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A member registered Apr 13, 2021 · View creator page →

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Really beautiful game - I love how the music dips between being peaceful and slightly unsettling. The art is just incredible, too. I had a good time solving the puzzles and just enjoying the atmosphere. The puzzles were pitched at just the right level, too! Nice work :)

Thanks for playing and the feedback - yes that’s a great point, the level setup definitely needs some thought. Hiding spots are something I wanted to explore but sadly didn’t quite have the time to figure out how to make them balanced in such a way that you could just plonk a character there and forget about him! Thanks again for your feedback :)

Thanks so much! Yeah, I definitely need to add some better help text; I think given more time I would have tried to make the first part of the level be a bit of an ‘interactive tutorial’ and also add some feedback to the player’s characters getting further/close to emphasise what effects that was having on the enemies! Thanks again for your feedback :)

Thanks for your feedback! Totally, I feel like there is some balancing to do still; I tried to have the difficulity be somewhat set by the player (moving characters further and closer makes enemies spawn faster or slower) but I think this could be a little clearer!

(1 edit)

Nice game, I enjoyed the visuals and style a lot. The controls were a tad sensitive so would have been good to have the option to tone that down a bit. The combat was really enjoyable and I had a lot of fun catapulting myself into enemies.

This is a nice game, and well presented too. There is a significant challenge which kept me going for a while too, so that was great; props on the level design! A couple of times it felt a bit finnicky to get stuff lined up properly, but I can appreciated that that may be a draw to some! Otherwise, it has everything necessary for a great puzzle game with a good interpretation of the theme, too - nice!

This is the cutest horror game I’ve ever played.

For real, amazing work on the game - the aesthetics are on point and the gampeplay is really fun too. I can see the link to the theme but it might be a biiit of a stretch! That said, this already seems well on the way to being a proper release, crazy work for 48 hours!

Great game - the gampeplay is great, loved the stress of trying to find a word, then avoid other letters to try and spell it. There’s tons of potential for expanding with new features too, which is really nice. The art and overally presentation is beautiful, too. Really nice job!

Really nice graphics and sound effects, gameplay works well too. I think the link to the theme is a massive stretch, but oh well! The vibe of the game overall is good. Great work on getting it sorted in 48 hours!

I liked the interpretation of the theme - sadly I couldn’t do the multiplayer. The controls felt nice, would be good to add a bit of spice to the level! It is good to see this concept being explored in a multiplayer space, though!

Really fun game with awesome graphics and presentation – unbelievable work for 48 hours! I think the link to the theme could be a bit of a stretch, but regardless I had a great time playing this. The mixture of different gameplay styles is really neat and well executed. I love the boiling down of the core components of other games and plugging them together in a nice modular way, so that’s something I will definitely draw inspiration from in future; thanks!

This game is incredible - a really interesting mechanic that fits the theme well, and you’ve done an awesome job in turning that mechanic into a really clever puzzle that is pretty moreish. The polish on the game is also spectacular, coming together to give an overall really peaceful and pleasant puzzling experience. I had a lot of fun playing around with the filters, different orders, etc. One of my favourites so far!

This is a really nice concept, I love the themed-based spin on ‘mon’ games. I had a hard time with the display - mainly know what monsters were what, which ones I’d selected etc. But the RPG encounters were neat, and a little expansion on that would make this really fun I think. Nice work to get all this done in 48 hours, though!

I won! It took my a little while to figure out what was going on, and I’m still not quite sure what the links meant between objects, so some info text might help in that regard. The controls and display were intuitive, though. Nice work on getting all the items and art coded and designed in the time, too - these were really good.

I liked the concept, and the the controls felt really nice and had some good response on the combat. However I felt the gameplay was a little slow, and felt like I was waiting around a little long. I didn’t quite get what to do with the buttons the first time round, either - it wasn’t too clear if Sparkling Galahad was me or the other guy! Think there is good potential for this game though, with some changes to the gameplay.

Nice peaceful game with a lovely concept. Introducing the time was a good idea because it turned a simple game into something that I wanted to do as fast as possible and beat my score next time. Maybe some dependencies could make the game a little more interesting, eg. can’t learn this until you’ve joined with a certain character? All in all, I had a good time!

Wow, lovely graphics and music. The puzzle is also laid out really nicely. I found it very hard but had a lot of fun experimenting with the different combinations. I didn’t realise you could rotate to begin with, so maybe having this (and undo) more visible might help! Great work overall, though!

Nice concept. The “click to pause” may have bugged out for me, as I couldn’t get a train to stop twice in a row, but it didn’t stop long enough to let another train pass - unless this is intentional! The trains were also a tad slow so a fast foward option would be good! Otherwise, I had a lot of fun and enjoyed listening to the sound effects and music.

