I tried pressing the full-screen button, but I can't see all the text.
On the left-side, the text says "to Restart".
Hope it helps :)
Esben Nyboe
Creator of
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This was awesome! I really loved the voice-overs you made for this. So funny. Music and artwork was great. Nice character animations. Well-balanced gameplay. I have nothing but praise for this. Very nice work :)
Btw. I got to wave 11, then it all went wrong, because I had sacrificed way too much of my health for greater critical chance XD
This was hilarious! I immediately understood the assignment and got to work, trying to help the human as much as possible, so I could gain his trust, waiting for the perfect moment for betrayal.
Very nice work, coming up with the multiple choice puzzles! It was so satisfying when getting the "right" answer, but it was also really funny, when I chose the wrong answer and totally embarassed the human :D
By far the best submissions I've tried for the jam! Really nice work!
The idea is very creative, yet so simple that I got it immediately :) I love a game you can just play, with no need for a tutorial.
And I really enjoyed all those little details, you added. The adaptive music, the car-horns, and smiley-animations. 5 stars on everything, wheew!
This was very enjoyable!
I was very impressed by the amount of polish, the juicy sounds, and the amazing video-tutorial. Amazing work!
I absolutely love the hissing sound from cooking the meat :D
Only issue I had was that I missed the instruction on where to find the meat. I looked for meat in the ingredient-room (because there were visuals of meet), and had to go back to the tutorial, to realize it was in the fridge :D
What a spooky game! The flashlight-mechanic works really well. And I really like the overall atmosphere! Nice work :)
Some feedback, if you want to improve the game:
The thought-bubble-text was interesting at first, but got a bit annoying/distracting after a while.
I found one thing to interact with, the recorder, but wasn't sure if it did anything. I looked around for other things to interact with, but couldn't find any. I wonder if it was the white on white text that caused me to miss something?
Thanks for the awesome feedback!
I was super stoked about how well the soundtrack turned out. It was made by my friend Andreas: https://alsounddesign.itch.io/
Really nice work! I was truly immersed in this game, trying to maximize the value of my building, until I got too greedy, and ended up having too many single-type super-blocks :D
The mechanics are very well though out.
The amount of polish is also very impressive. And the tutorial is super well-made. Bravo!
This was fun! I liked the difficulty level. It was hard enough that I had to retry two times, but then I got it! I would've definitely kept playing, if there were more levels :)
And those conveyor-belts look gorgeous! Nice work!
One mechanic I didn't really understand was the swing-wrench-action. It wasn't obvious, whether or not I needed to discard broken materials, to prevent machines from breaking, or if it was just for making the materials flow faster.
Cool concept! I like the idea of a crumbling world working sort of like a level-timer.
One thing that confused me was that A and D were functional for navigation, while W and S were not. This made me play for a few minutes before I understood that it was actually possible to jump, if I used arrow-keys instead.
Cool concept! Nice puzzle game :) I really liked the pretty visuals, and the path-drawing mechanics!
One suggestion I would have is to make the color-system more clear somehow. I couldn't really figure out, why the packages weren't getting delivered to the houses I went to. It seems like it was related to whether the color of the package matches the house, but I never really figured it out :D