Thanks for playing it. I really appreciate that. It was not suppose to be a rhythm game to tell truth. There is only one rhythm based puzzle in a game. But you are absolutely right, if this is not intuitive that's bad and needed to be explain better. As a player you need:
Used a battle sequencer. Top line is ooponent's, bottom one is player's.
In case of melee type monster choose weapon attack then click on any free slot on player's part of a sequencer. Because battle wasn't tuned you can basically check every cell and you kill melee opponent instantly. In ideal game, opponnent analyse player's input (it works) and after couple turns shields itself on player's attack and attacks where there is no player input, and the player has no enough energy to use every cell on line.
In case of terminals. You need to catch up with signs giving by terminal on its line putting the same sign right under terminal's. This will take time and a bit of patience to get through. Also wrong input can set player character into "burn" state for one turn so it's better to follow terminal sequence as fast as possible. For now all terminals sequences are simple they just move the same sign to next cell after 4-5 turns. It should be "hacking interface" a-la Mass Effects bypass, but I didn't have a time to make it properly.
I need to think how to bring it into the game. This is mostly interface issue I guess.