This is a really impressive game! I had a lot of fun searching around the town trying to match up what was on the screen, and it all felt very intuitive. All the artwork and music was really well-used to create a professional-looking product, too. I don’t think the music had a huge bearing on the gameplay but I did like how it faded in and out. Nice work!

Really liked the gameplay and art. Found it very difficult but think that’s good for something like this. Nice one!

Nice work - absolutely nailed the vibe and it’s crazy how you managed to get all that sorted in the 48 hours, let alone the gameplay. I really enjoyed the mechanic of pushing it as far as you can with being able to shoot/lose health, so that would be really cool to play around more with.

This is a really cool concept, with which I had a lot of fun - I love the “strategised whack-a-mole” kind of gameplay between phases. Could do with a touch more info on-screen about what each mode will do, or each “status”, but otherwise I think it’s really impressive you managed to create all this in the time.

Best of luck!

Nice relaxing game, I enjoyed reading along. Plus the artwork is beautiful, lovely character and level design. The controls felt a little clunky but I got to grips with them in the end. I would like to see how the ‘connection’ could be explored with different mechanics in other levels!

This mechanic is a great idea, and has a lot of potential. I really liked the art too. Like others, the only thing I found a bit annoying were the controls but that’s something that is easily fixed! The writing was funny, and I can see there’s a lot of potential for expanding this idea, not just in different weapons but also using bones as a resource.

Amazing, looks and plays really nicely. I too was stumped by the ‘T’ but had a lot of fun trying to figure it out. Look forward to seeing it with some QOL improvements but it already seems like a full game!

This game is so cute, and I love how the music ramps up. I liked how moving was based on keys, and the concept of the ‘sticky keys’ was implemented nicely with good puzzles.

This is a really clever and funny concept, and executed nicely. The controls feel great. It is hard, but I don’t think that’s a bad thing. I had a lot of fun playing, and eventually found a ‘knack’ for surveying the arrows then surveying the room. Nice work.

This was tons of fun. It made my brain melt a little trying to control the players but was a great time, even when dying! The art is also brilliant. I also found the idea of the bottom character “dangling” from a ladder hilarious for some reason. Nice work.

Awesome concept, props on coming up with this and executing it so well in the time. I enjoyed thinking about the best way to play my hand and later switch. I would have liked to have been able to see the trumps on screen, because I kept forgetting! The rules did a nice job of explaining it concisely, though.

I think the mechanic here is great - I had a lot of fun trying to wrangle the characters around the platforming segments, and this could be truly awesome with some tighter controls. The difficulty was pitched at a good level, as it kept me wanting to have another go at it. The art was also really good.

Best of luck.

I had a lot of fun with this, and feel like there’s a lot of potential for getting in depth with the strategy of stealthing, capturing enemies, etc. The level design was also rather good, especially in #2 where there was a kind of ‘immersive tutorial’ about hiding - nice work. The fourth level felt a bit too big, though, and I was walking around for quite a bit in that one. I died quite a lot and ended up having to do a lot of walking again, so maybe increased heatlh or more abilities to shed off enemies (especially ones with guns) would help?

Great work though, thanks.

Plays very, although having to click the pieces out of the box and then drag was a little frustrating. Would be good to see what else this type of puzzle can do around the them of “joined together,” as I feel like this is a game I’ve played a few times before in the form of minigames. The graphics are excellent, and totally captured the retro/microchip vibe.

Awesome art and really nice feel to the gameplay - love how the music gels with the caveman sound effect too. I had a lot of fun, I did manage to cheese the mechanic in the end however by staying in a lane and pressing space as soon as it reached either end of the bar - so it would be ace to see some difficulty improvements. That said I think this is a top game - well done!

PS. I really hope Man Moth is a Karl Pilkington reference :)

Cute little game - I struggled a little with the controls but got there in the end. Nice sprites! Think it’s a nice start for some more platformer levels, which would be good to see.

Nice work - the game looks and sounds really nice. I had a lot of fun, but the lower difficulty levels are perhaps a bit easy. Would be great if there were more ‘red herrings’ too - I felt that it was easy to match based on how the word was split.

As it stands I think it’s great, though, and would make a lovely casual game for mobile.

Nice, really addictive and quick to pick up. This would make a great mobile game, pretty much as-is with a few extra bits of polish like music, some more sound effects (like a warning about line breaks, warning about time running low). Overall, awesome!

Really nice - the visuals and audio go really well together, combined with the gameplay to make a nice peaceful experience. I escpecially enjoyed the ‘trap’ of the third level. Would be great to see how this mechanic can be explored a bit more, but I think this kind of puzzle goes nicely with controlling two characters at once.

Good job, and good luck!

Nice game, I had a lot of fun. The art and music were great, and it’s easy to pick up and play. I feel like there should be a penalty for clicking on the wrong sock, and maybe something to prevent too much of the details of one sock being hidden by another? I really liked this on the whole, nice work.