more controllable.
I wish you good luck in your next projects! I believe you with time you will be able to create great games!
Edit: Also, please archive your game next time, so people will not get confused by which file to download, or write "How to download" in the game page.
For the game itself: Is it your first game jam? Looks like it, the game is pretty raw and can get a lot of improvements: add music, sound, different enemies/fires types, different ways to fight fires.
With that said the game is still enjoyable! You did awesome job, game have working core-loop and some mechanics and with time, I believe, you will become a great game developer! Good luck in your next projects!